_ __ _ ___ _ __ (_)______ _ / _` |/ _ \ '_ \| |_ / _` | | (_| | __/ | | | |/ / (_| | \__, |\___|_| |_|_/___\__,_| |___/ this is a very poor / partial / non-compliant dat implementation in rust. it will eat-your-data. ### Progress - [ ] SLEEP v2 Files - [x] read/write file headers - [x] read/write file chunks as raw bytes - [ ] pread/pwrite file chunks without seeking - [x] read data entries by index - [ ] append data entries - [ ] verify entire register (signatures and merkel tree) - [ ] bitfields - [ ] Drive metadata and files - [ ] add file to register - [ ] checkout file from register - [ ] print file tree ("ls") - [ ] add directory recursively - [ ] checkout directory recursively - [ ] Networking - [ ] send/receive encrypted messages to a known host - [ ] pull register from a known host - [ ] sync register to a known host - [ ] lookup hosts in DHT swarm by discovery key - [ ] Wrapper command - [ ] clone - [ ] share - [ ] log - [ ] status - [ ] add ### Dependencies While (temporarily?) using Cargo's `[patch]` feature to patch sodiumoxide, builds require Rust 1.21 (stable circa Oct 2017). Requires libsodium-dev system-wide (for now). Notable Rust Libraries: - rust-crypto for blake2b - sodiumoxide Ed25519 (signing) and XSalsa20 (stream) - integer-encoding for simple varints (network protocol) - rust-protobuf for protobuf (network protocol) - ??? for Kademlia Mainline DHT protobuf code generated with `rust-protobuf`; the `protoc` tool (`sudo apt install protobuf-compiler`) and rust plugin `protoc-gen-rust` (`cargo install protobuf`) are only needed when changing .proto files, eg: protoc --rust_out . network_proto.proto