path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
-rw-r--r--src/synchronizer.rs (renamed from src/node.rs)68
7 files changed, 362 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/geniza-net.rs b/src/bin/geniza-net.rs
index 6d38eae..0c82e6d 100644
--- a/src/bin/geniza-net.rs
+++ b/src/bin/geniza-net.rs
@@ -12,22 +12,6 @@ use geniza::*;
use std::path::Path;
use clap::{App, SubCommand, Arg};
-fn parse_dat_key(raw_key: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
- if raw_key.len() != 32 * 2 {
- bail!("dat key not correct length");
- }
- let mut key_bytes = vec![];
- for i in 0..32 {
- let r = u8::from_str_radix(&raw_key[2 * i..2 * i + 2], 16);
- match r {
- Ok(b) => key_bytes.push(b),
- Err(e) => bail!("Problem with hex: {}", e),
- };
- }
- Ok(key_bytes)
fn run() -> Result<()> {
@@ -81,7 +65,7 @@ fn run() -> Result<()> {
("connect", Some(subm)) => {
let host_port = subm.value_of("host_port").unwrap();
let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap();
- let key_bytes = parse_dat_key(&dat_key)?;
+ let key_bytes = parse_dat_address(&dat_key)?;
DatConnection::connect(host_port, &key_bytes, false)?;
@@ -89,7 +73,7 @@ fn run() -> Result<()> {
let host_port = subm.value_of("host_port").unwrap();
let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap();
let count: u64 = subm.value_of("count").unwrap().parse().unwrap();
- let key_bytes = parse_dat_key(&dat_key)?;
+ let key_bytes = parse_dat_address(&dat_key)?;
let mut dc = DatConnection::connect(host_port, &key_bytes, false)?;
dc.receive_some(false, count)?;
dc.receive_some(true, count)?;
@@ -97,7 +81,7 @@ fn run() -> Result<()> {
("discovery-key", Some(subm)) => {
let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap();
- let key_bytes = parse_dat_key(&dat_key)?;
+ let key_bytes = parse_dat_address(&dat_key)?;
let disc_key = make_discovery_key(&key_bytes);
for b in disc_key {
print!("{:02x}", b);
@@ -106,7 +90,7 @@ fn run() -> Result<()> {
("discovery-dns-name", Some(subm)) => {
let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap();
- let key_bytes = parse_dat_key(&dat_key)?;
+ let key_bytes = parse_dat_address(&dat_key)?;
let disc_key = make_discovery_key(&key_bytes);
for b in 0..20 {
print!("{:02x}", disc_key[b]);
@@ -115,7 +99,7 @@ fn run() -> Result<()> {
("discover-dns", Some(subm)) => {
let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap();
- let key_bytes = parse_dat_key(&dat_key)?;
+ let key_bytes = parse_dat_address(&dat_key)?;
let peers = discover_peers_dns(&key_bytes)?;
if peers.len() == 0 {
println!("No peers found!");
@@ -128,7 +112,7 @@ fn run() -> Result<()> {
("naive-clone", Some(subm)) => {
let host_port = subm.value_of("host_port").unwrap();
let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap();
- let key_bytes = parse_dat_key(&dat_key)?;
+ let key_bytes = parse_dat_address(&dat_key)?;
let dir = Path::new(subm.value_of("dat-dir").unwrap());
let mut metadata = SleepDirRegister::create(&dir, "metadata")?;
node_simple_clone(host_port, &key_bytes, &mut metadata, false)?;
diff --git a/src/bin/geniza.rs b/src/bin/geniza.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5c73b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/geniza.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// Free Software under GPL-3.0, see LICENSE
+// Copyright 2017 Bryan Newbold
+extern crate clap;
+extern crate env_logger;
+extern crate error_chain;
+extern crate geniza;
+// TODO: more careful import
+use geniza::*;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use clap::{App, SubCommand};
+use std::env::current_dir;
+// Helper to find a dat directory somewhere in the parent to the current working directory (or None
+// if not found)
+fn find_dat_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> {
+ let mut here: &Path = &current_dir().unwrap();
+ loop {
+ let check = here.join(".dat");
+ if check.is_dir() && check.join("metadata.tree").is_file() {
+ return Some(check);
+ };
+ here = match here.parent() {
+ None => return None,
+ Some(t) => t,
+ }
+ }
+fn run() -> Result<()> {
+ env_logger::init().unwrap();
+ let matches = App::new("geniza")
+ .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("clone")
+ .about("Finds and downloads a dat archive from the network into a given folder")
+ .arg_from_usage("<address> 'dat address (public key) to fetch'")
+ .arg_from_usage("[dir] 'directory to clone into'")
+ .arg_from_usage("--full 'pull and save complete history (not just latest version)'"),
+ )
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("init")
+ .about("Creates a data archive in the current directory")
+ .arg_from_usage("[dir] 'init somewhere other than current directory'"),
+ )
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("status")
+ .about("Displays current status of archive and checkout")
+ )
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("log")
+ .about("Displays version history of the archive")
+ )
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("checkout")
+ .about("Copies (or overwrites) files from dat archive")
+ .arg_from_usage("<path> 'relative path to checkout'"),
+ )
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("add")
+ .about("Adds a path to the current dat archive")
+ .arg_from_usage("<path> 'file to delete from dat archive'"),
+ )
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("rm")
+ .about("Removes a path from the current dat archive, and from disk (danger!)")
+ .arg_from_usage("<path> 'file to delete from dat archive'"),
+ )
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("ls")
+ .about("Lists contents of the archive")
+ .arg_from_usage("[path] 'path to display'")
+ .arg_from_usage("--recursive 'show directory recursively'"),
+ )
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("seed")
+ .about("Uploads indefinately to any peer")
+ )
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("pull")
+ .about("Pulls highest known version from all possible peers")
+ .arg_from_usage("--forever 'continues to search for updates forever'"),
+ )
+ .get_matches();
+ match matches.subcommand() {
+ ("clone", Some(subm)) => {
+ let dat_key = subm.value_of("dat_key").unwrap();
+ let _key_bytes = parse_dat_address(&dat_key)?;
+ unimplemented!();
+ //let dir = Path::new(subm.value_of("dat-dir").unwrap());
+ //let mut metadata = SleepDirRegister::create(&dir, "metadata")?;
+ //node_simple_clone(host_port, &key_bytes, &mut metadata, false)?;
+ }
+ ("init", Some(subm)) => {
+ let _dir = Path::new(subm.value_of("dir").unwrap());
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ ("status", Some(_subm)) => {
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ ("log", Some(_subm)) => {
+ let dat_dir = match find_dat_dir() {
+ Some(p) => p,
+ None => {
+ println!("Couldn't find '.dat/' in the current or (any parent) directory.");
+ println!("Are you running from inside a Dat archive?");
+ ::std::process::exit(-1);
+ }
+ };
+ println!("{:?}", dat_dir);
+ let mut drive = DatDrive::open(dat_dir, false)?;
+ for entry in drive.history(0) {
+ let entry = entry?;
+ if let Some(stat) = entry.stat {
+ if stat.get_blocks() == 0 {
+ println!("{}\t[chg] {}",
+ entry.index, entry.path.display());
+ } else {
+ println!("{}\t[put] {}\t{} bytes ({} blocks)",
+ entry.index, entry.path.display(), stat.get_size(), stat.get_blocks());
+ }
+ } else {
+ println!("{}\t[del] {}",
+ entry.index, entry.path.display());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ("checkout", Some(subm)) => {
+ let _path = Path::new(subm.value_of("path").unwrap());
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ ("add", Some(subm)) => {
+ let _path = Path::new(subm.value_of("path").unwrap());
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ ("rm", Some(subm)) => {
+ let _path = Path::new(subm.value_of("path").unwrap());
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ ("ls", Some(subm)) => {
+ let _path = Path::new(subm.value_of("path").unwrap());
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ ("seed", Some(subm)) => {
+ let _path = Path::new(subm.value_of("path").unwrap());
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ ("pull", Some(subm)) => {
+ let _path = Path::new(subm.value_of("path").unwrap());
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ _ => {
+ println!("Missing or unimplemented command!");
+ println!("{}", matches.usage());
+ ::std::process::exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
diff --git a/src/bitfield.rs b/src/bitfield.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..018ccbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bitfield.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+use errors::*;
+use integer_encoding::VarInt;
+use bit_field::BitArray;
+use network_msgs::Have;
+pub struct Bitfield {
+ inner: Vec<u64>,
+impl Bitfield {
+ pub fn from_have_msg(msg: &Have) -> Bitfield {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ pub fn get(&self, index: u64) -> Result<bool> {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+pub fn decode_bitfield(raw_bf: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ let mut offset = 0; // byte offset that we have read up to
+ if raw_bf.len() < 1 {
+ bail!("Expected (varint-encoded) bitfield to have len>=1");
+ }
+ let mut bit_array: Vec<u8> = vec![];
+ while offset < raw_bf.len() {
+ let (header, inc): (u64, usize) = VarInt::decode_var(&raw_bf[offset..]);
+ offset += inc;
+ if (header & 0x01) == 0x01 {
+ // compressed
+ let bit = (header & 0x02) == 0x02;
+ let run_len = header >> 2;
+ if bit {
+ bit_array.append(&mut vec![0xFF; run_len as usize]);
+ } else {
+ bit_array.append(&mut vec![0x00; run_len as usize]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // uncompressed
+ let byte_count = header >> 1;
+ let mut data = raw_bf[offset..(offset + byte_count as usize)].to_vec();
+ bit_array.append(&mut data);
+ offset += byte_count as usize;
+ }
+ }
+ // XXX: HACK
+ bit_array.reverse();
+ return Ok(bit_array);
+/// Finds the index of the lowest bit
+pub fn max_high_bit(bf: &[u8]) -> u64 {
+ // XXX: HACK, going backwards
+ for i in 0..bf.bit_length() {
+ if bf.get_bit(i) {
+ return (bf.bit_length() - i - 1) as u64;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/helpers.rs b/src/helpers.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32f0e25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/helpers.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+use errors::*;
+use crypto::digest::Digest;
+use crypto::blake2b::Blake2b;
+/// Helper to calculate a discovery key from a public key. 'key' should be 32 bytes; the returned
+/// array will also be 32 bytes long.
+/// dat discovery keys are calculated as a BLAKE2b "keyed hash" (using the passed key) of the string
+/// "hypercore" (with no trailing null byte).
+pub fn make_discovery_key(key: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
+ let mut discovery_key = [0; 32];
+ let mut hash = Blake2b::new_keyed(32, key);
+ hash.input(&"hypercore".as_bytes());
+ hash.result(&mut discovery_key);
+ discovery_key.to_vec()
+/// Helper to parse a dat address (aka, public key) in string format.
+/// Address can start with 'dat://'. It should contain 64 hexadecimal characters.
+pub fn parse_dat_address(input: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ let raw_key = if input.starts_with("dat://") {
+ &input[6..]
+ } else {
+ input
+ };
+ if raw_key.len() != 32 * 2 {
+ bail!("dat key not correct length");
+ }
+ let mut key_bytes = vec![];
+ for i in 0..32 {
+ let r = u8::from_str_radix(&raw_key[2 * i..2 * i + 2], 16);
+ match r {
+ Ok(b) => key_bytes.push(b),
+ Err(e) => bail!("Problem with hex: {}", e),
+ };
+ }
+ Ok(key_bytes)
+fn test_parse_dat_address() {
+ assert!(parse_dat_address(
+ "c7638882870abd4044d6467b0738f15e3a36f57c3a7f7f3417fd7e4e0841d597").is_ok());
+ assert!(parse_dat_address(
+ "C7638882870ABD4044D6467B0738F15E3A36F57C3A7F7F3417FD7E4E0841D597").is_ok());
+ assert!(parse_dat_address(
+ "dat://c7638882870abd4044d6467b0738f15e3a36f57c3a7f7f3417fd7e4e0841d597").is_ok());
+ assert!(parse_dat_address(
+ "c7638882870ab").is_err());
+ assert!(parse_dat_address(
+ "g7638882870abd4044d6467b0738f15e3a36f57c3a7f7f3417fd7e4e0841d597").is_err());
+ assert!(parse_dat_address(
+ "dat://c7638882870abd4044d6467b0738f15e3a36f57c3a7f7f3417fd7e4e0841d5970").is_err());
+ assert!(parse_dat_address(
+ "dat://c7638882870abd4044d6467b0738f15e3a36f57c3a7f7f3417fd7e4e0841d59").is_err());
diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
index bc62d78..e3ad197 100644
--- a/src/lib.rs
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ mod errors {
pub use errors::*;
// Organize code internally (files, modules), but pull it all into a flat namespace to export.
+mod helpers;
+pub use helpers::*;
+mod bitfield;
+pub use bitfield::*;
mod sleep_file;
pub use sleep_file::*;
mod sleep_register;
@@ -56,25 +60,10 @@ mod protocol;
pub use protocol::*;
pub mod network_msgs;
pub mod metadata_msgs;
-mod node;
-pub use node::*;
mod discovery;
pub use discovery::*;
-// Shared functions
-use crypto::digest::Digest;
-use crypto::blake2b::Blake2b;
-/// Helper to calculate a discovery key from a public key. 'key' should be 32 bytes; the returned
-/// array will also be 32 bytes long.
-/// dat discovery keys are calculated as a BLAKE2b "keyed hash" (using the passed key) of the string
-/// "hypercore" (with no trailing null byte).
-pub fn make_discovery_key(key: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
- let mut discovery_key = [0; 32];
- let mut hash = Blake2b::new_keyed(32, key);
- hash.input(&"hypercore".as_bytes());
- hash.result(&mut discovery_key);
- discovery_key.to_vec()
+mod peer;
+pub use peer::*;
+mod synchronizer;
+pub use synchronizer::*;
diff --git a/src/peer.rs b/src/peer.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29b90a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/peer.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+use errors::*;
+use sleep_register::{HyperRegister, SleepDirRegister};
+use protocol::DatConnection;
+use bitfield::Bitfield;
+pub struct DatPeer {
+ registers: Vec<SleepDirRegister>,
+ connection: DatConnection,
+ have_log: Vec<Vec<Bitfield>>,
+impl DatPeer {
+ pub fn new(connection: DatConnection, registers: Vec<SleepDirRegister>) -> DatPeer {
+ DatPeer {
+ registers,
+ connection,
+ have_log: vec![],
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn has(self, register: u64, index: u64) -> Result<bool> {
+ for bitfield in self.have_log[register as usize].iter() {
+ if bitfield.get(index)? {
+ return Ok(true)
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(false)
+ }
diff --git a/src/node.rs b/src/synchronizer.rs
index 582bf3d..4e803fb 100644
--- a/src/node.rs
+++ b/src/synchronizer.rs
@@ -1,60 +1,46 @@
use errors::*;
use network_msgs::*;
+use bitfield::*;
use protocol::{DatNetMessage, DatConnection};
-use integer_encoding::VarInt;
-use bit_field::BitArray;
use sleep_register::HyperRegister;
+use peer::DatPeer;
+use sleep_register::SleepDirRegister;
+pub enum SyncMode {
+ RxMax,
+ RxEndless,
+ TxEndless,
+ RxTxEndless,
-fn decode_bitfiled(raw_bf: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
- let mut offset = 0; // byte offset that we have read up to
- if raw_bf.len() < 1 {
- bail!("Expected (varint-encoded) bitfield to have len>=1");
- }
- let mut bit_array: Vec<u8> = vec![];
- while offset < raw_bf.len() {
- let (header, inc): (u64, usize) = VarInt::decode_var(&raw_bf[offset..]);
- offset += inc;
- if (header & 0x01) == 0x01 {
- // compressed
- let bit = (header & 0x02) == 0x02;
- let run_len = header >> 2;
- if bit {
- bit_array.append(&mut vec![0xFF; run_len as usize]);
- } else {
- bit_array.append(&mut vec![0x00; run_len as usize]);
- }
- } else {
- // uncompressed
- let byte_count = header >> 1;
- let mut data = raw_bf[offset..(offset + byte_count as usize)].to_vec();
- bit_array.append(&mut data);
- offset += byte_count as usize;
- }
- }
- // XXX: HACK
- bit_array.reverse();
- return Ok(bit_array);
+pub struct Synchronizer {
+ peers: Vec<DatPeer>,
+ registers: Vec<SleepDirRegister>,
+ mode: SyncMode,
+ wanted: Bitfield,
+ inflight: Vec<Vec<u64>>,
-/// Finds the index of the lowest bit
-fn max_high_bit(bf: &[u8]) -> u64 {
- // XXX: HACK, going backwards
- for i in 0..bf.bit_length() {
- if bf.get_bit(i) {
- return (bf.bit_length() - i - 1) as u64;
- }
+impl Synchronizer {
+ pub fn next_wanted(&mut self, reg: u64) -> Option<(u64, u64)> {
+ // XXX
+ None
+ }
+ pub fn tick(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
- return 0;
fn max_index(have_msg: &Have) -> Result<u64> {
if have_msg.has_length() {
return Ok(have_msg.get_start() + have_msg.get_length());
} else if have_msg.has_bitfield() {
let raw_bf = have_msg.get_bitfield();
- let bf = decode_bitfiled(raw_bf)?;
+ let bf = decode_bitfield(raw_bf)?;
trace!("decoded bitfield: {:?}", bf);
return Ok(max_high_bit(&bf));
} else {