path: root/TODO
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Diffstat (limited to 'TODO')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 7663eb3..4add30c 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
-- file check in/out
-- drive: deletion
-- drive: think through child index creation
-- drive+network sync
-- drive+network broadcast
-- bitfield stuff (un-indexed)
- https://docs.rs/bit_field/0.8.0/bit_field/trait.BitArray
+- crude single-thread drive+network clone
+- crude single-thread drive+network broadcast
+- drive: checkout all latest files
+- SLEEP bitfields stuff
+- .latest and .ogd files
+- sparse insert into SLEEP/drive
- secret_key-in-home helpers (read/write)
+- multi-connection network sync (per-connection state, etc)
+- duplicate file/chunk optimizations
- 'geniza clone' command
- 'geniza checkout' command
- 'geniza init', 'geniza commit' commands
- 'geniza broadcast' command
- API to link and run from, eg, python
-- travis tests (linux, osx)
specific tests:
+- drive children array: deep directory nesting (like 'tree' example)
- sleep info a variety of bad sleep files, should error
- sleep create a known file, should be same as empty (also a "Rot13" algo file)
- create a register, binary compare against known-good
@@ -28,6 +25,10 @@ specific tests:
- cloning with metadata pointing to relative or absolute paths
+trivial performance:
+- cache SLEEP file length when opened (don't fstat all the time)
+- keep an LRU cache of SLEEP reads
- trait: register
- trait: drive
@@ -37,23 +38,13 @@ APIs:
- peer (multiple transit types)
- synchronizer (register, peers, discovery)
-Old API:
-sleep: SLEEP file I/O
-register: hypercore registers/journal streams, signing
-drive: hyperdrive
-sync: dat network protocol, discover
-geniza: command line, swarm
- benchmarks! syscall counts (strace), timing, etc
- test fault injection... with strace?
- consider kafka (append performance) and sqlite (robustness) file I/O patterns
- manpage
- slog for logging
-- lru caches
-- disable sodiumoxide serde feature
+- disable sodiumoxide serde feature (faster/smaller build)
- sodiumoxide static link
- SLEEP API: should just be empty string for algo-name, not Option<>
@@ -70,3 +61,8 @@ Backburner:
- turn magic numbers in tree nodes into declared (public?) constants
- root_nodes as an iterator? (vs returning a Vec)
- pretty terminal output: https://crates.io/crates/colored
+- error handling best practices:
+ https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rust-cookbook/basics.html#obtain-backtrace-of-complex-error-scenarios
+- debug commands with hex i/o:
+ https://github.com/ia0/data-encoding
+- sendfile() or splice() for disk-to-disk copying?