import pytest import os from fuzzycat.utils import (author_similarity_score, cut, jaccard, nwise, slugify_string, token_n_grams, tokenize_string, parse_page_string, dict_has_key, zstdlines, es_compat_hits_total, clean_doi) def test_slugify_string(): assert slugify_string("") == "" assert slugify_string("X") == "x" assert slugify_string("Xx") == "xx" assert slugify_string("Xx x") == "xx x" assert slugify_string("Xx x x") == "xx x x" assert slugify_string("Xx?x x") == "xxx x" assert slugify_string("Xx? ?x x") == "xx x x" assert slugify_string("Xx?_?x--x") == "xxxx" assert slugify_string("=?++*") == "" def test_cut(): assert cut()("a b") == "a" assert cut(1)("a b") == "b" assert cut(2, sep=',')("a,b,c") == "c" assert cut(3, sep=',')("a,b,c") == "" with pytest.raises(ValueError): cut(3, sep=',', ignore_missing_column=False)("a,b,c") == "" def test_author_similarity_score(): assert author_similarity_score("", "") == 0.0 assert author_similarity_score("Gregor Samsa", "G. Samsa") == 0.42857142857142855 assert author_similarity_score("Geronimo Samsa", "G. Samsa") == 0.375 def test_jaccard(): assert jaccard(set(), set()) == 0 assert jaccard(set(["a"]), set()) == 0 assert jaccard(set(["a"]), set(["a"])) == 1.0 assert jaccard(set(["a", "b"]), set(["a"])) == 0.5 assert jaccard(set(["a"]), set(["a", "b"])) == 0.5 assert jaccard(set(["a", "b", "c"]), set(["a", "c"])) == 2 / 3 def test_token_n_grams(): assert token_n_grams("") == [] assert token_n_grams("a") == ["a"] assert token_n_grams("abc") == ["ab", "c"] assert token_n_grams("abc", n=3) == ["abc"] assert token_n_grams("abc", n=1) == ["a", "b", "c"] assert token_n_grams("abc hello world", n=3) == ["abc", "hel", "lo", "wor", "ld"] def test_tokenize_string(): assert tokenize_string("") == [] assert tokenize_string("a") == ["a"] assert tokenize_string("a b") == ["a", "b"] assert tokenize_string("a b ") == ["a", "b"] assert tokenize_string("a b=c") == ["a", "b=c"] assert tokenize_string("a b 1999") == ["a", "b", "1999"] assert tokenize_string("a?b*1999") == ["a?b*1999"] def test_nwise(): assert list(nwise("1234")) == [("1", "2"), ("3", "4")] assert list(nwise("1234", n=1)) == [("1", ), ("2", ), ("3", ), ("4", )] assert list(nwise([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], n=3)) == [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5)] def test_dict_has_key(): assert dict_has_key({}, "") is False assert dict_has_key({"a": "a"}, "a") == True assert dict_has_key({"a": "a"}, "b") == False assert dict_has_key({"a": {"b": "c"}}, "a.b") == True assert dict_has_key({"a": {"b": None}}, "a.b") == True assert dict_has_key({"a": {"b": "c"}}, "a.b.c") == False def test_page_page_string(): reject = ("", "123-2", "123-120", "123a-124", "-2-1", "I-II", "xv-xvi", "p") for s in reject: with pytest.raises(ValueError): assert parse_page_string(s) assert parse_page_string("123") == (123, None, None) assert parse_page_string("90-90") == (90, 90, 1) assert parse_page_string("123-5") == (123, 125, 3) assert parse_page_string("123-125") == (123, 125, 3) assert parse_page_string("123-124a") == (123, 124, 2) assert parse_page_string("1-1000") == (1, 1000, 1000) assert parse_page_string("p55") == (55, None, None) assert parse_page_string("p55-65") == (55, 65, 11) assert parse_page_string("e1234") == (1234, None, None) assert parse_page_string("577-89") == (577, 589, 13) def test_zstdlines(): test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "data/zstd") examples = ( (os.path.join(test_dir, "lines.txt.zst"), os.path.join(test_dir, "lines.txt")), (os.path.join(test_dir, "empty.txt.zst"), os.path.join(test_dir, "empty.txt")), (os.path.join(test_dir, "single.txt.zst"), os.path.join(test_dir, "single.txt")), ) for zfn, fn in examples: with open(fn) as f: assert [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()] == list(zstdlines(zfn)) def test_es_compat_hits_total(): cases = ( ({ "hits": { "total": 6 } }, 6), ({ "hits": { "total": { "value": 7, "relation": "eq" } } }, 7), ) for r, expected in cases: assert es_compat_hits_total(r) == expected def test_clean_doi(): assert clean_doi(None) == None assert clean_doi("blah") == None assert clean_doi("10.1234/asdf ") == "10.1234/asdf" assert clean_doi("10.1037//0002-9432.72.1.50") == "10.1037/0002-9432.72.1.50" assert clean_doi("10.1037/0002-9432.72.1.50") == "10.1037/0002-9432.72.1.50" assert clean_doi(" ") == "10.1234/asdf" # GROBID mangled DOI assert clean_doi("21924DOI10.1234/asdf ") == "10.1234/asdf" assert clean_doi(" ") == "10.1234/asdf" assert clean_doi("doi:10.1234/asdf ") == "10.1234/asdf" assert clean_doi("10.7326/M20-6817") == "10.7326/m20-6817"