import logging import warnings import elasticsearch import pytest import requests from fatcat_openapi_client import ReleaseEntity from fuzzycat.entities import entity_from_dict from fuzzycat.matching import anything_to_entity, match_release_fuzzy warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore") # InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host ... from fuzzycat.matching import anything_to_entity, match_release_fuzzy from fuzzycat.config import settings from fatcat_openapi_client import ReleaseEntity import pytest import elasticsearch import logging logger = logging.getLogger('test_matching') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # ad-hoc override search server with: FUZZYCAT_FATCAT_SEARCH_URL=localhost:9200 pytest ... FATCAT_SEARCH_URL = settings.get("FATCAT_SEARCH_URL", "") def is_not_reachable(url, timeout=3): return not is_reachable(url) def is_reachable(url, timeout=3): """ Return true, if URL is reachable and returns HTTP 200. """ try: return requests.get(url, verify=False, timeout=timeout).ok except Exception: return False @pytest.fixture def es_client(): return elasticsearch.Elasticsearch([FATCAT_SEARCH_URL]) @pytest.mark.skipif( is_not_reachable(FATCAT_SEARCH_URL), reason="{} not reachable, use e.g. FUZZYCAT_FATCAT_SEARCH_URL=localhost:9200 to override". format(FATCAT_SEARCH_URL)) def test_match_release_fuzzy(es_client, caplog): """ This test is tied to the current index contents, so if that changes, this test may fail as well. """ cases = ( ("wtv64ahbdzgwnan7rllwr3nurm", 1), ("eqcgtpav3na5jh56o5vjsvb4ei", 1), ) for i, (ident, count) in enumerate(cases): entity = anything_to_entity(ident, ReleaseEntity) result = match_release_fuzzy(entity, es=es_client)"[{}] given {}, found {}".format(i, entity.title, len(result))) assert len(result) == count # Partial data. cases = ( ({ "title": "digital libraries", "ext_ids": {} }, 5), ({ "title": "unlikelytitle", "ext_ids": {} }, 0), ({ "title": "Imminent dystopia", "ext_ids": {} }, 2), ({ "title": "", "contribs": [{"raw_name": "Aristoteles"}], "ext_ids": {} }, 5), ({ "title": "Letter", "contribs": [{"raw_name": "Claudel"}], "ext_ids": {} }, 1), ({ "title": "The Future of Digital Scholarship", "contribs": [{ "raw_name": "Costantino Thanos" }], "ext_ids": {} }, 5), ) for i, (doc, count) in enumerate(cases): entity = entity_from_dict(doc, ReleaseEntity) result = match_release_fuzzy(entity, es=es_client) with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):"[{}] given title '{}', found {}, {}".format(i, entity.title, len(result), [v.title for v in result])) assert len(result) == count, doc