import pytest import collections import tempfile from fuzzycat.cluster import release_key_title, release_key_title_normalized, release_key_title_nysiis, sort_by_column, group_by import os Case = collections.namedtuple("Case", 'input output') def test_release_key_title(): with pytest.raises(KeyError): release_key_title({}) with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='title'): release_key_title({'ident': '123'}) with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='ident'): release_key_title({'title': 'deep learning backdoor'}) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='title.*missing'): release_key_title({'ident': '', 'title': ''}) cases = ( Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': 'simhash' }, output=('', 'simhash')), Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': 'Simhash' }, output=('', 'Simhash')), Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': 'Sim hash' }, output=('', 'Sim hash')), ) for case in cases: assert case.output == release_key_title(case.input) def test_release_key_title_normalized(): cases = ( Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': 'simhash' }, output=('', 'simhash')), Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': 'Simhash' }, output=('', 'simhash')), Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': 'Sim hash' }, output=('', 'simhash')), Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': 'THE year 1929' }, output=('', 'theyear1929')), Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': '2019?' }, output=('', '2019')), Case(input={ 'ident': '123', 'title': 'H~~2019?' }, output=('123', 'h2019')), ) for case in cases: assert case.output == release_key_title_normalized(case.input), 'failed case {}'.format( case.input) def test_release_key_title_nysiis(): cases = ( Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': 'simhash' }, output=('', 'SANAS')), Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': 'Simhash' }, output=('', 'SANAS')), Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': 'Sim hash' }, output=('', 'SANAS')), Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': 'THE year 1929' }, output=('', 'TAR')), Case(input={ 'ident': '', 'title': '2019?' }, output=('', '')), Case(input={ 'ident': '123', 'title': 'H~~2019?' }, output=('123', 'H')), Case(input={ 'ident': '123', 'title': '世界' }, output=('123', '')), ) for case in cases: assert case.output == release_key_title_nysiis(case.input), 'failed case {}'.format( case.input) def test_release_key_title_authors_ngram(): pass def test_sort_by_column(): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode="w") as tf: tf.write("2 b\n") tf.write("2 a\n") tf.write("9 d\n") tf.write("1 c\n") fn = sort_by_column(, opts='-k 2') with open(fn) as f: lines = [v.strip() for v in f] assert lines == ['2 a', '2 b', '1 c', '9 d'] fn = sort_by_column(, opts='-k 1') with open(fn) as f: lines = [v.strip() for v in f] assert lines == ['1 c', '2 a', '2 b', '9 d'] fn = sort_by_column(, opts='-k 3') with open(fn) as f: lines = [v.strip() for v in f] assert lines == ['1 c', '2 a', '2 b', '9 d'] def test_group_by(): Case = collections.namedtuple("Case", "seq keyfunc valuefunc result") cases = ( Case(["0", "1"], lambda v: v, lambda v: v, [{ 'k': '0', 'v': ['0'] }, { 'k': '1', 'v': ['1'] }]), Case(["a 1", "a 2", "b 3"], lambda v: v.split()[0], lambda v: v.split()[1], [{ 'k': 'a', 'v': ['1', '2'] }, { 'k': 'b', 'v': ['3'] }]), ) for case in cases: assert case.result == list(group_by(case.seq, case.keyfunc, case.valuefunc))