{ "abstracts": [ { "content": "By employing Aronsson's Absolute Minimizers of $L^\\infty$ functionals, we\nprove that Absolutely Minimizing Maps $u:\\R^n \\larrow \\R^N$ solve a\n\"tangential\" Aronsson PDE system. By following Sheffield-Smart \\cite{SS}, we\nderive $\\De_\\infty$ with respect to the dual operator norm and show that such\nmaps miss information along a hyperplane when compared to Tight Maps. We\nrecover the lost term which causes non-uniqueness and derive the complete\nAronsson system which has \\emph{discontinuous coefficients}. In particular, the\nEuclidean $\\infty$-Laplacian is $\\De_\\infty u = Du \\ot Du : D^2u\\, +\\,\n|Du|^2[Du]^\\bot \\De u$ where $[Du]^\\bot$ is the projection on the null space of\n$Du^\\top$. We exibit $C^\\infty$ solutions having interfaces along which the\nrank of their gradient is discontinuous and propose a modification with $C^0$\ncoefficients which admits \\emph{varifold solutions}. Away from the interfaces,\nAronsson Maps satisfy a structural property of local splitting to 2 phases, an\nhorizontal and a vertical; horizontally they possess gradient flows similar to\nthe scalar case and vertically solve a linear system coupled by a scalar\nHamilton Jacobi PDE. We also construct singular $\\infty$-Harmonic local $C^1$\ndiffeomorphisms and singular Aronsson Maps.", "lang": "en", "mimetype": "application/x-latex", "sha1": "8042eed8318546cf70263b636811d72d215114bb" }, { "content": "By employing Aronsson's Absolute Minimizers of L^∞ functionals, we\nprove that Absolutely Minimizing Maps u:^n ^N solve a\n\"tangential\" Aronsson PDE system. By following Sheffield-Smart SS, we\nderive _∞ with respect to the dual operator norm and show that such\nmaps miss information along a hyperplane when compared to Tight Maps. We\nrecover the lost term which causes non-uniqueness and derive the complete\nAronsson system which has discontinuous coefficients. In particular, the\nEuclidean ∞-Laplacian is _∞ u = Du Du : D^2u + \n|Du|^2[Du]^ u where [Du]^ is the projection on the null space of\nDu^. We exibit C^∞ solutions having interfaces along which the\nrank of their gradient is discontinuous and propose a modification with C^0\ncoefficients which admits varifold solutions. Away from the interfaces,\nAronsson Maps satisfy a structural property of local splitting to 2 phases, an\nhorizontal and a vertical; horizontally they possess gradient flows similar to\nthe scalar case and vertically solve a linear system coupled by a scalar\nHamilton Jacobi PDE. We also construct singular ∞-Harmonic local C^1\ndiffeomorphisms and singular Aronsson Maps.", "lang": "en", "mimetype": "text/plain", "sha1": "06444937bacf5b645c6a4bb0d2bcf40820290aea" } ], "contribs": [ { "index": 0, "raw_name": "Nikolaos I. Katzourakis", "role": "author" } ], "ext_ids": { "arxiv": "1105.4518v2" }, "extra": { "arxiv": { "base_id": "1105.4518", "categories": [ "math.AP" ], "comments": "17 pages, 2 figures, revised" }, "superceded": true }, "ident": "rk7mn5uaqjaslgcxc2nl6ijpaq", "language": "en", "license_slug": "ARXIV-1.0", "refs": [], "release_date": "2011-06-06", "release_stage": "submitted", "release_type": "article", "release_year": 2011, "revision": "049ae859-55ef-4f6b-a579-fbcc4a237284", "state": "active", "title": "L-Infininity Variational Problems for Maps and the Aronsson PDE System", "version": "v2", "work_id": "a7ofd6saovhztfb7xou6ijphcm" }