{ "abstracts": [], "container_id": "5gkyphro5zglpk6cuby2t37exm", "contribs": [ { "extra": { "seq": "first" }, "index": 0, "raw_name": "Yucel Birol", "role": "author" } ], "ext_ids": { "doi": "10.1007/s11663-013-9860-6" }, "extra": { "crossref": { "alternative-id": [ "9860" ], "type": "journal-article" } }, "ident": "odhq7tbwibdipkd4lie24cc3gu", "language": "en", "pages": "969-973", "publisher": "Springer Nature", "refs": [ { "extra": { "unstructured": "J.R. Davis, ed.: Copper and Copper Alloys, ASM Specialty Handbook, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 2001." }, "index": 0, "key": "9860_CR1" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "A. Cibula: J. Inst. Met., 1953-1954, vol. 82, pp. 513–23." }, "index": 1, "key": "9860_CR2" }, { "container_name": "AFS Trans.", "extra": { "authors": [ "M. Sadayappan" ], "unstructured": "M. Sadayappan, D. Cousineau, R. Zavadil, M. Sahoo and H. Michels, AFS Trans., 2002, vol. 110, pp. 505-514.", "volume": "110" }, "index": 2, "key": "9860_CR3", "locator": "505", "year": 2002 }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "F.A. Fasoyinu, M. Sadayappan, R. Zadavil, and M. Sahoo: Proc. Conf. 4th Decenn. Int. Conf. Solidif. Process., Sheffield, U.K. 1997." }, "index": 3, "key": "9860_CR4" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "A.A. Chin: European Patent, No: 1887092, 2008." }, "index": 4, "key": "9860_CR5" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "J.C. Schumacher and R.W. Baier: United States Patent, No: 3001855, 1961." }, "index": 5, "key": "9860_CR6" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "W.J. Kroll, N.P. Nies, and E.W. Fajans: United States Patent, No: 2893842, 1959." }, "index": 6, "key": "9860_CR7" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "H. Haag: London Patent, No: 747287, 1956." }, "index": 7, "key": "9860_CR8" }, { "container_name": "Int. J. Powder Metall.", "extra": { "authors": [ "R. Ricceri" ], "unstructured": "R. Ricceri, P. Matteazzi: Int. J. Powder Metall., 2003, vol. 3, pp. 48–52." }, "index": 8, "key": "9860_CR9", "locator": "48", "year": 2003 }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "S. Boily., H.D. Alamdari, R. Dubuc, and J. Gaudet: WIPO Patent, No: 03051773, 2003." }, "index": 9, "key": "9860_CR10" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "P.N. Nies, E.W. Fajans, L.L. Thomas, L.E. Hiebert, and V. Morgan: United States Patent, No: 2832730, 1958." }, "index": 10, "key": "9860_CR11" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "D.R. Stern and Q.H. Mckenna: United States Patent, No: 2892762, 1959." }, "index": 11, "key": "9860_CR12" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "D.R. Stern: United States Patent, No: 2839367, 1958." }, "index": 12, "key": "9860_CR13" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "W.L. Robb: United States Patent, No: 3115393, 1963." }, "index": 13, "key": "9860_CR14" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "L.H. Jansen: Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. DOI:  10.1002/0471238961.0215181510011419.a01.pub3 , 2001." }, "index": 14, "key": "9860_CR15" }, { "container_name": "Metallurgica", "extra": { "authors": [ "F. Lihl" ], "unstructured": "F. Lihl and O. Fleischl, Metall, 1954, vol. 8, pp. 11-19." }, "index": 15, "key": "9860_CR16", "locator": "11", "year": 1954 }, { "container_name": "Mater. Chem. Phys.", "extra": { "authors": [ "Y. Birol" ], "doi": "10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.08.030", "unstructured": "Y. Birol: Mater. Chem. Phys., 2012, vol.136, pp. 963–66.", "volume": "136" }, "index": 16, "key": "9860_CR17", "locator": "963", "year": 2012 }, { "extra": { "doi": "10.1007/s11663-012-9771-y", "unstructured": "Y. Birol: Mater. Metall. Trans. B. DOI: 10.1007/s11663-012-9771-y ." }, "index": 17, "key": "9860_CR18" }, { "container_name": "J. Phase Equilib.", "extra": { "authors": [ "H. Okamoto" ], "doi": "10.1007/bf02667494", "unstructured": "H. Okamoto, J. Phase Equilibria, 1992, vol. 13, pp. 213-214.", "volume": "13" }, "index": 18, "key": "9860_CR19", "locator": "213", "year": 1992 }, { "container_name": "J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.", "extra": { "authors": [ "A. Ekmekyapar" ], "doi": "10.1252/jcej.07we288", "unstructured": "A. Ekmekyapar, C.A. Basar and M.Yuceer: J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 2009, vol. 42, pp. 478-484.", "volume": "42" }, "index": 19, "key": "9860_CR20", "locator": "478", "year": 2009 }, { "container_name": "J. Alloys Compd.", "extra": { "authors": [ "C.P. Wang" ], "doi": "10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.03.101", "unstructured": "C.P.Wang, S.H. Guo, A.T. Tang, F.S. Pan, X.J. Liu, K. Ishida, J. Alloys Compds., 2009, vol. 482, pp. 67-72.", "volume": "482" }, "index": 20, "key": "9860_CR21", "locator": "67", "year": 2009 } ], "release_date": "2013-05-11", "release_stage": "published", "release_type": "article-journal", "release_year": 2013, "revision": "61c7c135-39d7-47b6-a7c5-c5de00f1bb28", "state": "active", "title": "Response to Thermal Exposure of Ball-Milled Cu-Mg/B2O3 Powder Blends", "volume": "44", "work_id": "d7c6ukjcfjgfhjaopb6fkd7oum" }