{ "abstracts": [], "container_id": "45htzocesfgzboeve2ffw2z7cy", "contribs": [ { "extra": { "seq": "first" }, "index": 0, "raw_name": "Liza Shapiro", "role": "author" } ], "ext_ids": { "doi": "10.1093/jmammal/gyv086" }, "extra": { "crossref": { "alternative-id": [ "10.1093/jmammal/gyv086" ], "type": "journal-article" } }, "ident": "fo5dsqeocfekfhqdzgqyng3z6q", "language": "en", "pages": "1107-1108", "publisher": "Oxford University Press (OUP)", "refs": [ { "container_name": "An introduction to human evolutionary anatomy", "extra": { "authors": [ "Aiello" ], "volume-title": "An introduction to human evolutionary anatomy" }, "index": 0, "key": "2015092913485026000_96.5.1107.1", "year": 1990 }, { "container_name": "Primate anatomy: an introduction", "extra": { "authors": [ "Ankel-Simons" ], "volume-title": "Primate anatomy: an introduction" }, "index": 1, "key": "2015092913485026000_96.5.1107.2", "year": 2007 }, { "container_name": "Primate adaptation and evolution", "extra": { "authors": [ "Fleagle" ], "volume-title": "Primate adaptation and evolution" }, "index": 2, "key": "2015092913485026000_96.5.1107.3", "year": 2013 }, { "container_name": "Postcranial adaptation in nonhuman primates", "extra": { "authors": [ "Gebo" ], "volume-title": "Postcranial adaptation in nonhuman primates" }, "index": 3, "key": "2015092913485026000_96.5.1107.4", "year": 1993 }, { "container_name": "A photographic atlas for physical anthropology", "extra": { "authors": [ "Whitehead" ], "volume-title": "A photographic atlas for physical anthropology" }, "index": 4, "key": "2015092913485026000_96.5.1107.5", "year": 2005 } ], "release_date": "2015-06-05", "release_stage": "published", "release_type": "article-journal", "release_year": 2015, "revision": "9b58c702-a218-4322-9b15-f9ce40048a17", "state": "active", "title": "Primate comparative anatomy", "volume": "96", "work_id": "bfletbokjfbnxgxkibqqiquf7y" }