{ "abstracts": [], "contribs": [ { "extra": { "seq": "first" }, "index": 0, "raw_name": "José A. Yagüe-Fabra", "role": "author" } ], "ext_ids": { "doi": "10.1007/978-3-642-20617-7_6587" }, "extra": { "container_name": "CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering", "crossref": { "type": "book-chapter" } }, "ident": "5hvdhbszafhw5fbu4jnrmesdmu", "pages": "869-873", "publisher": "Springer Berlin Heidelberg", "refs": [ { "container_name": "Coordinate measuring machines and systems", "extra": { "authors": [ "JA Bosch" ], "unstructured": "Bosch JA (1995) Coordinate measuring machines and systems. Marcel Dekker, New York", "volume-title": "Coordinate measuring machines and systems" }, "index": 0, "key": "6704_CR12196", "year": 1995 }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) (2006) The international system of units (SI), 8th edn. \n http://www.bipm.org/en/si/si_brochure/" }, "index": 1, "key": "6704_CR12197" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET) (2008) Metrology – in short, 3rd edn. \n http://www.euramet.org/index.php?id=mis" }, "index": 2, "key": "6704_CR12198" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "JCGM 100:2008. GUM 1995 with minor corrections (2008) Evaluation of measurement data – guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) (ISO/IEC Guide 98-3) joint committee for guides in metrology,1st edn. \n http://www.bipm.org/en/publications/guides/gum.html" }, "index": 3, "key": "6704_CR12199" }, { "extra": { "unstructured": "JCGM 200:2008 (2008) International vocabulary of metrology – basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) (ISO/IEC Guide 99). Joint committee for guides in metrology, 3rd edn. \n http://www.iso.org/sites/JCGM/VIM-JCGM200.htm" }, "index": 4, "key": "6704_CR12200" }, { "container_name": "Production metrology", "extra": { "authors": [ "T Pfeifer" ], "doi": "10.1515/9783486810424", "unstructured": "Pfeifer T (2002) Production metrology. Oldenbourg, München", "volume-title": "Production metrology" }, "index": 5, "key": "6704_CR12201", "year": 2002 } ], "release_stage": "published", "release_type": "chapter", "release_year": 2014, "revision": "e2c3da88-d8ff-404e-84b5-87fb779d5930", "state": "active", "title": "Metrology", "work_id": "b4sisz7nn5btfbza3svmgyqaw4" }