# Fixtures Put all documents used as inputs and output here. The wiring can happen in code or in separate file (for general editing). ## verify.csv [This file](https://github.com/miku/fuzzycat/blob/master/tests/data/verify.csv) currently contains four columns: * ident * ident * match status * reason (optional) If you add lines to this file, the test suite will pick it up automatically. ```csv 7kzrmoajzzedxgdvbltgqihszu,bd4crw4p7ber7pzhpoyw2c77bi,Status.STRONG,OK.SLUG_TITLE_AUTHOR_MATCH ``` ## Helpers Going from a query to the combination of idents (with [esdump](https://github.com/miku/esdump), [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/), [makecomb.py](https://gist.github.com/miku/c1220715060babc2374a440bd742a410): ``` $ esdump -q '"Calcifying+extracellular+mucus+substances"' | \ jq -rC '.hits.hits[]._id' | makecomb.py | awk '{print $1","$2}' 5lk635o65nc2tnkus3pkf2ggeq,hqrvhbvocvaabg6nr5p43tl3uq 5lk635o65nc2tnkus3pkf2ggeq,zfwf3tefajc6zdxa47vgilm7wm hqrvhbvocvaabg6nr5p43tl3uq,zfwf3tefajc6zdxa47vgilm7wm ``` Where `makecomb.py` turns lines into pairs. ``` $ curl -sL https://git.io/JkDwC > ~/bin/makecomb.py && chmod +x ~/bin/makecomb.py ``` Short script. ```python #!/usr/bin/env python import fileinput import itertools vs = set() for line in fileinput.input(): line = line.strip() if not line: continue vs.add(line) for a, b in itertools.combinations(sorted(vs), r=2): print("{}\t{}".format(a, b)) ``` ## TODO * [ ] generate md with clickable links, grouped by match status