# Known issues Both the clustering and verification stage are not perfect. Here, some known cases are documented. # General observations ## One article included in different publications A DOI prefix (10.1210, The Endocrine Society) may choose to include the same document in different publications: * https://fatcat.wiki/release/52lwj4ip3nbdbgrgk4uwolbjt4 * https://fatcat.wiki/release/6tbrmc3pq5axzf3yhqayq256a4 * https://fatcat.wiki/release/457lzlw7czeo7aspcyttccvyrq ## Book or Dataset Sometimes, a lexicon entry is a "dataset", sometimes a "book", e.g. "Unold, Max" * https://fatcat.wiki/release/7ah6efvk2ncjzgywch2cmtfumq * https://fatcat.wiki/release/nj7v4e3cxbfybozjmdiuwqo4sm ## Variation in authors * https://fatcat.wiki/release/2kpa6ynwjzhtbbokqyxcl25gmm * https://fatcat.wiki/release/o4dh7w7nqvdknm4j336yrom4wy ## Article and Erratum * https://fatcat.wiki/release/s5a6e6wnlvdelge256xpha6oqu * https://fatcat.wiki/release/zoeto2mymzhi3l74fr2ps5qjyy We think "EXACT", but is an errata and an article an exact match? They should belong to the same cluster, that's probably ok. # Ideas for fixes * [x] when title and authors match, check the year, and maybe the doi prefix; doi with the same prefix may not be duplicates * [x] detect arxiv versions directly * [ ] if multiple authors, may require more than one overlap, e.g. "by Yuting Yao, Yuting Yao, Yuting Yao, Imperial College London, Imperial College London" - will overlap with any other author including "Imperial College London" -- we label `OK.SLUG_TITLE_AUTHOR_MATCH`, https://fatcat.wiki/release/6qbne2adybegdf6plgb7dnly2a, https://fatcat.wiki/release/v6cjc6kxzncztebmfgzxwov7ym * [ ] "article-journal" and "article" `release_type` should be treated the same, https://fatcat.wiki/release/k5zdpb45ufcy7grrppqndtxxji, https://fatcat.wiki/release/ypyse6ff4nbzrfd44resyav25m * [x] if title and publisher matches, but DOI and year is different, assume different, e.g. https://fatcat.wiki/release/k3hutukomngptcuwdys5omv2ty, https://fatcat.wiki/release/xmkiqj4bizcwdaq5hljpglkzqe, or https://fatcat.wiki/release/phuhxsj425fshp2jxfwlp5xnge and https://fatcat.wiki/release/2ncazub5tngkjn5ncdk65jyr4u -- these might be repeatedly published * [ ] article and "reply", https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/5024865/, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.5694/j.1326-5377.1972.tb47249.x * [ ] figshare uses versions, too, https://fatcat.wiki/release/zmivcpjvhba25ldkx27d24oefa, https://fatcat.wiki/release/mjapiqe2nzcy3fs3hriw253dye * [ ] zenodo has no explicit versions, but ids might be closeby, e.g. https://fatcat.wiki/release/mbnr3nrdijerto6wfjnlsmfhga, https://fatcat.wiki/release/mbnr3nrdijerto6wfjnlsmfhga # Clustering # Verification ## A new approach to fault-tolerant wormhole routing for mesh-connected parallel computers * https://fatcat.wiki/release/izaz6gjnfzhgnaetizf4bt2r24 * https://fatcat.wiki/release/vwfepcqcdzfwjnsoym7o5o75yu ## Book-Chapter yields VERSIONED DOI ``` $ python -m fuzzycat verify-single | jq . { "extra": { "q": "https://fatcat.wiki/release/search?q=Beardmore" }, "a": "https://fatcat.wiki/release/zrkabzp4vjbwfdixvjkohgeh3a", "b": "https://fatcat.wiki/release/ojcucauvkvhg5cazfhzplcot7q", "r": [ "strong", "versioned_doi" ] } ``` * https://fatcat.wiki/release/zrkabzp4vjbwfdixvjkohgeh3a (book) * https://fatcat.wiki/release/ojcucauvkvhg5cazfhzplcot7q (chapter) ## Tokenized authors is flaky ``` $ python -m fuzzycat verify_single | jq . { "extra": { "q": "https://fatcat.wiki/release/search?q=cleaves" }, "a": "https://fatcat.wiki/release/mi6y2jtl55egxi5qfhovswxcba", "b": "https://fatcat.wiki/release/7hjisijl7nczhbghdd6l56n6py", "r": [ "strong", "tokenized_authors" ] } ```