import collections import io import itertools import os import random import re import string import subprocess import tempfile import requests from glom import PathAccessError, glom from zstandard import ZstdDecompressor printable_no_punct = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + string.whitespace # More correct: CHEM_FORMULA = re.compile(r"([A-Z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,2})+") ParsedPages = collections.namedtuple("ParsedPages", "start end count") def es_compat_hits_total(resp): """ Given a search response dict, support ES6 and ES7 style total value. See: It is responsibility of the call site to set `track_total_hits` in ES7 to get an exact number. """ try: return resp["hits"]["total"]["value"] except TypeError: return resp["hits"]["total"] def parse_page_string(s): """ Parse typical page strings, e.g. 150-180. """ if not s: raise ValueError('page parsing: empty string') if s.isnumeric(): return ParsedPages(start=int(s), end=int(s), count=1) page_pattern = re.compile("([0-9]{1,})-([0-9]{1,})") match = page_pattern.match(s) if not match: raise ValueError('cannot parse page pattern from {}'.format(s)) start, end = match.groups() if len(end) == 1 and start and start[-1] < end: # 261-5, odd, but happens end = start[:-1] + end a, b = int(start), int(end) if a > b: raise ValueError('invalid page range: {}'.format(s)) count = b - a + 1 return ParsedPages(start=a, end=b, count=count) def dict_key_exists(doc, path): """ Return true, if key in a dictionary at a given path exists. XXX: probably already in glom. """ try: _ = glom(doc, path) except PathAccessError: return False else: return True def doi_prefix(v): """ Return the prefix of a DOI. """ return v.split("/")[0] def has_doi_prefix(v, prefix="10.1234"): """ Returns False, if we cannot parse v or prefix does not match. """ if not v: return False return v.split("/")[0] == prefix def slugify_string(s: str) -> str: """ Keeps ascii chars and single whitespace only. """ return ' '.join(''.join((c for c in s.lower() if c in printable_no_punct)).split()) def cut(f: int = 0, sep: str = '\t', ignore_missing_column: bool = True): """ Return a callable that extracts a given column from a line. """ def func(value): parts = value.strip().split(sep) if f >= len(parts): if ignore_missing_column: return "" raise ValueError('cannot split value {} into {} parts'.format(value, f)) return parts[f] return func def author_similarity_score(u, v): """ Given two author strings, return a similarity score between 0 and 1. """ return jaccard(set(token_n_grams(u)), set(token_n_grams(v))) def jaccard(a, b): """ Jaccard of sets a and b. """ if len(a | b) == 0: return 0 return len(a & b) / len(a | b) def token_n_grams(s, n=2): """ Return n-grams, calculated per token. """ return ["".join(v) for v in itertools.chain(*[nwise(v, n=n) for v in tokenize_string(s)])] def tokenize_string(s): """ Normalize and tokenize, should be broken up. """ return [token for token in s.lower().split()] def nwise(iterable, n=2): """ Generalized: func: `pairwise`. Split an iterable after every `n` items. """ i = iter(iterable) piece = tuple(itertools.islice(i, n)) while piece: yield piece piece = tuple(itertools.islice(i, n)) def num_project(s): """ Cf., Unify every occurence of a digit (or group of digits). """ return re.sub(r'\d+', '', s) def contains_chemical_formula(s): """ Returns true, if we find C3H8O or the like in title. """ for token in s.split(): if return True def random_word(func=lambda w: True, wordsfile='/usr/share/dict/words'): """ Requires the UNIX words file in a typical location. Returns a single, random word. """ if not os.path.exists(wordsfile): raise RuntimeError('file not found: {}'.format(wordsfile)) with open(wordsfile) as f: words = list(filter(func, (word.strip() for word in f))) return random.choice(words) def random_idents_from_query(query="*", es="", r=2): """ Return a number of random idents from a search query. """ resp = requests.get(es, params={"q": query}) if resp.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError('could not query {} for random item: {}'.format(es, r.url)) payload = resp.json() if es_compat_hits_total(payload) < 2: raise RuntimeError('to few documents') idents = [doc["_source"]["ident"] for doc in payload["hits"]["hits"]] return random.sample(idents, r) def zstdlines(filename, encoding="utf-8", bufsize=65536): """ Generator over lines from a zstd compressed file. >>> for line in zstdlines("file.zst"): ... print(line) """ with open(filename, "rb") as f: decomp = ZstdDecompressor() with decomp.stream_reader(f) as reader: prev_line = "" while True: chunk = if not chunk: break while True: # We start with bytes but want unicode, which might not # align; so we jitter around the end to complete the # codepoint. try: string_data = chunk.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: chunk = chunk + else: break lines = string_data.split("\n") for i, line in enumerate(lines[:-1]): if i == 0: line = prev_line + line yield line prev_line = lines[-1] def shellout(template, preserve_whitespace=False, executable='/bin/bash', ignoremap=None, encoding=None, pipefail=True, **kwargs): """ Takes a shell command template and executes it. The template must use the new (2.6+) format mini language. `kwargs` must contain any defined placeholder, only `output` is optional and will be autofilled with a temporary file if it used, but not specified explicitly. If `pipefail` is `False` no subshell environment will be spawned, where a failed pipe will cause an error as well. If `preserve_whitespace` is `True`, no whitespace normalization is performed. A custom shell executable name can be passed in `executable` and defaults to `/bin/bash`. Raises RuntimeError on nonzero exit codes. To ignore certain errors, pass a dictionary in `ignoremap`, with the error code to ignore as key and a string message as value. Simple template: wc -l < {input} > {output} Quoted curly braces: ps ax|awk '{{print $1}}' > {output} """ if not 'output' in kwargs: kwargs.update({'output': tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='gluish-')[1]}) if ignoremap is None: ignoremap = {} if encoding: command = template.decode(encoding).format(**kwargs) else: command = template.format(**kwargs) if not preserve_whitespace: command = re.sub('[ \t\n]+', ' ', command) if pipefail: command = '(set -o pipefail && %s)' % command code =[command], shell=True, executable=executable) if not code == 0: if code not in ignoremap: error = RuntimeError('%s exitcode: %s' % (command, code)) error.code = code raise error return kwargs.get('output')