import collections import itertools import os import random import re import string import subprocess import tempfile from typing import Optional import requests from glom import PathAccessError, glom from zstandard import ZstdDecompressor printable_no_punct = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + string.whitespace # More correct: CHEM_FORMULA = re.compile(r"([A-Z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,2})+") ParsedPages = collections.namedtuple("ParsedPages", "start end count") def es_compat_hits_total(resp): """ Given a search response dict, support ES6 and ES7 style total value. See: It is responsibility of the call site to set `track_total_hits` in ES7 to get an exact number ( """ try: return resp["hits"]["total"]["value"] # ES7 except KeyError: # with track_total_hits set to False, we observed missing "total" keys, # es returns: {'_shards': {'failed': 0, 'skipped': 0, 'successful': 6, # 'total': 6}, 'hits': {'hits': [{'_id': 'yvqtz2zvkzcbpj4jxrp7b...ons': # [], 'any_abstract': False, 'ark_id': None, ...}, ...}], # 'max_score': 108.32384}, 'timed_out': False, 'took': 921} return len(resp["hits"]["hits"]) except TypeError: return resp["hits"]["total"] # ES6 def parse_page_string(s): """ Parse typical page strings, e.g. 150-180 or p123. If only a single page number is found, returns that first page and None for end page and count. If two are found, and they are consistent as a range, returns the start, end, and count. Does not handle lists of page numbers, roman numerals, and several other patterns. Returns a named tuple with start, end and count fields. """ if not s: raise ValueError('page parsing: empty string') if s[0].lower() in ('p', 'e'): s = s[1:] if s.isnumeric(): return ParsedPages(start=int(s), end=None, count=None) page_pattern = re.compile("([0-9]{1,})-([0-9]{1,})") match = page_pattern.match(s) if not match: raise ValueError('cannot parse page pattern from {}'.format(s)) start, end = match.groups() if len(end) == 1 and start and start[-1] < end: # '261-5', odd, but happens end = start[:-1] + end elif len(end) == 2 and start and start[-2:] < end: # '577-89', also happens end = start[:-2] + end a, b = int(start), int(end) if a > b: raise ValueError('invalid page range: {}'.format(s)) count = b - a + 1 return ParsedPages(start=a, end=b, count=count) def dict_has_key(doc, path): """ Return true, if key in a dictionary at a given path exists. XXX: probably already in glom. """ try: _ = glom(doc, path) except PathAccessError: return False else: return True def clean_doi(raw: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: if not raw: return None raw = raw.strip().lower() if raw.startswith("doi:"): raw = raw[4:] if not "10." in raw: return None if not raw.startswith("10."): raw = raw[raw.find("10."):] if raw[7:9] == "//": raw = raw[:8] + raw[9:] return raw def doi_prefix(v): """ Return the prefix of a DOI. """ parts = v.split("/") if len(parts) == 1: raise ValueError("invalid doi: {}".format(v)) return parts[0] def has_doi_prefix(v, prefix="10.1234"): """ Returns False, if we cannot parse v or prefix does not match. """ if not v: return False return v.split("/")[0] == prefix def slugify_string(s: str) -> str: """ Keeps ascii chars and single whitespace only. """ return ' '.join(''.join((c for c in s.lower() if c in printable_no_punct)).split()) def cut(f: int = 0, sep: str = '\t', ignore_missing_column: bool = True): """ Return a callable that extracts a given column from a line. """ def func(value): parts = value.strip().split(sep) if f >= len(parts): if ignore_missing_column: return "" raise ValueError('cannot split value {} into {} parts'.format(value, f)) return parts[f] return func def author_similarity_score(u, v): """ Given two author strings, return a similarity score between 0 and 1. """ return jaccard(set(token_n_grams(u)), set(token_n_grams(v))) def jaccard(a, b): """ Jaccard of sets a and b. """ if len(a | b) == 0: return 0 return len(a & b) / len(a | b) def token_n_grams(s, n=2): """ Return n-grams, calculated per token. """ return ["".join(v) for v in itertools.chain(*[nwise(v, n=n) for v in tokenize_string(s)])] def tokenize_string(s): """ Normalize and tokenize, should be broken up. """ return [token for token in s.lower().split()] def nwise(iterable, n=2): """ Generalized: func: `pairwise`. Split an iterable after every `n` items. """ i = iter(iterable) piece = tuple(itertools.islice(i, n)) while piece: yield piece piece = tuple(itertools.islice(i, n)) def num_project(s): """ Cf., Unify every occurence of a digit (or group of digits). """ return re.sub(r'\d+', '', s) def contains_chemical_formula(s): """ Returns true, if we find C3H8O or the like in title. """ for token in s.split(): if return True def random_word(func=lambda w: True, wordsfile='/usr/share/dict/words'): """ Requires the UNIX words file in a typical location. Returns a single, random word. """ if not os.path.exists(wordsfile): raise RuntimeError('file not found: {}'.format(wordsfile)) with open(wordsfile) as f: words = list(filter(func, (word.strip() for word in f))) return random.choice(words) def random_idents_from_query(query="*", es="", r=2): """ Return a number of random idents from a search query. """ resp = requests.get(es, params={"q": query}) if resp.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError('could not query {} for random item: {}'.format(es, r.url)) payload = resp.json() if es_compat_hits_total(payload) < 2: raise RuntimeError('to few documents') idents = [doc["_source"]["ident"] for doc in payload["hits"]["hits"]] return random.sample(idents, r) def zstdlines(filename, encoding="utf-8", bufsize=65536): """ Generator over lines from a zstd compressed file. >>> for line in zstdlines("file.zst"): ... print(line) """ with open(filename, "rb") as f: decomp = ZstdDecompressor() with decomp.stream_reader(f) as reader: prev_line = "" while True: chunk = if not chunk: break while True: # We start with bytes but want unicode, which might not # align; so we jitter around the end to complete the # codepoint. try: string_data = chunk.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: chunk = chunk + else: break lines = string_data.split("\n") for i, line in enumerate(lines[:-1]): if i == 0: line = prev_line + line yield line prev_line = lines[-1] def shellout(template, preserve_whitespace=False, executable='/bin/bash', ignoremap=None, encoding=None, pipefail=True, **kwargs): """ Takes a shell command template and executes it. The template must use the new (2.6+) format mini language. `kwargs` must contain any defined placeholder, only `output` is optional and will be autofilled with a temporary file if it used, but not specified explicitly. If `pipefail` is `False` no subshell environment will be spawned, where a failed pipe will cause an error as well. If `preserve_whitespace` is `True`, no whitespace normalization is performed. A custom shell executable name can be passed in `executable` and defaults to `/bin/bash`. Raises RuntimeError on nonzero exit codes. To ignore certain errors, pass a dictionary in `ignoremap`, with the error code to ignore as key and a string message as value. Simple template: wc -l < {input} > {output} Quoted curly braces: ps ax|awk '{{print $1}}' > {output} """ if not 'output' in kwargs: kwargs.update({'output': tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='gluish-')[1]}) if ignoremap is None: ignoremap = {} if encoding: command = template.decode(encoding).format(**kwargs) else: command = template.format(**kwargs) if not preserve_whitespace: command = re.sub('[ \t\n]+', ' ', command) if pipefail: command = '(set -o pipefail && %s)' % command code =[command], shell=True, executable=executable) if not code == 0: if code not in ignoremap: error = RuntimeError('%s exitcode: %s' % (command, code)) error.code = code raise error return kwargs.get('output')