""" This file contains simple high-level functions that call in to match, verify, and unstructured parsing routines. close_fuzzy_release_matches(release) -> List[FuzzyReleaseMatchResult] close_fuzzy_biblio_matches(biblio) -> List[FuzzyReleaseMatchResult] close_fuzzy_unstructured_matches(unstructured) -> List[FuzzyReleaseMatchResult] Each function takes additional arguments: es_client fatcat_api_client match_limit Each also has a "closest" variant, which returns just the single highest-rated match. """ from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, List, Optional from fatcat_openapi_client import ReleaseContrib, ReleaseEntity, ReleaseExtIds from fuzzycat.common import Reason, Status from fuzzycat.entities import entity_to_dict from fuzzycat.grobid_unstructured import grobid_parse_unstructured from fuzzycat.matching import match_release_fuzzy from fuzzycat.verify import verify @dataclass class FuzzyReleaseMatchResult: status: Status reason: Reason release: ReleaseEntity # this map used to establish priority order of verified matches STATUS_SORT = { Status.TODO: 0, Status.EXACT: 10, Status.STRONG: 20, Status.WEAK: 30, Status.AMBIGUOUS: 40, Status.DIFFERENT: 60, } def close_fuzzy_release_matches(release: ReleaseEntity, es_client: Any, fatcat_api_client: Optional[Any] = None, match_limit: int = 5) -> Optional[FuzzyReleaseMatchResult]: """ This high-level helper function runs a fuzzy match (using elasticsearch), verifies all the results, and returns the "closest" matching results (if any). es_client is required, and used in the matcing process. fatcat_api_client is optional and used both for entity-to-dict conversion efficiency and for fetching current entities from the fatcat API match_limit sets the maximum result size from the inital fuzzy match call Returns an empty list if there was no match of any kind, or a sorted list of simple result objects (FuzzyReleaseMatchResult dataclass) with fields: status: fuzzycat.common.Status reason: fuzzycat.common.Reason release: ReleaseEntity Status is one of the fuzzycat.common.Status, with "strongest match" in this sorted order: - EXACT - STRONG - WEAK - AMBIGUOUS DIFFERENT and TODO matches are never returned. Eg, if there is any EXACT match that is always returned; an AMBIGIOUS result is only returned if all the candidate matches were ambiguous. """ candidates = match_release_fuzzy(release, size=match_limit, es=es_client) if not candidates: return None release_dict = entity_to_dict(release, api_client=fatcat_api_client) # list of tuple of (Verify, ReleaseEntity) verified = [( verify(release_dict, entity_to_dict(c, api_client=fatcat_api_client)), c, ) for c in candidates] # list of FuzzyReleaseMatchResult, with TODO and DIFFERENT removed verified = [ FuzzyReleaseMatchResult(v[0].status, v[0].reason, v[1]) for v in verified if v[0].status not in [Status.TODO, Status.DIFFERENT] ] return sorted(verified, key=lambda v: STATUS_SORT[v.status]) def closest_fuzzy_release_match(release: ReleaseEntity, es_client: Any, fatcat_api_client: Optional[Any] = None, match_limit: int = 5) -> Optional[FuzzyReleaseMatchResult]: """ Single-result variant of close_fuzzy_release_matches() """ matches = close_fuzzy_release_matches( release, es_client=es_client, fatcat_api_client=fatcat_api_client, match_limit=match_limit, ) if matches: return matches[0] else: return None def close_fuzzy_unstructured_matches(raw_citation: str, es_client: Any, fatcat_api_client: Optional[Any] = None, match_limit: int = 5) -> List[FuzzyReleaseMatchResult]: """ Variation of close_fuzzy_release_matches() which first parses an unstructured citation string, then finds close matches. TODO: pass-through GROBID API configuration? """ release = grobid_parse_unstructured(raw_citation) if not release: return None return close_fuzzy_release_matches( release, es_client=es_client, fatcat_api_client=fatcat_api_client, match_limit=match_limit, ) def closest_fuzzy_unstructured_match(raw_citation: str, es_client: Any, fatcat_api_client: Optional[Any] = None, match_limit: int = 5) -> List[FuzzyReleaseMatchResult]: """ Single-result variant of close_fuzzy_release_matches() """ matches = close_fuzzy_unstructured_matches( raw_citation, es_client=es_client, fatcat_api_client=fatcat_api_client, match_limit=match_limit, ) if matches: return matches[0] else: return None def biblio_to_release(biblio: dict) -> ReleaseEntity: """ Helper for close_fuzzy_biblio_matches() et al """ contribs = [] if biblio.get('authors'): for a in biblio['authors']: contribs.append( ReleaseContrib( raw_name=a.get('name'), given_name=a.get('given_name'), surname=a.get('surname'), )) elif biblio.get('author_names'): for a in biblio['author_names']: contribs.append(ReleaseContrib(raw_name=a)) elif biblio.get('first_author'): contribs.append(ReleaseContrib(raw_name=biblio['first_author'])) release = ReleaseEntity( title=biblio.get("title"), ext_ids=ReleaseExtIds( doi=biblio.get("doi"), pmid=biblio.get("pmid"), pmcid=biblio.get("pmcid"), arxiv=biblio.get("arxiv_id"), ), volume=biblio.get("volume"), issue=biblio.get("issue"), pages=biblio.get("pages") or biblio.get("first_page"), publisher=biblio.get("publisher"), release_stage=biblio.get("release_stage"), release_type=biblio.get("release_type"), extra=dict(), ) if biblio.get('journal'): release.extra['container_name'] = biblio['journal'] elif biblio.get('conference'): release.extra['container_name'] = biblio['conference'] if biblio.get('year'): year = biblio['year'] if isinstance(year, str) and len(year) >= 4 and year[0:4].isdigit(): release.release_year = int(year[0:4]) elif isinstance(year, int): release.release_year = year elif biblio.get('date'): date = biblio['date'] if isinstance(date, str) and len(date) >= 4 and date[0:4].isdigit(): release.release_year = int(date[0:4]) return release def close_fuzzy_biblio_matches(biblio: dict, es_client: Any, fatcat_api_client: Optional[Any] = None, match_limit: int = 5) -> List[FuzzyReleaseMatchResult]: """ Variation of close_fuzzy_release_matches() which takes bibliographic fields as arguments. Biblio fields which are handled include: title journal or: conference authors name given_name surname or: author_names (List[str]) or: first_author (str) year date volume issue pages or: first_page publisher doi pmid arxiv_id release_type (eg, 'journal-article', 'book', 'dataset') release_stage """ release = biblio_to_release(biblio) return close_fuzzy_release_matches( release, es_client=es_client, fatcat_api_client=fatcat_api_client, match_limit=match_limit, ) def closest_fuzzy_biblio_match(biblio: dict, es_client: Any, fatcat_api_client: Optional[Any] = None, match_limit: int = 5) -> List[FuzzyReleaseMatchResult]: """ Single-result variant of close_fuzzy_biblio_matches() """ matches = close_fuzzy_biblio_matches( biblio, es_client=es_client, fatcat_api_client=fatcat_api_client, match_limit=match_limit, ) if matches: return matches[0] else: return None