import os import re import sys from typing import List, Optional, Type, Union import elasticsearch import elasticsearch_dsl import fatcat_openapi_client import requests from fatcat_openapi_client import ContainerEntity, DefaultApi, ReleaseEntity from import ApiException from fuzzycat.entities import entity_from_dict, entity_from_json from fuzzycat.utils import es_compat_hits_total from fuzzycat.config import settings FATCAT_API_URL = settings.get("FATCAT_API_URL", "") def match_release_fuzzy( release: ReleaseEntity, size: int = 5, es: Optional[Union[str, Type[elasticsearch.client.Elasticsearch]]] = None, api: DefaultApi = None, ) -> List[ReleaseEntity]: """ Given a release entity, return a number similar release entities from fatcat using Elasticsearch. TODO: rename "es" parameter to "es_client", which would be clearer """ assert isinstance(release, ReleaseEntity) if size is None or size == 0: size = 10000 # or any large number if isinstance(es, str): es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch([es]) if es is None: es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch() if api is None: api = public_api(FATCAT_API_URL) # Try to match by external identifier. # TODO: use api, ability to disable; benchmark ext_ids = release.ext_ids attrs = ( "doi", "wikidata_qid", "isbn13", "pmid", "pmcid", "core", "arxiv", "jstor", "ark", "mag", "doaj", "dblp", "oai", ) for attr in attrs: value = getattr(ext_ids, attr) if not value: continue try: r = api.lookup_release(**{attr: value}) except as err: if err.status in [404, 400]: r = None else: raise err if r: return [r] body = { "query": { "match": { "title": { "query": release.title, "operator": "AND" } } }, "size": size, } resp =, index="fatcat_release") if es_compat_hits_total(resp) > 0: return response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ReleaseEntity, api=api) # Get fuzzy. # body = { "query": { "match": { "title": { "query": release.title, "operator": "AND", "fuzziness": "AUTO", } } }, "size": size, } resp =, index="fatcat_release") if es_compat_hits_total(resp) > 0: return response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ReleaseEntity, api=api) # TODO: perform more queries on other fields. return [] def public_api(host_uri): """ Note: unlike the authenticated variant, this helper might get called even if the API isn't going to be used, so it's important that it doesn't try to actually connect to the API host or something. """ conf = fatcat_openapi_client.Configuration() = host_uri return fatcat_openapi_client.DefaultApi(fatcat_openapi_client.ApiClient(conf)) def retrieve_entity_list( ids: List[str], api: DefaultApi = None, entity_type: Union[Type[ReleaseEntity], Type[ContainerEntity]] = ReleaseEntity, ) -> List[Union[Type[ReleaseEntity], Type[ContainerEntity]]]: """ Retrieve a list of entities. Some entities might be missing. Return all that are accessible. """ if api is None: api = public_api(FATCAT_API_URL) result = [] if entity_type == ReleaseEntity: for id in ids: try: re = api.get_release(id, hide="refs,abstracts", expand="container") result.append(re) except ApiException as exc: if exc.status == 404: print("[err] failed to retrieve release entity: {}".format(id), file=sys.stderr) else: print("[err] api failed with {}: {}".format(exc.status, exc.message), file=sys.stderr) elif entity_type == ContainerEntity: for id in ids: try: re = api.get_container(id) result.append(re) except ApiException as exc: if exc.status == 404: print("[err] failed to retrieve container entity: {}".format(id), file=sys.stderr) else: print("[err] api failed with {}: {}".format(exc.status, exc.message), file=sys.stderr) else: raise ValueError("[err] cannot retrieve ids {} of type {}".format(ids, entity_type)) return result def response_to_entity_list(response, size=5, entity_type=ReleaseEntity, api: DefaultApi = None): """ Convert an elasticsearch result to a list of entities. Accepts both a dictionary and an elasticsearch_dsl.response.Response. We take the ids from elasticsearch and retrieve entities via API. """ if isinstance(response, dict): ids = [hit["_source"]["ident"] for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]][:size] return retrieve_entity_list(ids, entity_type=entity_type, api=api) elif isinstance(response, elasticsearch_dsl.response.Response): ids = [hit.to_dict().get("ident") for hit in response] return retrieve_entity_list(ids, entity_type=entity_type, api=api) else: raise ValueError("cannot convert {}".format(response)) def anything_to_entity( s: str, entity_type: Union[Type[ContainerEntity], Type[ReleaseEntity]], api_url: str = "", es_url: str = "", ) -> Union[ContainerEntity, ReleaseEntity]: """ Convert a string to a given entity type. This function may go out to the fatcat API or elasticsearch and hence is expensive. """ names = { ContainerEntity: "container", ReleaseEntity: "release", } if not entity_type in names: raise ValueError("cannot convert {}, only: {}".format(entity_type, names.keys())) entity_name = names[entity_type] if s is None: raise ValueError("no entity found") if os.path.exists(s): with open(s) as f: return entity_from_json(, entity_type) match ="/?([a-z0-9]{26})$", s) if match: url = "{}/{}/{}".format(api_url, entity_name, resp = requests.get(url) if resp.status_code == 200: return entity_from_json(resp.text, entity_type) if resp.status_code == 404: raise ValueError("entity not found: {}".format(url)) if re.match("[0-9]{4}(-)?[0-9]{3,3}[0-9xx]", s): # TODO: make index name configurable url = "{}/fatcat_{}/_search?track_total_hits=true&q=issns:{}".format(es_url, entity_name, s) doc = requests.get(url).json() if es_compat_hits_total(resp) == 1: ident = doc["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["ident"] url = "{}/{}/{}".format(api_url, entity_name, ident) return entity_from_json(requests.get(url).text, entity_type) if entity_name == "container": return entity_from_dict({"name": s}, entity_type) elif entity_name == "release": return entity_from_dict({"title": s, "ext_ids": {}}, entity_type) else: raise ValueError("unhandled entity type: {}".format(entity_type))