import collections import logging import os import re import sys from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool from typing import Any, List, Optional, Type, Union import elasticsearch import elasticsearch_dsl import fatcat_openapi_client import requests from fatcat_openapi_client import (ContainerEntity, DefaultApi, ReleaseContrib, ReleaseEntity) from import ApiException from fuzzycat.config import settings from fuzzycat.contrib import (ContribListMatcher, FuzzyStringSimilarity, JaccardIndexThreshold, Pipeline) from fuzzycat.entities import entity_from_dict, entity_from_json from fuzzycat.utils import es_compat_hits_total FATCAT_API_URL = settings.get("FATCAT_API_URL", "") class FuzzyReleaseMatcher: """ This is a helper class to fetch related documents to a given release document from fatcat search (currently elasticsearch). Elasticsearch should rank similar documents high itself, so all we try to do here is to tweak the query a bit, e.g. vary it according to the completeness of the input document, e.g. if the input has contrib and title, then use both, if it only has a title, then use just that, etc. Note that while we're only doing a single elasticsearch query, we still need to go to the fatcat API currently for getting the full release document for matched release identifiers; e.g. a call to `match` may take a second or more. Even with a parallel thread pool, this takes some time. A possible workaround would be to build "good enough" release entities from the information held in elasticsearch only. For really high performance matching of millions of entities (e.g. like 20M+ researchgate titles, catalog self-match, citation document matching, ...) this is and will be too slow. Anecdata: An early 2020 test run matching 23M "title strings" took literally a couple of weeks to complete. This class is currently tested against the live fatcat search instance. A usage example: >>> from fuzzycat.matching import FuzzyReleaseMatcher >>> from fatcat_openapi_client import ReleaseEntity >>> from fuzzycat.entities import entity_from_dict >>> matcher = FuzzyReleaseMatcher() >>> re = entity_from_dict({"ext_ids": {}, "title": "Internet Archive Scholar Citation"}, ReleaseEntity) >>> list_of_candidates = matcher.match(re) """ def __init__(self, es="", api=None, index="fatcat_release", size=10, min_token_length=3, release_year_padding=1): if isinstance(es, str): = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch([es]) else: = es if es else elasticsearch.Elasticsearch() self.api = api if api else public_api(FATCAT_API_URL) self.index = index self.size = size self.logger = logging.getLogger("fuzzy") self.min_token_length = min_token_length self.release_year_padding = 1 def _match_id(self, release: Optional[ReleaseEntity]) -> List[ReleaseEntity]: """ Check for exact matches by identifier. """ ext_ids = release.ext_ids attrs = ( "doi", "pmid", "wikidata_qid", "core", "pmcid", "arxiv", "dblp", "doaj", "jstor", "isbn13", "ark", "hdl", "oai", ) for attr in attrs: value = getattr(ext_ids, attr) if not value: continue try: r = self.api.lookup_release(**{attr: value}) except as err: if err.status in [404, 400]: r = None else: raise err if r: return [r] return [] def _match_title_contrib(self, release: Optional[ReleaseEntity]) -> List[ReleaseEntity]: """ Match in the presence of defined title and contrib fields. """ contrib_tokens = [tok for c in release.contribs for tok in c.raw_name.split()] contrib_queries = [{ "match": { "contrib_names": { "query": token, } } } for token in contrib_tokens] query = { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "title": { "query": release.title, "operator": "AND", "fuzziness": "AUTO", }, } }, ] + contrib_queries, }, } if release.release_year is not None: query["bool"]["must"].append({ "range": { "year": { "gte": release.release_year - self.release_year_padding, "lte": release.release_year + self.release_year_padding, "boost": 0.5, } } }) result = [] resp =, body={ "query": query, "size": self.size, "track_total_hits": 100, }) if es_compat_hits_total(resp) == 0: return result if es_compat_hits_total(resp) > self.size: self.logger.warning('too many hits: {}'.format(es_compat_hits_total(resp))) entities = response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ReleaseEntity, size=self.size, api=self.api) return entities def _match_title(self, release: Optional[ReleaseEntity]) -> List[ReleaseEntity]: """ Match in the presence of a title. """ query = { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "title": { "query": release.title, "operator": "AND", "fuzziness": "AUTO", }, } }, ], }, } if release.release_year is not None: query["bool"]["must"].append({ "range": { "year": { "gte": release.release_year - self.release_year_padding, "lte": release.release_year + self.release_year_padding, "boost": 0.5, } } }) result = [] resp =, body={ "query": query, "size": self.size, "track_total_hits": 100, }) if es_compat_hits_total(resp) == 0: return result if es_compat_hits_total(resp) > self.size: self.logger.warning('too many hits: {}'.format(es_compat_hits_total(resp))) entities = response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ReleaseEntity, size=self.size, api=self.api) return entities def _match_contribs(self, release: Optional[ReleaseEntity]) -> List[ReleaseEntity]: """ Match in the presence of contribs (and no title). """ contrib_tokens = [tok for c in release.contribs for tok in c.raw_name.split()] contrib_queries = [{ "match": { "contrib_names": { "query": token, } } } for token in contrib_tokens] query = { "bool": { "must": contrib_queries, }, } if release.release_year is not None: query["bool"]["must"].append({ "range": { "year": { "gte": release.release_year - self.release_year_padding, "lte": release.release_year + self.release_year_padding, "boost": 0.5, } } }) result = [] resp =, body={ "query": query, "size": self.size, "track_total_hits": 100, }) if es_compat_hits_total(resp) == 0: return result if es_compat_hits_total(resp) > self.size: self.logger.warning('too many hits: {}'.format(es_compat_hits_total(resp))) entities = response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ReleaseEntity, size=self.size, api=self.api) return entities def _match_generic(self, release: Optional[ReleaseEntity]) -> List[ReleaseEntity]: """ Throw tokens at elasticsearch, but ignore tokens shorter than `min_token_length`. """ token_queries = [ { "match": { "biblio": { # "query": token, } } } for token in release_tokens(release) if len(token) >= self.min_token_length ] query = { "bool": { "must": token_queries, }, } if release.release_year is not None: query["bool"]["must"].append({ "range": { "year": { "gte": release.release_year - self.release_year_padding, "lte": release.release_year + self.release_year_padding, "boost": 0.5, } } }) result = [] resp =, body={ "query": query, "size": self.size, "track_total_hits": 100, }) if es_compat_hits_total(resp) == 0: return result if es_compat_hits_total(resp) > self.size: self.logger.warning('too many hits: {}'.format(es_compat_hits_total(resp))) entities = response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ReleaseEntity, size=self.size, api=self.api) return entities def match(self, release: Optional[ReleaseEntity]) -> List[ReleaseEntity]: """ Match dispatches methods based on which fields are defined on the document. """ if not release: return [] if release.ext_ids and len(release.ext_ids.to_dict()) > 0: result = self._match_id(release) if release.title is not None and release.contribs is not None: result = self._match_title_contrib(release) elif release.title is not None: result = self._match_title(release) elif release.contribs is not None: result = self._match_contribs(release) else: result = self._match_generic(release) return result def public_api(host_uri): """ Note: unlike the authenticated variant, this helper might get called even if the API isn't going to be used, so it's important that it doesn't try to actually connect to the API host or something. """ conf = fatcat_openapi_client.Configuration() = host_uri return fatcat_openapi_client.DefaultApi(fatcat_openapi_client.ApiClient(conf)) def release_tokens(release: ReleaseEntity) -> List[str]: """ Turn a release into a set of tokens. """ tokens = [] red = release.to_dict() for k, v in red.items(): if v is None or k == "ext_ids": continue v = str(v) for tok in v.split(): tokens.append(tok) for _, v in red.get("ext_ids", {}).items(): if v is None or not isinstance(v, str): continue for tok in v.split(): tokens.append(tok) return tokens def test_release_tokens(): Case = collections.namedtuple("Case", "re tokens") cases = ( Case(entity_from_dict({"ext_ids": {}}, ReleaseEntity), []), Case(entity_from_dict({ "ext_ids": {}, "title": "Flow my tears" }, ReleaseEntity), ["Flow", "my", "tears"]), Case( entity_from_dict( { "ext_ids": {}, "subtitle": "An illustrated guide", "release_year": 1981, }, ReleaseEntity), ["An", "illustrated", "guide", "1981"]), ) for c in cases: tokens = release_tokens( assert tokens == c.tokens def fetch_release(ident, api=None): """ Returns the release entity for a given `ident` or `None`, if ident does not exist or the API failed. """ if api is None: api = public_api(FATCAT_API_URL) try: re = api.get_release(ident, hide="refs,abstracts", expand="container,contribs,files") except ApiException as exc: if exc.status == 404: print("[err] failed to retrieve release entity: {}".format(id), file=sys.stderr) else: print("[err] api failed with {}: {}".format(exc.status, exc.message), file=sys.stderr) else: return re def retrieve_entity_list( ids: List[str], api: DefaultApi = None, entity_type: Union[Type[ReleaseEntity], Type[ContainerEntity]] = ReleaseEntity, pool_size: int = 10, ) -> List[Union[Type[ReleaseEntity], Type[ContainerEntity]]]: """ Retrieve a list of entities from the fatcat API in parallel. """ if api is None: api = public_api(FATCAT_API_URL) result = [] if entity_type == ReleaseEntity: with Pool(pool_size) as p: result =, ids) return [v for v in result if v is not None] else: raise ValueError("[err] cannot retrieve ids {} of type {}".format(ids, entity_type)) return result def response_to_entity_list(response, size=5, entity_type=ReleaseEntity, api: DefaultApi = None): """ Convert an elasticsearch result to a list of entities. Accepts both a dictionary and an elasticsearch_dsl.response.Response. We take the ids from elasticsearch and retrieve entities via API. """ if isinstance(response, dict): ids = [hit["_source"]["ident"] for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]][:size] return retrieve_entity_list(ids, entity_type=entity_type, api=api) elif isinstance(response, elasticsearch_dsl.response.Response): ids = [hit.to_dict().get("ident") for hit in response] return retrieve_entity_list(ids, entity_type=entity_type, api=api) else: raise ValueError("cannot convert {}".format(response)) def anything_to_entity( s: str, entity_type: Union[Type[ContainerEntity], Type[ReleaseEntity]], api_url: str = "", es_url: str = "", ) -> Union[ContainerEntity, ReleaseEntity]: """ Convert a string to a given entity type. This function may go out to the fatcat API or elasticsearch and hence is expensive. """ names = { ContainerEntity: "container", ReleaseEntity: "release", } if not entity_type in names: raise ValueError("cannot convert {}, only: {}".format(entity_type, names.keys())) entity_name = names[entity_type] if s is None: raise ValueError("no entity found") if os.path.exists(s): with open(s) as f: return entity_from_json(, entity_type) match ="/?([a-z0-9]{26})$", s) if match: url = "{}/{}/{}".format(api_url, entity_name, resp = requests.get(url) if resp.status_code == 200: return entity_from_json(resp.text, entity_type) if resp.status_code == 404: raise ValueError("entity not found: {}".format(url)) if re.match("[0-9]{4}(-)?[0-9]{3,3}[0-9xx]", s): # TODO: make index name configurable url = "{}/fatcat_{}/_search?track_total_hits=true&q=issns:{}".format(es_url, entity_name, s) doc = requests.get(url).json() if es_compat_hits_total(resp) == 1: ident = doc["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["ident"] url = "{}/{}/{}".format(api_url, entity_name, ident) return entity_from_json(requests.get(url).text, entity_type) if entity_name == "container": return entity_from_dict({"name": s}, entity_type) elif entity_name == "release": return entity_from_dict({"title": s, "ext_ids": {}}, entity_type) else: raise ValueError("unhandled entity type: {}".format(entity_type))