SHELL := /bin/bash FATCAT_BULK_EXPORT_ITEM := fatcat_bulk_exports_2020-08-05 PY_FILES := $(shell find fuzzycat -name '*.py') .PHONY: help help: ## Print info about all commands @echo "Commands:" @echo @grep -E '^[/.a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf " \033[01;32m%-40s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' .PHONY: deps deps: ## Install dependencies from into pipenv # We need to use --pre, because e.g. black is considered a pre-release # version, pipenv install --pre '-e .[dev]' .PHONY: fmt fmt: ## Apply import sorting and yapf source formatting on all files pipenv run isort --atomic fuzzycat/* pipenv run yapf -p -i -r fuzzycat/* pipenv run yapf -p -i -r tests .PHONY: dist dist: ## Create source distribution and wheel python sdist bdist_wheel .PHONY: cov cov: ## Run coverage report pipenv run pytest --cov=fuzzycat fuzzycat/*.py tests/ # --cov-report annotate:cov_annotate --cov-report html .PHONY: test test: ## Run coverage report pipenv run pytest -o log_cli=true -s -vvv fuzzycat/*.py tests/*.py .PHONY: lint lint: $(PY_FILES) ## Run pylint pipenv run pylint fuzzycat .PHONY: mypy mypy: ## Run mypy checks pipenv run mypy --strict $$(find fuzzycat -name "*py") .PHONY: clean clean: ## Clean all artifacts rm -rf build rm -rf dist rm -rf fuzzycat.egg-info/ rm -rf .pytest_cache/ rm -rf .coverage rm -rf htmlcov/ rm -rf cov_annotate/ rm -rf .mypy_cache/ find . -name "__pycache__" -type d -exec rm -rf {} \; # Upload requires and some configuration. .PHONY: upload upload: dist ## Upload to pypi # # $ cat ~/.pypirc # [pypi] # username:abc # password:secret # # For internal repositories, name them in ~/.pypirc (e.g. "internal"), then # run: make upload TWINE_OPTS="-r internal" to upload to hosted pypi # repository. # # For automatic package deployments, also see: .gitlab-ci.yml. twine upload $(TWINE_OPTS) dist/*