## Definitions "coordinate patch": an open set of points around a point on a manifold "coordinate function" or "chart": continuous function mapping every point in a patch to coordinates (tuples of N real numbers for an N-dimensional manifold) multiple charts may be needed to map all points on an entire manifold. a consistent set of charts covering an entire manifold is an "atlas". ## Progress Went through the second chapter, Manifolds, and did the exersizes. Short and straight-forward, mostly definitions. Not going in to as much detail/definition as would if studying Topology directly. Started on third chapter, Vector Fields and One Form Fields, and struggling with terminology a bit. Looking ahead a bit, i'm expecting: - Chapters 2,3,4: definitions, geometry, derivatives on manifolds - Chapters 5,6,7: calculus on manifolds (integration theorems) - Chapters 7.8: curvature weirdness and the meat/math of general relativity - Chapters 10,11: physics ## TODO report typo in scmutils: "Bad point: polar/cylindrial manifold" and "spherical/cylindrial" (should be "cylindrical"?) (in calculus/manifold.scm)