Installing scmutils on Debian Stable ====================================== Upstream directions seem to be: Started by trying to upgrade `mit-scheme` to the debian testing version, 11.2. The debian stable version is currently 10.1.11, which recent scmutils does not support. wget sudo apt install ./mit-scheme_11.2-4_amd64.deb Nope, that doesn't work because of libc6 incompatability. Let's do upstream install: sudo apt remove mit-scheme wget # extract, enter base directory cd src ./configure make sudo make install Everything ends up under `/usr/local/`. To run edwin directly (no scmutils): mit-scheme --edit To install `scmutils`, download and extract (linked from instructions above), then: sudo ./ sudo cp /usr/local/bin/ To start a session, just run `` from a shell. Then run `(edit)` to get edwin mode. `scmutils` docs are in `/usr/local/scmutils/manual/`