Xilinx Toolchain =================== Chapter Two of "FPGAs!? Now What?" gives a good overview of the full compilation process. The basic layers are: **Synthesis** The "logic synthesizer" compiles from HDL to a netlist **Implementation** The "translator" takes a set of netlists and design constraints and generates a merged netlist. Then a "mapper" regroups the netlist so that place and route will be easier Then a "place and route" tool decides exactly how the FPGA logic will be configured **Bitstream** The "bitstream generator" translates the configuration into the binary format that the FPGA uses to re-flash itself File Extensions ------------------- .. include:: xilinx_filetypes_table.txt See also: - https://github.com/JPNaude/X-MimeTypes/blob/master/eda_mime_types.xml - http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx14_4/cgn_r_core_generator_output_files.htm - http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx14_4/ise_r_source_types.htm - devref.pdf (UG628)