=========== ============================================================================== Extension Description =========== ============================================================================== .par "place and route" output .vhd VHDL source code .v Verilog source code .ucf "constraints file": hardware pinouts, timing, etc .prj [list of files in the project?] .wcfg [waveform configuration (saved from gtkwave?] .srp "Synthesis Report File" .xst [xst settings?] .lso .vcf .bgn bitgen report file .bit Final FPGA bitstream file (binary) .xwbt .bld Build report from NGDBuild .blc NGDBuild report file .cmd_log .drc Design rule check output .ncd .wdb .exe .map [intermediate step] .mrp .ncd [intermediate step? netlist?] .ngm .xrpt .par [place and route output?] .pcf .ptwx .stx .syr .twr .twx .unroutes unrouted traces; if routing was successful, there should be none .ut .xpi .log .xmsgs .gise .xise ISE project/workplace .cgc [coregen? used to programatically re-gen core?] .cgp Coregen Project .ngc Pre-compiled netlist .sym .asy "Symbol file" _flist.txt File list (?) .gise .ncf .sym .veo .vho .xco [intermediate file?] =========== ==============================================================================