-- This file was automatically created by Diesel to setup helper functions -- and other internal bookkeeping. This file is safe to edit, any future -- changes will be added to existing projects as new migrations. -- Sets up a trigger for the given table to automatically set a column called -- `updated_at` whenever the row is modified (unless `updated_at` was included -- in the modified columns) -- -- # Example -- -- ```sql -- CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, updated_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW()); -- -- SELECT diesel_manage_updated_at('users'); -- ``` -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diesel_manage_updated_at(_tbl regclass) RETURNS VOID AS $$ -- BEGIN -- EXECUTE format('CREATE TRIGGER set_updated_at BEFORE UPDATE ON %s -- FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE diesel_set_updated_at()', _tbl); -- END; -- $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diesel_set_updated_at() RETURNS trigger AS $$ -- BEGIN -- IF ( -- NEW IS DISTINCT FROM OLD AND -- NEW.updated_at IS NOT DISTINCT FROM OLD.updated_at -- ) THEN -- NEW.updated_at := current_timestamp; -- END IF; -- RETURN NEW; -- END; -- $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT 1