x re-generate OpenAPI => using whatever sagger-codegen 2.3.1 (stable?) => take iron example from older generator 2.3.1 (iron) => cargo swagger (docker) seems to only use latest x iron-slog x integrate API server example into a main.rs x get and post for creators x cleanup pooled database: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/pull/1466 x clean up blasse error handling a bit x add 404s to gets x wow. fix a bunch of api schema names ("FindASingleContainerByExternalIdentifer") x refactor handlers to have a proper Result<_,_> error-chain type, so I can use '?' x move python to subdirectory x rename binary x copypasta a bunch of CRUD x swagger endpoint x helper to calculate 'state' of idents x tests for orcid and issn lookups x editgroup helper (for POST) x creators, releases, works, files x editgroup accept x edits, groups, etc x JSON x one-to-many relationship (eg, works) x more dummy data (tests the schema) x encode the remaining entities in SQL x openapi for other entities (heavily templated) x testing framework x file/release relation x refactor tests (response check, setup) x better test coverage (all entity types, get and post) x editgroup GET API schema arrays - editor_id vs. editor; can't GET by id, so need to return username? later: - generate python client library? - web interface? - editgroup: state to track review status? - all those python tests - enforce "no editing if editgroup accepted" behavior - refactor entity creation/editing (DRY) - refactor to allow Result<> in all handlers - real auth - metrics, jwt, config, sentry - ansible/deployment/DNS story - refactor logging; use slog schema/api questions: - url table (for files) - get works/releases by creator - "types" - define release field stuff - what should entity POST return? include both the entity and the edit? - PUTs (updates) to entities