refactors - fatcatd -> fatcat-api-server - fatcat_api -> fatcat_api_schema (or spec? models? types?) - standardize "mutating"/"edit" actions => have editgroup_id be a request-level param everywhere (not entity-level; for batch) => editgroup_id as query param => editor_id from auth (header) - consistent "expand"/"stub" flags correctness - enforce "previous_rev" required in updates - reread/review editgroup accept code - enforce "no editing if editgroup accepted" behavior - changelog sequence without gaps - batch insert editgroup behavior; always a new editgroup? edit lifecycle - editgroup: state to track review status? - per-edit extra JSON account helper tool - set admin bit - create editors - create keypairs - generate tokens - test/validate tokens later: - pure-rust "benchmark" scripts that hit, eg, lookups and batch endpoints => benchmarking - try new actix/openapi3 codegen branch - refactor logging; use slog - test using hash indexes for some UUID column indexes, or at least sha1 and other hashes (abstracts, file lookups) schema/api questions: - url table (for files) - get works/releases by creator - "types" - define release field stuff - what should entity POST return? include both the entity and the edit?