Rust implementation of fatcat API server (`fatcatd`). ## Status - HTTP API - [ ] base32 encoding of UUID identifiers - [ ] inverse many-to-many helpers (files-by-release, release-by-creator) - SQL Schema - [x] Basic entities - [x] one-to-many and many-to-many entities - [x] JSON(B) "extra" metadata fields - [ ] full rev1 schema for all entities - [ ] editgroup review: comments? actions? - Web Interface - [x] Migrate Python codebase - [ ] Creation and editing of all entities - Other - [x] Basic logging - [x] Swagger-UI - [ ] Sentry (error reporting) - [ ] Metrics - [ ] Authentication (eg, accounts, OAuth2, JWT) - [ ] Authorization (aka, roles) - [ ] bot vs. editor ## Development - rust stable, 1.26+ (eg, via "rustup", includes cargo tool) - diesel (`cargo install diesel_cli`) - postgres (9.6+; targetting 10.3 for production) - postgres libs (debian: `sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev libpq-dev`) Create a new postgres superuser. A regular postgres user and an existing database should also work (with up/down migrations), but it's easier to just blow the entire database away. Create a `.env` file with configuration: DATABASE_URL=postgres://fatcat:tactaf@localhost/fatcat_rs TEST_DATABASE_URL=postgres://fatcat:tactaf@localhost/fatcat_rs_test Re-create database from scratch: diesel database reset Build and run: cargo run Tests: cargo test -- --test-threads 1 ## Simple Deployment On a bare server, as root: # TODO: ansiblize this adduser fatcat apt install postgresql-9.6 postgresql-contrib postgresql-client-9.6 \ nginx build-essential git pkg-config libssl-dev libpq-dev \ htop screen mkdir -p /srv/fatcat chown fatcat:fatcat /srv/fatcat # setup new postgres user su - postgres createuser -P -s fatcat # strong random password # DELETE: createdb fatcat # as fatcat user su - fatcat ssh-keygen curl -sSf | sh source $HOME/.cargo/env cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features "postgres" cd /srv/fatcat git clone cd rust cargo build echo "DATABASE_URL=postgres://fatcat@localhost/fatcat" > .env diesel database reset # as fatcat, in a screen or something cd /srv/fatcat/fatcat/rust cargo run ### Special Tricks Regenerate API schemas (this will, as a side-effect, also run `cargo fmt` on the whole project, so don't run it with your editor open): cargo install cargo-swagger # uses docker ./ Regenerate SQL schema: diesel database reset diesel print-schema > src/ Debugging SQL schema errors: psql fatcat_rs < migrations/2018-05-12-001226_init/up.sql Creating entities via API: http --json post localhost:9411/v0/container name=asdf issn=1234-5678