""" fatcat Fatcat is a scalable, versioned, API-oriented catalog of bibliographic entities and file metadata. # noqa: E501 The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.5.0 Contact: webservices@archive.org Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech """ import re # noqa: F401 import sys # noqa: F401 from fatcat_openapi_client.model_utils import ( # noqa: F401 ApiTypeError, ModelComposed, ModelNormal, ModelSimple, cached_property, change_keys_js_to_python, convert_js_args_to_python_args, date, datetime, file_type, none_type, validate_get_composed_info, OpenApiModel ) from fatcat_openapi_client.exceptions import ApiAttributeError def lazy_import(): from fatcat_openapi_client.model.container_entity import ContainerEntity from fatcat_openapi_client.model.file_entity import FileEntity from fatcat_openapi_client.model.fileset_entity import FilesetEntity from fatcat_openapi_client.model.release_abstract import ReleaseAbstract from fatcat_openapi_client.model.release_contrib import ReleaseContrib from fatcat_openapi_client.model.release_ext_ids import ReleaseExtIds from fatcat_openapi_client.model.release_ref import ReleaseRef from fatcat_openapi_client.model.webcapture_entity import WebcaptureEntity globals()['ContainerEntity'] = ContainerEntity globals()['FileEntity'] = FileEntity globals()['FilesetEntity'] = FilesetEntity globals()['ReleaseAbstract'] = ReleaseAbstract globals()['ReleaseContrib'] = ReleaseContrib globals()['ReleaseExtIds'] = ReleaseExtIds globals()['ReleaseRef'] = ReleaseRef globals()['WebcaptureEntity'] = WebcaptureEntity class ReleaseEntity(ModelNormal): """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator. Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually. Attributes: allowed_values (dict): The key is the tuple path to the attribute and the for var_name this is (var_name,). The value is a dict with a capitalized key describing the allowed value and an allowed value. These dicts store the allowed enum values. attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. discriminator_value_class_map (dict): A dict to go from the discriminator variable value to the discriminator class name. validations (dict): The key is the tuple path to the attribute and the for var_name this is (var_name,). The value is a dict that stores validations for max_length, min_length, max_items, min_items, exclusive_maximum, inclusive_maximum, exclusive_minimum, inclusive_minimum, and regex. additional_properties_type (tuple): A tuple of classes accepted as additional properties values. """ allowed_values = { ('state',): { 'WIP': "wip", 'ACTIVE': "active", 'REDIRECT': "redirect", 'DELETED': "deleted", }, } validations = { ('ident',): { 'max_length': 26, 'min_length': 26, }, ('revision',): { 'max_length': 36, 'min_length': 36, }, ('redirect',): { 'max_length': 26, 'min_length': 26, }, } @cached_property def additional_properties_type(): """ This must be a method because a model may have properties that are of type self, this must run after the class is loaded """ lazy_import() return (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type,) # noqa: E501 _nullable = False @cached_property def openapi_types(): """ This must be a method because a model may have properties that are of type self, this must run after the class is loaded Returns openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. """ lazy_import() return { 'ext_ids': (ReleaseExtIds,), # noqa: E501 'state': (str,), # noqa: E501 'ident': (str,), # noqa: E501 'revision': (str,), # noqa: E501 'redirect': (str,), # noqa: E501 'extra': ({str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type,)},), # noqa: E501 'edit_extra': ({str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type,)},), # noqa: E501 'title': (str,), # noqa: E501 'subtitle': (str,), # noqa: E501 'original_title': (str,), # noqa: E501 'work_id': (str,), # noqa: E501 'container': (ContainerEntity,), # noqa: E501 'files': ([FileEntity],), # noqa: E501 'filesets': ([FilesetEntity],), # noqa: E501 'webcaptures': ([WebcaptureEntity],), # noqa: E501 'container_id': (str,), # noqa: E501 'release_type': (str,), # noqa: E501 'release_stage': (str,), # noqa: E501 'release_date': (date,), # noqa: E501 'release_year': (int,), # noqa: E501 'withdrawn_status': (str,), # noqa: E501 'withdrawn_date': (date,), # noqa: E501 'withdrawn_year': (int,), # noqa: E501 'volume': (str,), # noqa: E501 'issue': (str,), # noqa: E501 'pages': (str,), # noqa: E501 'number': (str,), # noqa: E501 'version': (str,), # noqa: E501 'publisher': (str,), # noqa: E501 'language': (str,), # noqa: E501 'license_slug': (str,), # noqa: E501 'contribs': ([ReleaseContrib],), # noqa: E501 'refs': ([ReleaseRef],), # noqa: E501 'abstracts': ([ReleaseAbstract],), # noqa: E501 } @cached_property def discriminator(): return None attribute_map = { 'ext_ids': 'ext_ids', # noqa: E501 'state': 'state', # noqa: E501 'ident': 'ident', # noqa: E501 'revision': 'revision', # noqa: E501 'redirect': 'redirect', # noqa: E501 'extra': 'extra', # noqa: E501 'edit_extra': 'edit_extra', # noqa: E501 'title': 'title', # noqa: E501 'subtitle': 'subtitle', # noqa: E501 'original_title': 'original_title', # noqa: E501 'work_id': 'work_id', # noqa: E501 'container': 'container', # noqa: E501 'files': 'files', # noqa: E501 'filesets': 'filesets', # noqa: E501 'webcaptures': 'webcaptures', # noqa: E501 'container_id': 'container_id', # noqa: E501 'release_type': 'release_type', # noqa: E501 'release_stage': 'release_stage', # noqa: E501 'release_date': 'release_date', # noqa: E501 'release_year': 'release_year', # noqa: E501 'withdrawn_status': 'withdrawn_status', # noqa: E501 'withdrawn_date': 'withdrawn_date', # noqa: E501 'withdrawn_year': 'withdrawn_year', # noqa: E501 'volume': 'volume', # noqa: E501 'issue': 'issue', # noqa: E501 'pages': 'pages', # noqa: E501 'number': 'number', # noqa: E501 'version': 'version', # noqa: E501 'publisher': 'publisher', # noqa: E501 'language': 'language', # noqa: E501 'license_slug': 'license_slug', # noqa: E501 'contribs': 'contribs', # noqa: E501 'refs': 'refs', # noqa: E501 'abstracts': 'abstracts', # noqa: E501 } read_only_vars = { } _composed_schemas = {} @classmethod @convert_js_args_to_python_args def _from_openapi_data(cls, ext_ids, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: E501 """ReleaseEntity - a model defined in OpenAPI Args: ext_ids (ReleaseExtIds): Keyword Args: _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types will be type checked and a TypeError will be raised if the wrong type is input. Defaults to True _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to drill down to the model in received_data when deserializing a response _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document. False if the variable names in the input data are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default) _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when deserializing a file_type parameter. If passed, type conversion is attempted If omitted no type conversion is done. _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of classes that we have traveled through so that if we see that class again we will not use its discriminator again. When traveling through a discriminator, the composed schema that is is traveled through is added to this set. For example if Animal has a discriminator petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal once using the discriminator, and pick Dog. Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the Animal class but this time we won't travel through its discriminator because we passed in _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,) state (str): [optional] # noqa: E501 ident (str): base32-encoded unique identifier. [optional] # noqa: E501 revision (str): UUID (lower-case, dash-separated, hex-encoded 128-bit). [optional] # noqa: E501 redirect (str): base32-encoded unique identifier. [optional] # noqa: E501 extra ({str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type,)}): Free-form JSON metadata that will be stored with the other entity metadata. See guide for (unenforced) schema conventions. . [optional] # noqa: E501 edit_extra ({str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type,)}): Free-form JSON metadata that will be stored with specific entity edits (eg, creation/update/delete). . [optional] # noqa: E501 title (str): Required for valid entities. The title used in citations and for display. Sometimes the English translation of title e even if release content is not English. . [optional] # noqa: E501 subtitle (str): Subtitle of release. In many cases, better to merge with title than include as separate field (unless combined title would be very long). See guide for details. . [optional] # noqa: E501 original_title (str): Title in original language if `title` field has been translated. See guide for details. . [optional] # noqa: E501 work_id (str): Identifier of work this release is part of. In creation (POST) requests, a work entity will be created automatically if this field is not set. . [optional] # noqa: E501 container (ContainerEntity): [optional] # noqa: E501 files ([FileEntity]): Complete file entities identified by `file_ids` field. Only included in GET responses when `files` included in `expand` parameter; ignored in PUT or POST requests. . [optional] # noqa: E501 filesets ([FilesetEntity]): Complete file entities identified by `filesets_ids` field. Only included in GET responses when `filesets` included in `expand` parameter; ignored in PUT or POST requests. . [optional] # noqa: E501 webcaptures ([WebcaptureEntity]): Complete webcapture entities identified by `webcapture_ids` field. Only included in GET responses when `webcaptures` included in `expand` parameter; ignored in PUT or POST requests. . [optional] # noqa: E501 container_id (str): Used to link this release to a container entity that the release was published as part of. . [optional] # noqa: E501 release_type (str): \"Type\" or \"medium\" that this release is published as. See guide for valid values. . [optional] # noqa: E501 release_stage (str): The stage of publication of this specific release. See guide for valid values and semantics. . [optional] # noqa: E501 release_date (date): Full date when this release was formally published. ISO format, like `2019-03-05`. See guide for semantics. . [optional] # noqa: E501 release_year (int): Year when this release was formally published. Must match `release_date` if that field is set; this field exists because sometimes only the year is known. . [optional] # noqa: E501 withdrawn_status (str): Type of withdrawal or retraction of this release, if applicable. If release has not been withdrawn, should be `null` (aka, not set, not the string \"null\" or an empty string). . [optional] # noqa: E501 withdrawn_date (date): Full date when this release was formally withdrawn (if applicable). ISO format, like `release_date`. . [optional] # noqa: E501 withdrawn_year (int): Year corresponding with `withdrawn_date` like `release_year`/`release_date`. . [optional] # noqa: E501 volume (str): Volume number of container that this release was published in. Often corresponds to the \"Nth\" year of publication, but can be any string. See guide. . [optional] # noqa: E501 issue (str): Issue number of volume/container that this release was published in. Sometimes corresponds to a month number in the year, but can be any string. See guide. . [optional] # noqa: E501 pages (str): Either a single page number (\"first page\") or a range of pages separated by a dash (\"-\"). See guide for details. . [optional] # noqa: E501 number (str): For, eg, technical reports, which are published in series or assigned some other institutional or container-specific identifier. . [optional] # noqa: E501 version (str): For, eg, updated technical reports or software packages, where the version string may be the only field disambiguating between releases. . [optional] # noqa: E501 publisher (str): Name, usually English, of the entity or institution responsible for publication of this release. Not necessarily the imprint/brand. See guide. . [optional] # noqa: E501 language (str): Primary language of the content of the full release. Two-letter RFC1766/ISO639-1 language code, with some custom extensions/additions. See guide. . [optional] # noqa: E501 license_slug (str): Short string (slug) name of license under which release is openly published (if applicable). . [optional] # noqa: E501 contribs ([ReleaseContrib]): [optional] # noqa: E501 refs ([ReleaseRef]): [optional] # noqa: E501 abstracts ([ReleaseAbstract]): [optional] # noqa: E501 """ _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True) _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', True) _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ()) _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None) _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ()) self = super(OpenApiModel, cls).__new__(cls) if args: for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, dict): kwargs.update(arg) else: raise ApiTypeError( "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments." % ( args, self.__class__.__name__, ), path_to_item=_path_to_item, valid_classes=(self.__class__,), ) self._data_store = {} self._check_type = _check_type self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming self._path_to_item = _path_to_item self._configuration = _configuration self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,) self.ext_ids = ext_ids for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items(): if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \ self._configuration is not None and \ self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \ self.additional_properties_type is None: # discard variable. continue setattr(self, var_name, var_value) return self required_properties = set([ '_data_store', '_check_type', '_spec_property_naming', '_path_to_item', '_configuration', '_visited_composed_classes', ]) @convert_js_args_to_python_args def __init__(self, ext_ids, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: E501 """ReleaseEntity - a model defined in OpenAPI Args: ext_ids (ReleaseExtIds): Keyword Args: _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types will be type checked and a TypeError will be raised if the wrong type is input. Defaults to True _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to drill down to the model in received_data when deserializing a response _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document. False if the variable names in the input data are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default) _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when deserializing a file_type parameter. If passed, type conversion is attempted If omitted no type conversion is done. _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of classes that we have traveled through so that if we see that class again we will not use its discriminator again. When traveling through a discriminator, the composed schema that is is traveled through is added to this set. For example if Animal has a discriminator petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal once using the discriminator, and pick Dog. Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the Animal class but this time we won't travel through its discriminator because we passed in _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,) state (str): [optional] # noqa: E501 ident (str): base32-encoded unique identifier. [optional] # noqa: E501 revision (str): UUID (lower-case, dash-separated, hex-encoded 128-bit). [optional] # noqa: E501 redirect (str): base32-encoded unique identifier. [optional] # noqa: E501 extra ({str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type,)}): Free-form JSON metadata that will be stored with the other entity metadata. See guide for (unenforced) schema conventions. . [optional] # noqa: E501 edit_extra ({str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type,)}): Free-form JSON metadata that will be stored with specific entity edits (eg, creation/update/delete). . [optional] # noqa: E501 title (str): Required for valid entities. The title used in citations and for display. Sometimes the English translation of title e even if release content is not English. . [optional] # noqa: E501 subtitle (str): Subtitle of release. In many cases, better to merge with title than include as separate field (unless combined title would be very long). See guide for details. . [optional] # noqa: E501 original_title (str): Title in original language if `title` field has been translated. See guide for details. . [optional] # noqa: E501 work_id (str): Identifier of work this release is part of. In creation (POST) requests, a work entity will be created automatically if this field is not set. . [optional] # noqa: E501 container (ContainerEntity): [optional] # noqa: E501 files ([FileEntity]): Complete file entities identified by `file_ids` field. Only included in GET responses when `files` included in `expand` parameter; ignored in PUT or POST requests. . [optional] # noqa: E501 filesets ([FilesetEntity]): Complete file entities identified by `filesets_ids` field. Only included in GET responses when `filesets` included in `expand` parameter; ignored in PUT or POST requests. . [optional] # noqa: E501 webcaptures ([WebcaptureEntity]): Complete webcapture entities identified by `webcapture_ids` field. Only included in GET responses when `webcaptures` included in `expand` parameter; ignored in PUT or POST requests. . [optional] # noqa: E501 container_id (str): Used to link this release to a container entity that the release was published as part of. . [optional] # noqa: E501 release_type (str): \"Type\" or \"medium\" that this release is published as. See guide for valid values. . [optional] # noqa: E501 release_stage (str): The stage of publication of this specific release. See guide for valid values and semantics. . [optional] # noqa: E501 release_date (date): Full date when this release was formally published. ISO format, like `2019-03-05`. See guide for semantics. . [optional] # noqa: E501 release_year (int): Year when this release was formally published. Must match `release_date` if that field is set; this field exists because sometimes only the year is known. . [optional] # noqa: E501 withdrawn_status (str): Type of withdrawal or retraction of this release, if applicable. If release has not been withdrawn, should be `null` (aka, not set, not the string \"null\" or an empty string). . [optional] # noqa: E501 withdrawn_date (date): Full date when this release was formally withdrawn (if applicable). ISO format, like `release_date`. . [optional] # noqa: E501 withdrawn_year (int): Year corresponding with `withdrawn_date` like `release_year`/`release_date`. . [optional] # noqa: E501 volume (str): Volume number of container that this release was published in. Often corresponds to the \"Nth\" year of publication, but can be any string. See guide. . [optional] # noqa: E501 issue (str): Issue number of volume/container that this release was published in. Sometimes corresponds to a month number in the year, but can be any string. See guide. . [optional] # noqa: E501 pages (str): Either a single page number (\"first page\") or a range of pages separated by a dash (\"-\"). See guide for details. . [optional] # noqa: E501 number (str): For, eg, technical reports, which are published in series or assigned some other institutional or container-specific identifier. . [optional] # noqa: E501 version (str): For, eg, updated technical reports or software packages, where the version string may be the only field disambiguating between releases. . [optional] # noqa: E501 publisher (str): Name, usually English, of the entity or institution responsible for publication of this release. Not necessarily the imprint/brand. See guide. . [optional] # noqa: E501 language (str): Primary language of the content of the full release. Two-letter RFC1766/ISO639-1 language code, with some custom extensions/additions. See guide. . [optional] # noqa: E501 license_slug (str): Short string (slug) name of license under which release is openly published (if applicable). . [optional] # noqa: E501 contribs ([ReleaseContrib]): [optional] # noqa: E501 refs ([ReleaseRef]): [optional] # noqa: E501 abstracts ([ReleaseAbstract]): [optional] # noqa: E501 """ _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True) _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False) _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ()) _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None) _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ()) if args: for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, dict): kwargs.update(arg) else: raise ApiTypeError( "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments." % ( args, self.__class__.__name__, ), path_to_item=_path_to_item, valid_classes=(self.__class__,), ) self._data_store = {} self._check_type = _check_type self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming self._path_to_item = _path_to_item self._configuration = _configuration self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,) self.ext_ids = ext_ids for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items(): if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \ self._configuration is not None and \ self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \ self.additional_properties_type is None: # discard variable. continue setattr(self, var_name, var_value) if var_name in self.read_only_vars: raise ApiAttributeError(f"`{var_name}` is a read-only attribute. Use `from_openapi_data` to instantiate " f"class with read only attributes.")