import pytest from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from fixtures import * from fatcat_tools.importers import Bs4XmlFilePusher, JstorImporter @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def jstor_importer(api): with open("tests/files/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.snip.txt", "r") as issn_file: yield JstorImporter( api, issn_file, extid_map_file="tests/files/example_map.sqlite3", bezerk_mode=True ) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def jstor_importer_existing(api): with open("tests/files/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.snip.txt", "r") as issn_file: yield JstorImporter( api, issn_file, extid_map_file="tests/files/example_map.sqlite3", bezerk_mode=False ) def test_jstor_importer(jstor_importer): last_index = jstor_importer.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index with open("tests/files/jstor-article-10.2307_111039.xml", "r") as f: jstor_importer.bezerk_mode = True counts = Bs4XmlFilePusher(jstor_importer, f, "article").run() assert counts["insert"] == 1 assert counts["exists"] == 0 assert counts["skip"] == 0 # fetch most recent editgroup change = jstor_importer.api.get_changelog_entry(index=last_index + 1) eg = change.editgroup assert eg.description assert "jstor" in eg.description.lower() assert eg.extra["git_rev"] assert "fatcat_tools.JstorImporter" in eg.extra["agent"] last_index = jstor_importer.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index with open("tests/files/jstor-article-10.2307_111039.xml", "r") as f: jstor_importer.bezerk_mode = False jstor_importer.reset() counts = Bs4XmlFilePusher(jstor_importer, f, "article").run() assert counts["insert"] == 0 assert counts["exists"] == 1 assert counts["skip"] == 0 assert last_index == jstor_importer.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index def test_jstor_xml_parse(jstor_importer): with open("tests/files/jstor-article-10.2307_111039.xml", "r") as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(f, "xml") r = jstor_importer.parse_record(soup.find_all("article")[0]) print(r.extra) assert ( r.title == "On the Universal Law of Attraction, Including that of Gravitation, as a Particular Case of Approximation Deducible from the Principle that Equal and Similar Particles of Matter Move Similarly, Relatively to Each other. [Abstract]" ) assert r.subtitle is None assert r.original_title is None assert r.publisher == "The Royal Society" assert r.release_type == "abstract" assert r.release_stage == "published" assert r.license_slug is None assert r.ext_ids.doi is None assert r.ext_ids.jstor == "111039" assert r.language == "en" assert r.volume == "5" assert r.issue is None assert r.pages == "831-832" # None because jan 1st assert r.release_date is None assert r.release_year == 1843 # matched by ISSN, so shouldn't be in there? # assert extra['container_name'] == "Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London" assert len(r.contribs) == 1 assert r.extra["jstor"]["journal_ids"] == ["abstpapecommroya", "j100687"] assert r.contribs[0].raw_name == "John Kinnersley Smythies" assert r.contribs[0].given_name == "John Kinnersley" assert r.contribs[0].surname == "Smythies" assert r.refs is None