""" Test datacite importer. """ import collections import datetime import pytest import gzip from fatcat_tools.importers import DataciteImporter, JsonLinePusher from fatcat_tools.importers.datacite import find_original_language_title, parse_datacite_titles, parse_datacite_dates from fixtures import api import json @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def datacite_importer(api): with open('tests/files/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.snip.txt', 'r') as issn_file: yield DataciteImporter(api, issn_file, extid_map_file='tests/files/example_map.sqlite3', bezerk_mode=True) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def datacite_importer_existing(api): with open('tests/files/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.snip.txt', 'r') as issn_file: yield DataciteImporter(api, issn_file, extid_map_file='tests/files/example_map.sqlite3', bezerk_mode=False) @pytest.mark.skip(reason="larger datacite import slows tests down") def test_datacite_importer_huge(datacite_importer): last_index = datacite_importer.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index with gzip.open('tests/files/datacite_1k_records.jsonl.gz', 'rt') as f: datacite_importer.bezerk_mode = True counts = JsonLinePusher(datacite_importer, f).run() assert counts['insert'] == 998 change = datacite_importer.api.get_changelog_entry(index=last_index+1) release = datacite_importer.api.get_release(change.editgroup.edits.releases[0].ident) assert len(release.contribs) == 3 def test_find_original_language_title(): """ Original language might be included, in various ways. """ Case = collections.namedtuple('Case', 'about input result') cases = [ Case('defaults to None', {}, None), Case('ignore unknown keys', {'broken': 'kv'}, None), Case('just a title', {'title': 'Noise Reduction'}, None), Case('same title should be ignored', { 'title': 'Noise Reduction', 'original_language_title': 'Noise Reduction' }, None), Case('empty subdict is ignored', { 'title': 'Noise Reduction', 'original_language_title': {}, }, None), Case('unknown subdict keys are ignored', { 'title': 'Noise Reduction', 'original_language_title': {'broken': 'kv'}, }, None), Case('original string', { 'title': 'Noise Reduction', 'original_language_title': 'Подавление шума', }, 'Подавление шума'), Case('language tag is ignored, since its broken', { 'title': 'Noise Reduction', 'original_language_title': { 'language': 'ja', '__content__': 'Noise Reduction' }, }, None), Case('do not care about language', { 'title': 'Noise Reduction', 'original_language_title': { 'language': 'ja', '__content__': 'Rauschunterdrückung', }, }, 'Rauschunterdrückung'), Case('ignore excessive questionmarks', { 'title': 'Noise Reduction', 'original_language_title': { 'language': 'ja', '__content__': '???? However', }, }, None), ] for case in cases: result = find_original_language_title(case.input) assert result == case.result def test_parse_datacite_titles(): """ Given a list of titles, find title, original_language_title and subtitle. Result is a 3-tuple of title, original_language_title, subtitle. """ Case = collections.namedtuple('Case', 'about input result') cases = [ Case('handle None', None, (None, None, None)), Case('empty list', [], (None, None, None)), Case('empty item', [{}], (None, None, None)), Case('broken keys', [{'broken': 'kv'}], (None, None, None)), Case('title only', [{'title': 'Total carbon dioxide'}], ('Total carbon dioxide', None, None), ), Case('title and subtitle', [ {'title': 'Total carbon dioxide'}, {'title': 'Station TT043_7-9', 'titleType': 'Subtitle'}, ], ('Total carbon dioxide', None, 'Station TT043_7-9'), ), Case('title, subtitle order does not matter', [ {'title': 'Station TT043_7-9', 'titleType': 'Subtitle'}, {'title': 'Total carbon dioxide'}, ], ('Total carbon dioxide', None, 'Station TT043_7-9'), ), Case('multiple titles, first wins', [ {'title': 'Total carbon dioxide'}, {'title': 'Meeting Heterogeneity'}, ], ('Total carbon dioxide', None, None), ), Case('multiple titles, plus sub', [ {'title': 'Total carbon dioxide'}, {'title': 'Meeting Heterogeneity'}, {'title': 'Station TT043_7-9', 'titleType': 'Subtitle'}, ], ('Total carbon dioxide', None, 'Station TT043_7-9'), ), Case('multiple titles, multiple subs', [ {'title': 'Total carbon dioxide'}, {'title': 'Meeting Heterogeneity'}, {'title': 'Station TT043_7-9', 'titleType': 'Subtitle'}, {'title': 'Some other subtitle', 'titleType': 'Subtitle'}, ], ('Total carbon dioxide', None, 'Station TT043_7-9'), ), Case('title, original, sub', [ {'title': 'Total carbon dioxide', 'original_language_title': 'Всего углекислого газа'}, {'title': 'Station TT043_7-9', 'titleType': 'Subtitle'}, ], ('Total carbon dioxide', 'Всего углекислого газа', 'Station TT043_7-9'), ), Case('title, original same as title, sub', [ {'title': 'Total carbon dioxide', 'original_language_title': { '__content__': 'Total carbon dioxide', }}, {'title': 'Station TT043_7-9', 'titleType': 'Subtitle'}, ], ('Total carbon dioxide', None, 'Station TT043_7-9'), ), Case('title, original dict, sub', [ {'title': 'Total carbon dioxide', 'original_language_title': { '__content__': 'Всего углекислого газа', }}, {'title': 'Station TT043_7-9', 'titleType': 'Subtitle'}, ], ('Total carbon dioxide', 'Всего углекислого газа', 'Station TT043_7-9'), ), ] for case in cases: result = parse_datacite_titles(case.input) assert result == case.result, case.about def test_parse_datacite_dates(): """ Test datacite date parsing. """ Case = collections.namedtuple('Case', 'about input result') cases = [ Case('None is None', None, (None, None)), Case('empty list is None', [], (None, None)), Case('empty item is None', [{}], (None, None)), Case('empty item is None', [{'date': '2019'}], (None, 2019)), Case('first wins', [{'date': '2019'}, {'date': '2020'}], (None, 2019)), Case('skip bogus year', [{'date': 'abc'}, {'date': '2020'}], (None, 2020)), Case('first with type', [ {'date': '2019', 'dateType': 'Accepted'}, {'date': '2020'} ], (None, 2019)), Case('full date', [ {'date': '2019-12-01', 'dateType': 'Valid'}, ], (datetime.date(2019, 12, 1), 2019)), Case('date type prio', [ {'date': '2000-12-01', 'dateType': 'Valid'}, {'date': '2010-01-01', 'dateType': 'Updated'}, ], (datetime.date(2000, 12, 1), 2000)), Case('date type prio, Available > Updated', [ {'date': '2010-01-01', 'dateType': 'Updated'}, {'date': '2000-12-01', 'dateType': 'Available'}, ], (datetime.date(2000, 12, 1), 2000)), Case('allow different date formats, Available > Updated', [ {'date': '2010-01-01T10:00:00', 'dateType': 'Updated'}, {'date': '2000-12-01T10:00:00', 'dateType': 'Available'}, ], (datetime.date(2000, 12, 1), 2000)), Case('allow different date formats, Available > Updated', [ {'date': '2010-01-01T10:00:00Z', 'dateType': 'Updated'}, {'date': '2000-12-01T10:00:00Z', 'dateType': 'Available'}, ], (datetime.date(2000, 12, 1), 2000)), Case('allow fuzzy date formats, Available > Updated', [ {'date': '2010', 'dateType': 'Updated'}, {'date': '2000 Dec 01', 'dateType': 'Available'}, ], (datetime.date(2000, 12, 1), 2000)), Case('ignore broken date', [ {'date': 'Febrrr 45', 'dateType': 'Updated'}, ], (None, None)), ] for case in cases: result = parse_datacite_dates(case.input) assert result == case.result, case.about def test_datacite_importer(datacite_importer): last_index = datacite_importer.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index with open('tests/files/datacite_sample.jsonl', 'r') as f: datacite_importer.bezerk_mode = True counts = JsonLinePusher(datacite_importer, f).run() assert counts['insert'] == 1 assert counts['exists'] == 0 assert counts['skip'] == 0 # fetch most recent editgroup change = datacite_importer.api.get_changelog_entry(index=last_index+1) eg = change.editgroup assert eg.description assert "datacite" in eg.description.lower() assert eg.extra['git_rev'] assert "fatcat_tools.DataciteImporter" in eg.extra['agent'] last_index = datacite_importer.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index with open('tests/files/datacite_sample.jsonl', 'r') as f: datacite_importer.bezerk_mode = False datacite_importer.reset() counts = JsonLinePusher(datacite_importer, f).run() assert counts['insert'] == 0 assert counts['exists'] == 1 assert counts['skip'] == 0 assert last_index == datacite_importer.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index def test_datacite_dict_parse(datacite_importer): with open('tests/files/datacite_sample.jsonl', 'r') as f: raw = json.load(f) r = datacite_importer.parse_record(raw) # ensure the API server is ok with format JsonLinePusher(datacite_importer, [json.dumps(raw)]).run() print(r.extra) assert r.title == "Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn. 97090" assert r.publisher == "International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas" assert r.release_type == "article" assert r.release_stage == "published" assert r.license_slug == None assert r.original_title == None assert r.ext_ids.doi == "10.18730/8dym9" assert r.ext_ids.isbn13 == None assert r.language == "enc" assert r.subtitle == None assert r.release_date == None assert r.release_year == 1986 assert 'subtitle' not in r.extra assert 'subtitle' not in r.extra['datacite'] assert 'funder' not in r.extra assert 'funder' not in r.extra['datacite'] # matched by ISSN, so shouldn't be in there #assert extra['container_name'] == "International Journal of Quantum Chemistry" assert r.extra['datacite']['url'] == 'https://ssl.fao.org/glis/doi/10.18730/8DYM9' assert r.extra['datacite']['subjects'] == [{'subject': 'Plant Genetic Resource for Food and Agriculture'}] assert len(r.abstracts) == 1 assert len(r.abstracts[0].content) == 421 assert len(r.contribs) == 1 assert r.contribs[0].raw_name == "GLIS Of The ITPGRFA" assert r.contribs[0].given_name == None assert r.contribs[0].surname == None assert len(r.refs) == 0