import pytest from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from fatcat_tools.importers import ArxivRawImporter, Bs4XmlFilePusher from fixtures import * @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def arxiv_importer(api): ari = ArxivRawImporter(api, bezerk_mode=True) ari._test_override = True return ari def test_arxiv_importer(arxiv_importer): last_index = arxiv_importer.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index with open('tests/files/arxivraw_1810.09584.xml', 'r') as f: arxiv_importer.bezerk_mode = True counts = Bs4XmlFilePusher(arxiv_importer, f, "record").run() assert counts['insert'] == 2 assert counts['exists'] == 0 assert counts['skip'] == 0 # fetch most recent editgroup change = arxiv_importer.api.get_changelog_entry(index=last_index+1) eg = change.editgroup assert eg.description assert "arxiv" in eg.description.lower() assert eg.extra['git_rev'] assert "fatcat_tools.ArxivRawImporter" in eg.extra['agent'] last_index = arxiv_importer.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index with open('tests/files/arxivraw_1810.09584.xml', 'r') as f: arxiv_importer.bezerk_mode = False arxiv_importer.reset() counts = Bs4XmlFilePusher(arxiv_importer, f, "record").run() assert counts['insert'] == 0 assert counts['exists'] == 2 assert counts['skip'] == 0 assert last_index == arxiv_importer.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index def test_arxiv_xml_parse(arxiv_importer): with open('tests/files/arxivraw_1810.09584.xml', 'r') as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(f, "xml") r = arxiv_importer.parse_record(soup.find_all("record")[0]) r1 = r[0] r2 = r[1] print(r1.extra) print(r2.extra) assert r1.work_id == r2.work_id assert r1.title == "Martingale theory for housekeeping heat" assert r1.subtitle is None assert r1.original_title is None assert r1.release_type == "article" assert r1.release_stage == "submitted" assert r2.release_stage == "accepted" assert r1.license_slug == "ARXIV-1.0" assert r1.version == "v1" assert r2.version == "v2" assert r1.ext_ids.arxiv == "1810.09584v1" assert r2.ext_ids.arxiv == "1810.09584v2" assert r1.ext_ids.doi is None assert r2.ext_ids.doi == "10.1209/0295-5075/124/60006" assert r1.release_year == 2018 assert str(r1.release_date) == "2018-10-22" assert r2.release_year == 2019 assert str(r2.release_date) == "2019-01-13" # matched by ISSN, so shouldn't be in there? #assert extra['container_name'] == "Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London" assert len(r1.contribs) == 4 assert r1.extra['arxiv']['categories'] == ['cond-mat.stat-mech', '', ''] assert r1.extra['arxiv']['base_id'] == '1810.09584' assert r1.extra['superceded'] is True assert r1.contribs[0].raw_name == "Raphael Chetrite" assert r1.contribs[0].role == "author" assert r1.contribs[1].raw_name == "Shamik Gupta" assert r1.contribs[2].raw_name == "Izaak Neri" assert r1.contribs[3].raw_name == "Édgar Roldán" assert r1.contribs[3].role == "author" assert len(r1.contribs) == 4 assert r1.contribs == r2.contribs assert r1.abstracts[0].content.startswith("The housekeeping heat is the energy exchanged") # order isn't deterministic assert "application/x-latex" in [a.mimetype for a in r1.abstracts] assert "text/plain" in [a.mimetype for a in r1.abstracts] assert r1.abstracts == r2.abstracts assert r1.extra['arxiv']['comments'] == "7 pages, 2 figures" assert r1.extra['arxiv']['categories'] == ["cond-mat.stat-mech", "", ""] assert not r2.extra.get('superceded') r2.extra['superceded'] = True assert r1.extra == r2.extra assert not r1.refs