import json
import pytest
import datetime
import responses
from fatcat_tools.harvest import *

def test_datacite_harvest_date(mocker):

    # mock out the harvest state object so it doesn't try to actually connect
    # to Kafka

    # mock day request to crossref API
    with open('tests/files/datacite_api.json', 'r') as f:
        crossref_resp = json.loads(f.readline())
    responses.add(responses.GET, '',
        json=crossref_resp, status=200)

    harvester = HarvestDataciteWorker(

    harvester.producer = mocker.Mock()

    harvester.fetch_date(, 2, 3))

    assert len(responses.calls) == 1

    # ensure email was included in User-Agent
    assert "" in responses.calls[0].request.headers['User-Agent']

    # check that correct date param was passed as expected
    assert "query=updated%3A%5B2019-02-03T00%3A00%3A00.000Z+TO+2019-02-03T23%3A59%3A59.999Z%5D" in responses.calls[0].request.url

    # check that we published the expected number of DOI objects were published
    # to the (mock) kafka topic
    assert harvester.producer.produce.call_count == 1
    assert harvester.producer.flush.call_count == 1
    assert harvester.producer.poll.called_once_with(0)