from fatcat_openapi_client import *
from fixtures import *

def test_annotations(api):

    eg = quick_eg(api)

    # ensure no annotations on this object
    a = api.get_editgroup_annotations(eg.editgroup_id)
    assert a == []

    # create an annotation!
        EditgroupAnnotation(comment_markdown="some *annotation*", extra=dict(thing="thang")),

    # check that we can fetch it all sorts of ways
    a = api.get_editgroup_annotations(eg.editgroup_id)
    assert len(a) == 1
    assert a[0].extra["thing"] == "thang"

    # the editor persists, so this is a hack to find a "recent" one
    a2 = api.get_editor_annotations(eg.editor_id, limit=100)
    found = None
    for thing in a2:
        if thing.annotation_id == a[0].annotation_id:
            found = thing
    assert found
    assert found.extra["thing"] == "thang"