{% set work = entity %} {% set entity_view = "overview" %} {% import "entity_macros.html" as entity_macros %} {% extends "entity_base.html" %} {% block entity_main %}


{% if work._releases != [] and work._releases != None %} {{ entity_macros.release_list(work._releases) }} {% else %}

There are no known releases associated with this work. {% endif %} {% if entity.extra %} {{ entity_macros.extra_metadata(entity.extra) }} {% endif %}

What is a "Work"?

A Fatcat "work" groups a set of releases that are all editings or editing stages of the same intellectual contribution. For example, a pre-print and a published article may contain small differences, but still reference the same underlying "work".

{{ entity_macros.fatcat_bits(entity, "work", "", editgroup) }}
{% endblock %}