{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Stats{% endblock %} {% block body %} <h1>Stats</h1> You can also fetch these numbers <a href="./stats.json">as JSON</a>. <h3>Changelog</h3> <p>Latest changelog index is {{ stats.changelog.latest.index }} ({{ stats.changelog.latest.timestamp[:10] }}). <h3>Entities</h3> <table class="ui structured table"> <tbody> <tr style="padding-top:0px;"><td rowspan="5" class="active top aligned center aligned"><b>"Papers"</b></td> <td>Total</td> <td class="right aligned">{{ "{:,}".format(stats.papers.total) }}</td> <tr> <td>Fulltext on web</td> <td class="right aligned">{{ "{:,}".format(stats.papers.in_web) }}</td> <tr> <td>"Gold" Open Access</td> <td class="right aligned">{{ "{:,}".format(stats.papers.is_oa) }}</td> <tr> <td>In a Keepers/KBART archive</td> <td class="right aligned">{{ "{:,}".format(stats.papers.in_kbart) }}</td> <tr> <td>On web, not in Keepers</td> <td class="right aligned">{{ "{:,}".format(stats.papers.in_web_not_kbart) }}</td> <tr style="padding-top:0px;"><td rowspan="1" class="active top aligned center aligned"><b>Releases</b></td> <td>Total</td> <td class="right aligned">{{ "{:,}".format(stats.release.total) }}</td> <tr style="padding-top:0px;"><td rowspan="1" class="active top aligned center aligned"><b>Containers</b></td> <td>Total</td> <td class="right aligned">{{ "{:,}".format(stats.container.total) }}</td> </tbody> </table> <br> <i>"Papers" are journal articles and conference proceedings, a subset of Releases</i> {% endblock %}