{% macro top_results(query, found) -%} <i>Showing {% if found.offset == 0 %} first {% else %} results {{ found.offset }} — {% endif %} {{ found.offset + found.count_returned }} out of {{ found.count_found }} results </i> {%- endmacro %} {% macro bottom_results(query, found, endpoint='release_search') -%} {% if found.offset > 0 %} {% if found.offset - found.limit < 0 %} <a href="{{ url_for(endpoint, q=query.q, offset=0) }}">« Previous</a> {% else %} <a href="{{ url_for(endpoint, q=query.q, offset=found.offset - found.limit) }}">« Previous</a> {% endif %} {% else %} <span style="color:gray">« Previous</span> {% endif %} <i>Showing results {{ found.offset }} — {{ found.offset + found.count_returned }} out of {{ found.count_found }} results</i> {% if found.offset + found.limit < found.count_found and found.offset + found.limit < found.deep_page_limit %} <a href="{{ url_for(endpoint, q=query.q, offset=found.offset + found.limit) }}">Next »</a> {% else %} <span style="color:gray">Next »</span> {% endif %} </div> {%- endmacro %} {% macro es_error_msg(es_error) %} <div class="ui icon error message"> <i class="ban icon"></i> <div class="content"> <div class="header"> {% if es_error.status_code == 400 %} Query Error {% else %} Search Index Error {% if es_error.status_code %}({{ es_error.status_code }}){% endif %} {% endif %} </div> {% if es_error.description %} <p>Computer said: <code>{{ es_error.description }}</code> {% elif es_error.name %} <p><b>{{ es_error.name }}</b> {% endif %} {% if es_error.status_code == 400 %} <p>Query parsing is currently very naive. Sometimes you can fix this problem by adding quotes around terms or entire phrases. {% endif %} </div> </div> {% endmacro %}