{% set release = entity %} {% set entity_view = "save" %} {% set entity_type = "release" %} {% import "entity_macros.html" as entity_macros %} {% import "edit_macros.html" as edit_macros %} {% extends "entity_base.html" %} {% block entity_main %}

"Save Paper Now"

{% if spn_status == "not-configured" %}
Not Available

Save Paper Now feature isn't configured, sorry about that.

{% elif spn_status == "kafka-error" %}

Whoops, something went wrong and we couldn't enqueue your request. This didn't have anything to do with the URL you supplied; please try again later.

{% elif spn_status == "success" %}

URL has been submitted to the bot queue for crawling. If fulltext content is found, it will be imported into the catalog for review. Keep an eye on the reviewable editgroups list (can take 5-10 minutes depending on throughput and batch sizes).

{% else %}

If you know of a legitimate public web access option for this work, you can help us preserve it by filling out the form below. Using the Wayback Machine's "Save Page Now" feature, we will attempt to crawl, process, and verify the content and add it to the catalog.

If you are the author of this work, and the published version is not publicly available, another option is to upload an version to an institutional or discipline repository. The Share Your Paper tool can help with this process.

Important: double-check the publication stage of the file you are submitting. We distinguish between pre-prints, manuscripts, and the published version of record (if applicable). {{ edit_macros.form_field_basic(form.base_url) }}

{{ edit_macros.form_field_basic(form.release_stage) }} {{ edit_macros.form_field_basic(form.ingest_type) }}

Your request will automatically be enqueued for our bots to crawl and process. All new files will be reviewed before being included in the catalog
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}