{% extends "base.html" %} {% block fullbody %} <div class="ui stackable mobile reversed grid centered"> <div class="one wide column"></div> <div class="fifteen wide column"> <h1 class="ui header"> <div class="sub header"><code>file {{ file.ident }}</code></div></h1> </div> </div> <div class="ui stackable mobile reversed grid centered"> <div class="one wide column"></div> <div class="ten wide column" style="font-size: 16px;"> {% if file.extra != None %} <h3>Extra Metadata (raw JSON)</h3> {% for (key, value) in file.extra.items() %} <code><b>{{ key }}:</b> {{ value }}</code><br> {% endfor %} {% endif %} <h3>Releases</h3> {% if file.release_ids != None %} <p>Releases associated with this file: <ul> {% for release_id in file.release_ids %} <li><a href="/release/{{ release_id }}"><code>{{ release_id }}</code></a> {% endfor %} </ul> {% else %} This file is not associated with any fatcat release. {% endif %} <h3>URLs</h3> {% if file.url != None %} <p>Known locations of this file: <ul> {% for url in file.urls %} <li><a href="{{ url.url }}">{{ url.url.split('/')[2] }}</a> ({{ url.rel }})<br> {% endfor %} </ul> {% else %} No known public URL, mirror, or archive for this file. {% endif %} <h3>Checksums</h3> <table class="ui compact table"> <thead> <tr><th>Algorithm <th>Value <tbody> {% if file.sha1 != None %} <tr><td>SHA-1 <td><small><code>{{ file.sha1 }}</code></small> {% endif %} {% if file.sha256 != None %} <tr><td>SHA-256 <td><small><code>{{ file.sha256 }}</code></small> {% endif %} {% if file.md5!= None %} <tr><td>MD5 <td><small><code>{{ file.md5 }}</code></small> {% endif %} </table> <!-- Raw Object: {{ file|safe }} --> </div> <div class="five wide column"> {% if file.urls != None and file.urls != [] %} <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/1/{{ file.urls[0].url }}" class="ui top attached fluid huge green button"><i class="file icon"></i>Download File</a> {% else %} <span class="ui top attached fluid huge grey button"><i class="file cross icon"></i>No Download Available</span> {% endif %} <div class="ui segment attached"> {% if file.size != None %} <p><b>Size</b> {{ file.size }} (bytes) </div><div class="ui segment attached"> {% endif %} {% if file.mimetype != None %} <p><b>File Type</b> <code>{{ file.mimetype }}</code> </div><div class="ui segment attached"> {% endif %} <b>Fatcat Bits</b> <p>State is "{{ file.state }}". Revision: <br><small><code>{{ file.revision }}</code></small> <br><a href="https://api.{{ config.FATCAT_DOMAIN }}/v0/file/{{ file.ident }}">As JSON object via API</a> </div> <div class="two ui buttons bottom attached"> <a href="/file/{{ file.ident }}/edit" class="ui blue button">Edit Metadata</a> <a href="/file/{{ file.ident }}/history" class="ui button">View History</a> </div> </div> </div> {% endblock %}