{% import "edit_macros.html" as edit_macros %} {% extends "base.html" %} {% block body %} {% block edit_form_prefix %} {{ edit_macros.edit_link_bar('file', existing_ident, 'form') }}

Edit File Entity

{% endblock %}

See the catalog style guide for schema notes, and the editing tutorial if this is your first time making an edit. {{ form.hidden_tag() }}

Editgroup Metadata

{{ edit_macros.editgroup_dropdown(form, editgroup, potential_editgroups) }}

File Metadata

{{ edit_macros.form_field_inline(form.size, "required") }} {{ edit_macros.form_field_inline(form.mimetype) }} {{ edit_macros.form_field_inline(form.md5) }} {{ edit_macros.form_field_inline(form.sha1, "required") }} {{ edit_macros.form_field_inline(form.sha256) }}

Locations (URLs)

Public web (no login/paywall) locations of this exact file (should match by hashes).

{% for cform in form.urls %}
{{ cform.hidden_tag() }}
{{ cform.rel() }}
{{ cform.url() }} {{ edit_macros.form_field_errors(cform.url) }}
{% endfor %}


Usually one, but sometimes multiple Release entities (by FCID) that this file is a fulltext copy of.

{% for rfield in form.release_ids %}
{{ rfield() }} {{ edit_macros.form_field_errors(rfield) }}
{% endfor %}


{{ edit_macros.form_field_basic(form.edit_description) }} This description will be attached to the individual edit, not to the editgroup as a whole. {% block edit_form_suffix %}

Edit will be part of the current editgroup, which needs to be submitted and approved before the change is included in the catalog.

{% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% block postscript %} {% endblock %}