{% macro fatcat_bits(entity, entity_type, expand="", editgroup=None) -%} {% if entity.state == None and editgroup %} <div class="ui segment pink inverted attached"> {% if editgroup.changelog_index %} <b>Accepted Edit Version</b> <p>This is the version of the entity as of a specific point in time: {% elif editgroup.submitted %} <b>Submitted Edit Version</b> <p>This is a version of the entity that has been submitted for approval as part of: {% else %} <b>Edit In Progress</b> <p>This is a version of the entity that has not yet been submitted for approval. Part of: {% endif %} <a href="/editgroup/{{ editgroup.editgroup_id }}" style="color: white; font-weight: bold; font-size: smaller;"><code>editgroup_{{ editgroup.editgroup_id }}</code></a> </div> {% elif entity.state == None and entity.ident == None %} <div class="ui segment pink inverted attached"> <b>Revision</b> <p>This is a specific, static metadata record, not necessarily linked to any current entity in the catalog. </div> {% elif entity.state == "wip" %} <div class="ui segment pink inverted attached"> <b>Work In Progress</b> <p>This entity has not been "accepted" into the official database yet. </div> {% endif %} <div class="ui segment attached" style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;"> <b>Catalog Record</b> {% if entity.state and entity.state != "active" %} <br>State: <code>{{ entity.state }}</code> {% endif %} {% if entity.revision %} <br>Revision: <small><code><a href="/{{ entity_type }}/rev/{{ entity.revision }}">{{ entity.revision }}</a></code></small> {% endif %} <br>API URL: <a href=" {{ config.FATCAT_PUBLIC_API_HOST -}} {%- if editgroup and entity.ident -%} /editgroup/{{ editgroup.editgroup_id }}{# /{{ entity_type }}/{{ entity.ident }} #} {%- elif entity.ident -%} /{{ entity_type }}/{{ entity.ident }} {%- elif entity.revision -%} /{{ entity_type }}/rev/{{ entity.revision }} {%- endif -%} {%- if expand -%}?expand={{ expand}}{%- endif %}"> JSON </a> </div> {% if entity.ident %} <div class="two ui buttons bottom attached"> <a href="{% if editgroup %}/editgroup/{{ editgroup.editgroup_id }}{% endif %}/{{ entity_type }}/{{ entity.ident }}/edit" class="ui blue button">Edit Metadata</a> <a href="/{{ entity_type }}/{{ entity.ident }}/history" class="ui button">View History</a> </div> {% endif %} {%- endmacro %} {% macro extra_metadata(extra) -%} <table class="ui definition single line fixed compact small unstackable table"> <tbody> {% for (key, value) in extra.items()|sort %} {% if key in ("ia", "crossref", "datacite", "kbart", "arxiv", "jstor", "pubmed") and value is mapping and value %} {% for (inner_key, inner_value) in value.items()|sort %} <tr><td class="three wide right aligned"><code>{{ key }}.{{ inner_key }}</code></td> <td class="seven wide"><code>{{ inner_value }}</code> {% endfor %} {% elif key in ("urls", "webarchive_urls") and value and value is iterable and value is not string and value[0] is string %} <tr><td class="three wide right aligned"><code>{{ key }}</code></td> <td class="seven wide"> <code> {% for u in value %} <a href="{{ u }}">{{ u }}</a><br> {% endfor %} </code> {% else %} <tr><td class="three wide right aligned"><code>{{ key }}</code></td> <td class="seven wide"><code>{% if value != None %}{{ value }}{% endif %}</code> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> {%- endmacro %} {% macro release_list(releases) -%} <table class="ui very basic celled table"> <tbody> {% for release in releases %} <tr><td class="collapsing center aligned"> {% if release.release_date %}{{ release.release_date }}{% elif release.release_year %}{{ release.release_year }}{% else %}<i>unknown</i>{% endif %} <td class=""> <b><a href="/release/{{ release.ident }}">{{ release.title }}</a></b> <br><small>{{ release.release_stage or "unknown status" }} | {{ release.release_type or "unknown type" }} {% if release.version %} | {{ release.version }}{% endif %} {% if release.license_slug %} | {{ release.license_slug }}{% endif %} </small> {% if release.ext_ids.doi %} <br><a href="https://doi.org/{{ release.ext_ids.doi }}" style="color:green;">doi:{{ release.ext_ids.doi }}</a> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> {%- endmacro %} {% macro url_list(urls) -%} <table class="ui very basic compact single line fixed table"> <tbody> {% for url in urls %} <tr><td class="two wide right aligned">{{ url.rel }} <td class="eight wide"><small><code><a href="{{ url.url }}"> {% if url.url.count('/') >= 3 and url.rel != "dweb" %} {{ '/'.join(url.url.split('/')[0:2]) }}/<b>{{ ''.join(url.url.split('/')[2]) }}</b>/{{ '/'.join(url.url.split('/')[3:]) }} {% else %} {{ url.url }} {% endif %} </a></code></small> {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> {%- endmacro %} {% macro lookup_form(entity_type, key, example, lookup_key, lookup_value, lookup_error) -%} <form class="ui form" role="search" action="/{{ entity_type }}/lookup" method="get"> <div class="ui form"> <div class="field {% if key == lookup_key %}{% if lookup_error == 400 %}error{% elif lookup_error == 404 %}warning{% endif %}{% endif %}"> {% if key == lookup_key and lookup_error == 400 %} <div class="ui pointing below red label"> Not correct syntax. Expected, eg, {{ example }} </div> {% endif %} <div class="ui action input big fluid"> <input type="text" placeholder="{% if example %}eg, {{ example }}{% endif %}" name="{{ key }}" value="{% if key == lookup_key %}{{ lookup_value }}{% endif %}" aria-label="{{ key }} lookup"> <button class="ui button">Go!</button> </div> </div> </div> </form> {%- endmacro %} {% macro release_search_result_row(paper) -%} <div> <h4 style="margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: 1.1em;"> <a href="/release/{{ paper.ident }}" style="color: #2224c7;"> {% if paper.title %} {{ paper.title[:512] }} {% if paper.title|length > 512 %}...{% endif %} {% else %} [blank] {% endif %} </a> {# release type suffix #} {% if paper.release_type in ("article-journal", "paper-conference") %} {# pass #} {% elif not paper.release_type %} <b style="text-transform: uppercase; color: black;">[unknown]</b> {% else %} <b style="text-transform: uppercase; color: black;">[{{ paper.release_type }}]</b> {% endif %} {# show original_title #} {% if paper.original_title and paper.title != paper.original_title %} <br> <i style="font-weight: normal;"> {{ paper.original_title[:512] }} {% if paper.original_title|length > 512 %}...{% endif %} </i> {% endif %} </h4> <div style="float: right; padding: 4px;"> {% if paper.preservation == "bright" %} {% if paper.best_pdf_url %} <a href="{{ paper.best_pdf_url }}" class="ui green label" style="background-color: #2ca048;"><i class="file icon"></i>bright archive</a> {% else %} <span class="ui green label" style="background-color: #2ca048;">bright archive</span> {% endif %} {% elif paper.preservation == "dark" %} <span class="ui green label" style="background-color: #6e7b71;">dark archive</span> {% else %} <span class="ui grey label" style="background-color: #b71818;">no archive</span> {% endif %} </div> {# ### AUTHOR ROW #} {% if paper.contrib_names %} <div style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: 1em;"> <b> {{ ", ".join(paper.contrib_names[:12]) }} {% if paper.contrib_names|length > 12 %}<i>(+{{ paper.contrib_names|length - 12 }} others)</i>{% endif %} </b> </div> {% endif %} {# ### JOURNAL ROW #} {% if paper.release_year %} {{ paper.release_year }} {% endif %} {% if paper.release_year and paper.container_name %} | {% endif %} {% if paper.container_name %} {% if paper.container_id %} <a href="/container/{{ paper.container_id }}" style="color: black;">{{ paper.container_name }}</a> {% else %} {{ paper.container_name }} {% endif %} {% if paper.container_is_oa %}<i class="icon unlock orange small"></i>{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if paper.release_stage == "submitted" %} <b style="color: brown; text-transform: uppercase;">pre-print</b> {% elif paper.release_stage and paper.release_stage != "published" %} <b style="color: brown; text-transform: uppercase;">{{ paper.release_stage }} version</b> {% elif not paper.release_stage %} <b style="color: brown; text-transform: uppercase;">unpublished</b> {% endif %} {% if paper.withdrawn_status %} <b style="color: red; text-transform: uppercase;">{{ paper.withdrawn_status }}</b> {% endif %} {# ### IDENTIFIERS #} {% if paper.doi or paper.pmcid or paper.pmid or paper.arxiv_id or paper.jstor_id or paper.doaj_id or paper.dblp_id %} <br> {% endif %} {% if paper.doi %} <a href="https://doi.org/{{paper.doi }}" style="color: green;">doi:{{ paper.doi }}</a> {% endif %} {% if paper.pmcid %} <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/{{ paper.pmcid }}/" style="color: green;">pmcid:{{ paper.pmcid }}</a> {% elif paper.pmid %} <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/{{paper.pmid }}" style="color: green;">pmid:{{ paper.pmid }}</a> {% endif %} {% if paper.arxiv_id %} <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/{{paper.arxiv_id }}" style="color: green;">arXiv:{{ paper.arxiv_id }}</a> {% endif %} {% if paper.jstor_id %} <a href="https://jstor.org/stable/{{paper.jstor_id }}/" style="color: green;">jstor:{{ paper.jstor_id }}</a> {% endif %} {% if paper.doaj_id %} <a href="https://doaj.org/article/{{paper.doaj_id }}" style="color: green;">doaj:{{ paper.doaj_id }}</a> {% endif %} {% if paper.dblp_id %} <a href="https://dblp.org/rec/{{ paper.dblp_id }}.html" style="color: green;">dblp:{{ paper.dblp_id }}</a> {% endif %} {# WIP: elastic release work grouping searches <br> <a href="/work/{{ paper.work_id }}"><i class="sitemap icon"></i> and 5 other versions of the same work!</a> #} </div> {% endmacro %} {% macro container_search_result_row(entity) -%} <div> <h4 style="margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 4px; font-size: 1.1em;"> <a href="/container/{{ entity.ident }}" style="color: #2224c7;">{{ entity['name'] }}</a> {% if entity.is_oa %}<i class="icon unlock orange small"></i>{% endif %} </h4> {% if entity.publisher %} <h5 style="margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: 1em;">{{ entity.publisher }}</h5> {% endif %} {% if entity.issnl %} <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/{{entity.issnl }}" style="color: green;">issn:{{ entity.issnl }}</a> {% endif %} {% if entity.container_type %} {{ entity.container_type }} {% endif %} </div> {% endmacro %} {% macro progress_color(frac) -%} {% if frac >= 1 %} green {% elif frac > 0.95 %} olive {% elif frac < 0.5 %} red {% else %} yellow {% endif %} {%- endmacro %} {% macro preservation_bar(stats, extra_class="") -%} {% set frac_bright = stats.bright/stats.total %} {% set frac_dark = stats.dark/stats.total %} {% set frac_none = stats.none/stats.total %} <div class="ui {{ extra_class }} multiple progress" data-percent="0,0,0,0" style="margin-bottom: 0.1em;"> <div class="green bar" style="border-radius: 0; min-width: 0; width: {{ (frac_bright*100)|round(method='ceil') }}%;" title="bright: {{ "{:,}".format(stats.bright) }} ({{ (frac_bright*100)|round(2,method='ceil') }}%)"> <div class="progress">{# {{ (frac_bright*100)|int }}% #}</div> </div> <div class="green bar" style="border-radius: 0; min-width: 0; width: {{ (frac_dark*100)|round(method='ceil') }}%; background-color: darkgreen;" title="dark: {{ "{:,}".format(stats.dark) }} ({{ (frac_dark*100)|round(2,method='ceil') }}%)"> <div class="progress">{# {{ (frac_dark*100)|int }}% #}</div> </div> {% if stats.shadows_only %} {% set frac_shadows_only = stats.shadows_only/stats.total %} <div class="red bar" style="border-radius: 0; min-width: 0; width: {{ (frac_shadows_only*100)|round(method='ceil') }}%; background-color: darkred;" title="shadows only: {{ "{:,}".format(stats.shadows_only) }} ({{ (frac_shadows_only*100)|round(2,method='ceil') }}%)"> <div class="progress">{# {{ (frac_shadows_only*100)|int }}% #}</div> </div> {% endif %} <div class="red bar" style="border-radius: 0; min-width: 0; width: {{ (frac_none*100)|round(method='ceil') }}%;" title="no preservation: {{ "{:,}".format(stats.none) }} ({{ (frac_none*100)|round(2,method='ceil') }}%)"> <div class="progress">{# {{ (frac_none*100)|int }}% #}</div> </div> </div> {%- endmacro %} {% macro preservation_table(stats) -%} {% set frac_bright = stats.bright/stats.total %} {% set frac_dark = stats.dark/stats.total %} {% set frac_none = stats.none/stats.total %} <table class="ui very basic very compact collapsing table" style="font-weight: bold; margin-left: 1em;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="background-color: #21ba45;"> <td class="right aligned" >{{ "{:,}".format(stats.bright) }} <td class="right aligned" >{{ (frac_bright*100)|round(2,method='ceil') }}% <td>preserved and publicly accessible (bright) <tr> <td style="background-color: darkgreen;"> <td class="right aligned" >{{ "{:,}".format(stats.dark) }} <td class="right aligned" >{{ (frac_dark*100)|round(2,method='ceil') }}% <td>preserved but not publicly accessible (dark) {% if stats.shadows_only %} {% set frac_shadows_only = stats.shadows_only/stats.total %} <tr> <td style="background-color: darkred;"> <td class="right aligned" >{{ "{:,}".format(stats.shadows_only) }} <td class="right aligned" >{{ (frac_shadows_only*100)|round(2,method='ceil') }}% <td>only independently preserved in "shadow" libraries {% endif %} <tr> <td style="background-color: #db2828;"> <td class="right aligned" >{{ "{:,}".format(stats.none) }} <td class="right aligned" >{{ (frac_none*100)|round(2,method='ceil') }}% <td>no known independent preservation </tbody> </table> {%- endmacro %} {% macro preservation_small_table(stats) -%} {% set frac_bright = stats.bright/stats.total %} {% set frac_dark = stats.dark/stats.total %} {% set frac_none = stats.none/stats.total %} <table class="ui very basic very compact collapsing table"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="background-color: #21ba45;"> <td class="right aligned" >{{ "{:,}".format(stats.bright) }} <td>preserved and accessble (bright) <tr> <td style="background-color: darkgreen;"> <td class="right aligned" >{{ "{:,}".format(stats.dark) }} <td>preserved, inaccessible (dark) {% if stats.shadows_only %} {% set frac_shadows_only = stats.shadows_only/stats.total %} <tr> <td style="background-color: darkred;"> <td class="right aligned" >{{ "{:,}".format(stats.shadows_only) }} <td>shadow library only {% endif %} <tr> <td style="background-color: #db2828;"> <td class="right aligned" >{{ "{:,}".format(stats.none) }} <td>no known preservation </tbody> </table> {%- endmacro %}