{% import "edit_macros.html" as edit_macros %} {% extends "base.html" %} {% block body %} {{ edit_macros.edit_link_bar(entity_type, existing_ident, 'delete') }} {% block edit_form_prefix %} <div class="ui segment"> <h1 class="ui header">Delete Entity</h1> <form class="ui form" id="delete_form" method="POST" action="{% if editgroup and editgroup.editgroup_id %}/editgroup/{{ editgroup.editgroup_id }}{% endif %}/{{ entity_type }}/{{ existing_ident }}/delete"> {% endblock %} <p>See <a href="https://guide.fatcat.wiki/style_guide.html">the catalog style guide</a> for schema notes, and <a href="https://guide.fatcat.wiki/editing_quickstart.html">the editing tutorial</a> if this is your first time making an edit. {{ form.hidden_tag() }} <h3 class="ui dividing header">Editgroup Metadata</h3> {{ edit_macros.editgroup_dropdown(form, editgroup, potential_editgroups) }} <h3 class="ui dividing header">Submit</h3> {{ edit_macros.form_field_basic(form.edit_description) }} This description will be attached to the individual edit, not to the editgroup as a whole. {% block edit_form_suffix %} <br><br> <input class="ui primary submit button" type="submit" value="Update Release!"> <p> <i>Deletion will be part of the current editgroup, which needs to be submited and approved before the change is included in the catalog.</i> </form> </div> {% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% block postscript %} <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sortablejs@latest/Sortable.min.js"></script> <script> <!-- Form code --> $(document).ready(function() { // these javascript dropdowns hide the original <input>, which breaks browser // form focusing (eg, for required fields) :( $('.ui.dropdown') .dropdown(); }); </script> {% endblock %}