{% extends "base.html" %} {# TODO: more specific titles #} {% block title %} {% if entity_type == "container" and entity.name %} {{ entity.name }} {% elif entity_type == "creator" and entity.display_name %} {{ entity.display_name }} {% elif entity_type == "release" and entity.title %} {{ entity.title }} {% else %} {{ entity_type }}_{{ entity.ident or entity.revision }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% macro entity_tab(name, text, url_suffix, count=None) %} <a href ="{% if editgroup %}/editgroup/{{ editgroup.editgroup_id }}{% endif %}/{{ entity_type }}/{% if entity.ident %}{{ entity.ident }}{% elif entity.revision %}rev/{{ entity.revision }}{% endif %}{{ url_suffix }}" class="{% if entity_view == name %}active{% endif %} item" style="padding: 0em 1.2em;">{{ text }}{% if count != None %} ({{ count }}){% endif %}</a> {% endmacro %} {% block fullmain %} <main {% block main_extra_attr %}{% endblock %}> <div class="ui vertical stripe segment" style="background-color: #EEE; padding-top: 5em; padding-bottom: 0px; border-bottom: 0px;"> <div class="ui container"> <div class="ui centered grid"> <div class="fifteen wide large screen sixteen wide column" style="padding-bottom: 0px;"> <h1 class="ui header"> {% if entity_type == "container" %} {{ entity.name }} {% if entity.extra.original_name %} <br><span style="font-size: smaller; font-weight: normal;">{{ entity.extra.original_name }}</span> {% endif %} {% elif entity_type == "creator" %} {{ entity.display_name }} {% elif entity_type == "file" %} {% elif entity_type == "fileset" %} {% elif entity_type == "webcapture" %} {% if entity.original_url %} <a href="{{ entity.original_url }}" style="color: black;"><code>{{ entity.original_url }}</code></a> {% endif %} {% elif entity_type == "release" %} <span itemprop="headline"><span itemprop="name">{{ entity.title }}</span></span> {% if entity.subtitle %} <br><span style="font-size: smaller; font-weight: normal;">{{ entity.subtitle }}</span> {% endif %} {% if entity.original_title %} <br><span style="font-size: smaller; font-weight: normal;">{{ entity.original_title }}</span> {% endif %} {% endif %} <span class="sub header"> <code> {% if entity.ident %} {{ entity_type }}_{{ entity.ident }} {% elif entity.revision %} {{ entity_type }}_rev_{{ entity.revision }} {% endif %} {% if editgroup %} <a href="/editgroup/{{ editgroup.editgroup_id }}" style="color: purple;"> [as of editgroup_{{ editgroup.editgroup_id }}] </a> {% endif %} </code> </span> </h1> {% if entity_type == "release" %} <p style="font-size: larger;"> {% if entity._authors and entity._authors != [] %} by {% for contrib in entity._authors[:12] %} {% if contrib.creator_id and contrib.creator and contrib.creator.display_name %} <b><a href="/creator/{{contrib.creator_id}}">{{ contrib.creator.display_name }}</a></b>{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} {% else %} {% if contrib.raw_name != None %}{{ contrib.raw_name }}{% else %}<i>Unknown</i>{% endif %}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if entity._authors|count > 12 %} <b>(+{{ entity._authors|length - 12 }} others)</b> {% endif %} <br> {% endif %} {% endif %} <!-- these nested div make tabs scrollable on mobile --> <div class="ui container" style="min-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;"> <div style="min-width: 40em;"> <div class="ui small tabular compact menu"> {{ entity_tab("overview", "Overview", "") }} {% if entity_type == "container" and entity.state == 'active' and not editgroup %} {{ entity_tab("coverage", "Coverage", "/coverage") }} {% elif entity_type == "release" and entity.state != 'deleted' %} {{ entity_tab("contribs", "Authors", "/contribs", entity._authors|count ) }} {{ entity_tab("references", "References", "/references", entity.refs|count) }} {% endif %} {{ entity_tab("metadata", "Metadata", "/metadata") }} </div> {% if entity.ident %} <div class="ui small tabular compact menu floated right"> {% if (entity.state != 'wip' and not editgroup) or (editgroup and not (editgroup.changelog_index or editgroup.submitted )) %} {{ entity_tab("edit", "Edit", "/edit") }} {% endif %} {% if not editgroup %} {{ entity_tab("history", "History", "/history") }} {% endif %} </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui container" style="padding-top: 3em;"> <div class="ui centered grid"> <div class="fifteen wide large screen sixteen wide column" style="padding-bottom: 0px;"> {% block entity_main %}{% endblock %} </div> </div> </div> </main> {% endblock %} {% block postscript %} <script> $('.ui.accordion').accordion(); </script> {% endblock %}