{% set container = entity %} {% set entity_view = "coverage" %} {% set entity_type = "container" %} {% import "entity_macros.html" as entity_macros %} {% extends "entity_base.html" %} {% block entity_main %}
{{ "{:,}".format(container._stats.total) }}
Known Releases
{% if container._stats.total >= 1 %} {{ entity_macros.preservation_bar(container._stats.preservation, extra_class="large") }} {{ entity_macros.preservation_table(container._stats.preservation) }} {% endif %}

{% if container.extra and container.extra.kbart %} There seem to be at least some "dark" preservation holdings in: {% for k, v in container.extra.kbart.items() %} {{ k }}{{ ", " if not loop.last }} {% endfor %} . {% endif %} {% if container.issnl %} Our metadata may not be up to date, but you can verify preservation holdings in Keepers Registery (click "Archival Status"). {% endif %}

{% if container._stats.total >= 1 %}

Perpetual Access Coverage by Year

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Perpetual Access Coverage by Volume

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Perpetual Access Coverage by Release Type

{% for type_row in container._type_preservation %}
Release Type Total Count Coverage
{{ type_row.release_type }} {{ "{:,}".format(type_row.total) }} {{ entity_macros.preservation_bar(type_row) }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}