{% extends "base.html" %} {% block fullbody %}

{{ container.name }}
container {{ container.ident }}

{% if (container.extra != None) and (container.extra['urls'] != None) and (container.extra['urls']|length > 0) %} {{ container.extra['urls'][0] }}
{% endif %} {% if container.publisher != None %} Published by {{ container.publisher }} {% endif %} {% if container.issnl %}

Search Releases from this Container

{% endif %} {% if container.extra %}

Extra Metadata (raw JSON)

{% for (key, value) in container.extra.items() %}
{{ key }} {{ value }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if container.es and container.es.is_oa == True %} Open Access Publisher {% elif container.es and container.es.is_oa == False %} Not Open Access {% else %} Unknown OA Status {% endif %}
{% if container.issnl != None or container.wikidata_qid != None %} {% if container.issnl != None %} ISSN-L?  {{ container.issnl }} {% if container.extra != None and container.extra.ISSNp != None and (container.extra.ISSNp|length > 0) %}
Print:  {{ container.extra.ISSNp }} {% endif %} {% if container.extra != None and container.extra.ISSNe != None and (container.extra.ISSNe|length > 0) %}
Electronic:  {{ container.extra.ISSNe }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if container.wikidata_qid != None %}
Wikidata:  {{ container.wikidata_qid }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if container_stats %} Release Counts
{{ container_stats.total }} total
{{ container_stats.is_preserved }} ({{ "%.1f"|format(container_stats.is_preserved/container_stats.total*100) }}%) preserved or archived
{{ container_stats.in_web }} ({{ "%.1f"|format(container_stats.in_web/container_stats.total*100) }}%) fulltext available to read
{% endif %} {% if (container.es and container.es != None) %} Directory Listings
{% if container.es.in_doaj == True %} In DOAJ
{% elif container.es.in_doaj == False %} Not in DOAJ
{% endif %} {% if container.es.in_road == True %} In ISSN ROAD
{% elif container.es.in_road == False %} Not in ISSN ROAD
{% endif %} {% if container.es.in_kbart == True %} In Keepers Registery
{% elif container.es.in_kbart == False %} Not in Keepers Registry
{% endif %} {% if container.extra and container.extra.sherpa_romeo and container.extra.sherpa_romeo.color %} SHERPA/RoMEO color: {{ container.extra.sherpa_romeo.color }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} Lookup Links
SHERPA/RoMEO (access policies) {% if not container.wikidata_qid %}
wikidata.org {% endif %}
Fatcat Bits

State is "{{ container.state }}". Revision:
{{ container.revision }}
As JSON object via API

{% endblock %}