{% extends "base.html" %} {% import "entity_macros.html" as entity_macros %} {% block body %}

Lookup Container by Identifier

{% if lookup_error == 400 %}
400: Syntax Error
{{ lookup_key }}:{{ lookup_value }} doesn't look right to us. See below for details.
{% elif lookup_error == 404 %}
404: Not Found
Couldn't find a container with that identifier ({{ lookup_key }}:{{ lookup_value }}). If you think it should be in the catalog, you could search for an existing record missing that identifier, or create a new container entity. {% if lookup_key == "issnl" or lookup_key == "issn" or lookup_key == "issne" or lookup_key == "issnp" %}

You can check if it is a registered ISSN by visiting: https://portal.issn.org/api/search?search[]=MUST=allissnbis={{ lookup_value }}. {% elif lookup_key == "wikidata_qid" %}

You can check if it is a real Wikidata entity by visiting: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/{{ lookup_value }} {% endif %}

{% endif %}


Lookup container with the given ISSN as any of the ISSN-L, ISSN-E (electronic) or ISSN-P (print) ISSNs. {{ entity_macros.lookup_form("container", "issn", "1234-567X", lookup_key, lookup_value, lookup_error) }}   Must include the dash


The "linking" ISSN for a journal or other publication is one of the "print" or "electronic" International Standard Serial Numbers, which has been selected to represent the resource in all media. It is usually the ISSN which was registered first, and defaults to the "print" ISSN number for a journal. Fatcat uses ISSN-L as the primary identifier for journals to reduce confusion and potential for duplication. The ISSN organization publicly publishes a mapping between linking and print/electronic ISSNs. {{ entity_macros.lookup_form("container", "issnl", "1234-567X", lookup_key, lookup_value, lookup_error) }}   Must include the dash

Wikidata QID

Wikidata is the structured, machine-readable database that complements Wikipedia. Entities, which can include bibliographic entities like books and papers, are identified by a "QID". Fatcat also links container (journal) and creator (author) entities to Wikidata by QID. Anybody can edit Wikidata and create QIDs. {{ entity_macros.lookup_form("container", "wikidata_qid", "Q94324", lookup_key, lookup_value, lookup_error) }}   Include the "Q" prefix.

{% endblock %}