{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Changelog{% endblock %} {% block body %} <h1 class="ui header">Recent Changes <div class="sub header"><code>changelog</code></div></h1> <p>This is a feed of all the changes to the catalog, in the order that they are accepted. Only the most recent entries are shown, but the API can be used to inspect every change all the way back to the start. <table class="ui small table"> <thead><tr><th>Changelog<br>Index <th>Editgroup <th>Description <tbody> {% for entry in entries %} <tr><td><a href="/changelog/{{ entry.index }}">#{{ entry.index }}</a> <br>{{ entry.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }} <td> {% if entry.editgroup.editor.is_bot %} <i class="icon server"></i> {% else %} <i class="icon user"></i> {% endif %} <code><a href="/editor/{{ entry.editgroup.editor_id }}"> {{ entry.editgroup.editor.username }}</a> </a></code> <br> <small><code><a href="/editgroup/{{ entry.editgroup.editgroup_id }}"> editgroup_{{ entry.editgroup.editgroup_id }} </a></code></small> <td>{% if entry.editgroup.description != None %}{{ entry.editgroup.description }}{% endif %} {% endfor %} </table> <div style="float: right; font-size: smaller;"> <a href="{{ config.FATCAT_PUBLIC_API_HOST }}/changelog">As JSON via API</a> </div> {% endblock %}