from typing import List, Tuple, Dict

import pygal
from import CleanStyle

def ia_coverage_histogram(rows: List[Tuple]) -> pygal.Graph:
    Note: this returns a raw pygal chart; it does not render it to SVG/PNG

    Rows are tuples of: (year: float or int, in_ia: bool, count: int)

    raw_years = [int(r[0]) for r in rows]
    years = dict()
    if raw_years:
        for y in range(min(raw_years), max(raw_years)+1):
            years[int(y)] = dict(year=int(y), available=0, missing=0)
        for r in rows:
            if r[1]:
                years[int(r[0])]['available'] = r[2]
                years[int(r[0])]['missing'] = r[2]

    years = sorted(years.values(), key=lambda x: x['year'])

    CleanStyle.colors = ("green", "purple")
    label_count = len(years)
    if len(years) > 20:
        label_count = 10
    chart = pygal.StackedBar(dynamic_print_values=True, style=CleanStyle,
        width=1000, height=500, x_labels_major_count=label_count,
    #chart.title = "Perpetual Access Coverage"
    chart.x_title = "Year"
    #chart.y_title = "Releases"
    chart.x_labels = [str(y['year']) for y in years]
    chart.add('via Fatcat', [y['available'] for y in years])
    chart.add('Missing', [y['missing'] for y in years])
    return chart

def preservation_by_year_histogram(rows: List[Dict], merge_shadows: bool = False) -> pygal.Graph:
    Note: this returns a raw pygal chart; it does not render it to SVG/PNG

    Rows are dict with keys as preservation types and values as counts (int).
    There is also a 'year' key with float/int value.

    years = sorted(rows, key=lambda x: x['year'])

    if merge_shadows:
        CleanStyle.colors = ("red", "darkolivegreen", "limegreen")
        CleanStyle.colors = ("red", "darkred", "darkolivegreen", "limegreen")
    label_count = len(years)
    if len(years) > 30:
        label_count = 10
    chart = pygal.StackedBar(dynamic_print_values=True, style=CleanStyle,
        width=1000, height=500, x_labels_major_count=label_count,
        show_minor_x_labels=False, x_label_rotation=20)
    #chart.title = "Preservation by Year"
    chart.x_title = "Year"
    #chart.y_title = "Count"
    chart.x_labels = [str(y['year']) for y in years]
    if merge_shadows:
        chart.add('None', [y['none'] + y['shadows_only'] for y in years])
        chart.add('None', [y['none'] for y in years])
        chart.add('Shadow', [y['shadows_only'] for y in years])
    chart.add('Dark', [y['dark'] for y in years])
    chart.add('Bright', [y['bright'] for y in years])
    return chart

def preservation_by_date_histogram(rows: List[Dict], merge_shadows: bool = False) -> pygal.Graph:
    Note: this returns a raw pygal chart; it does not render it to SVG/PNG

    Rows are dict with keys as preservation types and values as counts (int).
    There is also a 'date' key with str value.

    dates = sorted(rows, key=lambda x: x['date'])

    if merge_shadows:
        CleanStyle.colors = ("red", "darkolivegreen", "limegreen")
        CleanStyle.colors = ("red", "darkred", "darkolivegreen", "limegreen")
    label_count = len(dates)
    if len(dates) > 30:
        label_count = 10
    chart = pygal.StackedBar(dynamic_print_values=True, style=CleanStyle,
        width=1000, height=500, x_labels_major_count=label_count,
        show_minor_x_labels=False, x_label_rotation=20)
    #chart.title = "Preservation by Date"
    chart.x_title = "Date"
    #chart.y_title = "Count"
    chart.x_labels = [str(y['date']) for y in dates]
    if merge_shadows:
        chart.add('None', [y['none'] + y['shadows_only'] for y in dates])
        chart.add('None', [y['none'] for y in dates])
        chart.add('Shadow', [y['shadows_only'] for y in dates])
    chart.add('Dark', [y['dark'] for y in dates])
    chart.add('Bright', [y['bright'] for y in dates])
    return chart

def preservation_by_volume_histogram(rows: List[Dict], merge_shadows: bool = False) -> pygal.Graph:
    Note: this returns a raw pygal chart; it does not render it to SVG/PNG

    Rows are dict with keys as preservation types and values as counts (int).
    There is also a 'volume' key with str value.

    volumes = sorted(rows, key=lambda x: x['volume'])

    if merge_shadows:
        CleanStyle.colors = ("red", "darkolivegreen", "limegreen")
        CleanStyle.colors = ("red", "darkred", "darkolivegreen", "limegreen")
    label_count = len(volumes)
    if len(volumes) >= 30:
        label_count = 10
    chart = pygal.StackedBar(dynamic_print_values=True, style=CleanStyle,
        width=1000, height=500, x_labels_major_count=label_count,
        show_minor_x_labels=False, x_label_rotation=20)
    #chart.title = "Preservation by Volume"
    chart.x_title = "Volume"
    #chart.y_title = "Count"
    chart.x_labels = [str(y['volume']) for y in volumes]
    if merge_shadows:
        chart.add('None', [y['none'] + y['shadows_only'] for y in volumes])
        chart.add('None', [y['none'] for y in volumes])
        chart.add('Shadow', [y['shadows_only'] for y in volumes])
    chart.add('Dark', [y['dark'] for y in volumes])
    chart.add('Bright', [y['bright'] for y in volumes])
    return chart