Note: in thoery could use, eg, https://github.com/christabor/swagger_wtforms,
but can't find one that is actually maintained.

from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import SelectField, DateField, StringField, IntegerField, \
    HiddenField, FormField, FieldList, validators

from fatcat_openapi_client import ContainerEntity, CreatorEntity, FileEntity, \
    ReleaseEntity, ReleaseContrib, FileUrl, ReleaseExtIds

release_type_options = [
    ('', 'Unknown (blank)'),
    ('article-journal', 'Journal Article'),
    ('paper-conference', 'Conference Proceeding'),
    ('article', 'Article (non-journal)'),
    ('book', 'Book'),
    ('chapter', 'Book Chapter'),
    ('dataset', 'Dataset'),
    ('stub', 'Invalid/Stub'),
release_stage_options = [
    ('', 'Unknown (blank)'),
    ('draft', 'Draft'),
    ('submitted', 'Submitted'),
    ('accepted', 'Accepted'),
    ('published', 'Published'),
    ('updated', 'Updated'),
role_type_options = [
    ('author', 'Author'),
    ('editor', 'Editor'),
    ('translator', 'Translator'),

class EntityEditForm(FlaskForm):
    editgroup_id = StringField('Editgroup ID',
         validators.Length(min=26, max=26)])
    editgroup_description = StringField('Editgroup Description',
    edit_description = StringField('Description of Changes',

class ReleaseContribForm(FlaskForm):
    class Meta:
        # this is a sub-form, so disable CSRF
        csrf = False

    #creator_id (?)
    #orcid (for match?)
    prev_index = HiddenField('prev_revision index', default=None)
    raw_name = StringField('Display Name',
    role = SelectField(

RELEASE_SIMPLE_ATTRS = ['title', 'original_title', 'work_id', 'container_id',
    'release_type', 'release_stage', 'release_date', 'volume', 'issue',
    'pages', 'publisher', 'language', 'license_slug']

RELEASE_EXTID_ATTRS = ['doi', 'wikidata_qid', 'isbn13', 'pmid', 'pmcid']

class ReleaseEntityForm(EntityEditForm):
    - field types: fatcat id
    - date
    title = StringField('Title',
    original_title = StringField('Original Title')
    work_id = StringField('Work FCID',
         validators.Length(min=26, max=26)])
    container_id = StringField('Container FCID',
         validators.Length(min=26, max=26)])
    release_type = SelectField('Release Type',
    release_stage = SelectField(choices=release_stage_options)
    release_date = DateField('Release Date',
    doi = StringField('DOI',
        [validators.Regexp(r'^10\..*\/.*', message="DOI must be valid"),
    wikidata_qid = StringField('Wikidata QID')
    isbn13 = StringField('ISBN-13')
    pmid = StringField('PubMed Id')
    pmcid = StringField('PubMed Central Id')
    volume = StringField('Volume')
    issue = StringField('Issue')
    pages = StringField('Pages')
    publisher = StringField('Publisher (optional)')
    language = StringField('Language (code)')
    license_slug = StringField('License (slug)')
    contribs = FieldList(FormField(ReleaseContribForm))

    def from_entity(re):
        Initializes form with values from an existing release entity.
        ref = ReleaseEntityForm()
        for simple_attr in RELEASE_SIMPLE_ATTRS:
            a = getattr(ref, simple_attr)
            a.data = getattr(re, simple_attr)
        for extid_attr in RELEASE_EXTID_ATTRS:
            a = getattr(ref, extid_attr)
            a.data = getattr(re.ext_ids, extid_attr)
        for i, c in enumerate(re.contribs):
            rcf = ReleaseContribForm()
            rcf.prev_index = i
            rcf.role = c.role
            rcf.raw_name = c.raw_name
        return ref

    def to_entity(self):
        entity = ReleaseEntity(title=self.title.data, ext_ids=ReleaseExtIds())
        return entity

    def update_entity(self, re):
        Mutates a release entity in place, updating fields with values from
        this form.

        Form must be validated *before* calling this function.
        for simple_attr in RELEASE_SIMPLE_ATTRS:
            a = getattr(self, simple_attr).data
            # special case blank strings
            if a == '':
                a = None
            setattr(re, simple_attr, a)
        for extid_attr in RELEASE_EXTID_ATTRS:
            a = getattr(self, simple_attr).data
            # special case blank strings
            if a == '':
                a = None
            setattr(re.ext_ids, simple_attr, a)
        # bunch of complexity here to preserve old contrib metadata (eg,
        # affiliation and extra) not included in current forms
        # TODO: this may be broken; either way needs tests
        if re.contribs:
            old_contribs = re.contribs.copy()
            re.contribs = []
            old_contribs = []
            re.contribs = []
        for c in self.contribs:
            if c.prev_index.data not in ('', None):
                rc = old_contribs[int(c.prev_index.data)]
                rc.role = c.role.data or None
                rc.raw_name = c.raw_name.data or None
                rc = ReleaseContrib(
                    role=c.role.data or None,
                    raw_name=c.raw_name.data or None,
        if self.edit_description.data:
            re.edit_extra = dict(description=self.edit_description.data)

container_type_options = (
    ('', 'Unknown (blank)'),
    ('journal', 'Scholarly Journal'),
    ('proceedings', 'Proceedings'),
    ('book-series', 'Book Series'),
    ('blog', 'Blog'),
    ('magazine', 'Magazine'),
    ('trade', 'Trade Magazine'),
    ('test', 'Test / Dummy'),

CONTAINER_SIMPLE_ATTRS = ['name', 'container_type', 'publisher', 'issnl',
CONTAINER_EXTRA_ATTRS = ['issne', 'issnp', 'original_name', 'country']

class ContainerEntityForm(EntityEditForm):
    name = StringField('Name/Title',
    container_type = SelectField('Container Type',
    publisher = StringField("Publisher")
    issnl = StringField("ISSN-L (linking)")
    issne = StringField("ISSN (electronic)")
    issnp = StringField("ISSN (print)")
    original_name = StringField("Original Name (native language)")
    country = StringField("Country of Publication (ISO code)")
    wikidata_qid = StringField('Wikidata QID')
    urls = FieldList(
        StringField("Container URLs",

    def from_entity(ce):
        Initializes form with values from an existing container entity.
        cef = ContainerEntityForm()
        for simple_attr in CONTAINER_SIMPLE_ATTRS:
            a = getattr(cef, simple_attr)
            a.data = getattr(ce, simple_attr)
        if ce.extra:
            for k in CONTAINER_EXTRA_ATTRS:
                if ce.extra.get(k):
                    a = getattr(cef, k)
                    a.data = ce.extra[k]
            if ce.extra.get('urls'):
                for url in ce.extra['urls']:
        return cef

    def to_entity(self):
        entity = ContainerEntity(name=self.name.data)
        return entity

    def update_entity(self, ce):
        Mutates a container entity in place, updating fields with values from
        this form.

        Form must be validated *before* calling this function.
        for simple_attr in CONTAINER_SIMPLE_ATTRS:
            a = getattr(self, simple_attr).data
            # special case blank strings
            if a == '':
                a = None
            setattr(ce, simple_attr, a)
        if not ce.extra:
            ce.extra = dict()
        for extra_attr in CONTAINER_EXTRA_ATTRS:
            a = getattr(self, extra_attr).data
            if a and a != '':
                ce.extra[extra_attr] = a
        extra_urls = []
        for url in self.urls:
        if extra_urls:
            ce.extra['urls'] = extra_urls
        if self.edit_description.data:
            ce.edit_extra = dict(description=self.edit_description.data)
        if not ce.extra:
            ce.extra = None

url_rel_options = [
    ('web', 'Public Web'),
    ('webarchive', 'Web Archive'),
    ('repository', 'Repository'),
    ('archive', 'Preservation Archive'),
    ('academicsocial', 'Academic Social Network'),
    ('publisher', 'Publisher'),
    ('dweb', 'Decentralized Web'),
    ('aggregator', 'Aggregator'),

FILE_SIMPLE_ATTRS = ['size', 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'mimetype']

class FileUrlForm(FlaskForm):
    class Meta:
        # this is a sub-form, so disable CSRF
        csrf = False

    url = StringField('Display Name',
    rel = SelectField(

class FileEntityForm(EntityEditForm):
    size = IntegerField('Size (bytes)',
        # TODO: positive definite
    md5 = StringField("MD5",
         validators.Length(min=32, max=32)])
    sha1 = StringField("SHA-1",
         validators.Length(min=40, max=40)])
    sha256 = StringField("SHA-256",
         validators.Length(min=64, max=64)])
    urls = FieldList(FormField(FileUrlForm))
    mimetype = StringField("Mimetype")
    release_ids = FieldList(
        StringField("Release FCID",
            validators.Length(min=26, max=26)]))

    def from_entity(fe):
        Initializes form with values from an existing file entity.
        ref = FileEntityForm()
        for simple_attr in FILE_SIMPLE_ATTRS:
            a = getattr(ref, simple_attr)
            a.data = getattr(fe, simple_attr)
        for i, c in enumerate(fe.urls):
            ruf = FileUrlForm()
            ruf.rel = c.rel
            ruf.url = c.url
        for r in fe.release_ids:
        return ref

    def to_entity(self):
        entity = FileEntity()
        return entity

    def update_entity(self, fe):
        Mutates in place, updating fields with values from this form.

        Form must be validated *before* calling this function.
        for simple_attr in FILE_SIMPLE_ATTRS:
            a = getattr(self, simple_attr).data
            # be flexible about hash capitalization
            if simple_attr in ('md5', 'sha1', 'sha256'):
                a = a.lower()
            # special case blank strings
            if a == '':
                a = None
            setattr(fe, simple_attr, a)
        fe.urls = []
        for u in self.urls:
                rel=u.rel.data or None,
                url=u.url.data or None,
        fe.release_ids = []
        for ri in self.release_ids:
        if self.edit_description.data:
            fe.edit_extra = dict(description=self.edit_description.data)

    ('pdf', 'PDF Fulltext'),
    ('html', 'HTML Fulltext'),
    ('xml', 'XML Fulltext'),

class SavePaperNowForm(FlaskForm):

    base_url = StringField(
    ingest_type = SelectField(
        "Content Type",
    release_stage = SelectField(
        "Publication Stage",

    def to_ingest_request(self, release, ingest_request_source='savepapernow'):
        base_url = self.base_url.data
        ext_ids = release.ext_ids.to_dict()
        # by default this dict has a bunch of empty values
        ext_ids = dict([(k, v) for (k, v) in ext_ids.items() if v])
        ingest_request = {
            'ingest_type': self.ingest_type.data,
            'ingest_request_source': ingest_request_source,
            'link_source': 'spn',
            'link_source_id': release.ident,
            'base_url': base_url,
            'fatcat': {
                'release_ident': release.ident,
                'work_ident': release.work_id,
            'ext_ids': ext_ids,
        if self.release_stage.data:
            ingest_request['release_stage'] = self.release_stage.data

        if release.ext_ids.doi and base_url == "https://doi.org/{}".format(release.ext_ids.doi):
            ingest_request['link_source'] = 'doi'
            ingest_request['link_source_id'] = release.ext_ids.doi
        elif release.ext_ids.arxiv and base_url == "https://arxiv.org/pdf/{}.pdf".format(release.ext_ids.arxiv):
            ingest_request['link_source'] = 'arxiv'
            ingest_request['link_source_id'] = release.ext_ids.arxiv
        return ingest_request