from flask import abort from import ApiException from fatcat_tools.transforms import * from fatcat_web import app, api from import get_elastic_container_stats from fatcat_web.hacks import strip_extlink_xml, wayback_suffix, get_camp_pdf_path def enrich_container_entity(entity): if entity.state in ('redirect', 'deleted'): return entity if entity.state == "active": entity._es = container_to_elasticsearch(entity, force_bool=False) entity._stats = None if entity.issnl: try: entity._stats = get_elastic_container_stats(entity.issnl) except Exception as e: app.log.error(e) pass return entity def enrich_creator_entity(entity): if entity.state in ('redirect', 'deleted'): return entity entity._releases = None if entity.state in ('active', 'wip'): entity._releases = api.get_creator_releases(entity.ident) return entity def enrich_file_entity(entity): return entity def enrich_fileset_entity(entity): if entity.state in ('redirect', 'deleted'): return entity entity._total_size = None if entity.manifest != None: entity._total_size = sum([f.size for f in entity.manifest]) or 0 return entity def enrich_webcapture_entity(entity): if entity.state in ('redirect', 'deleted'): return entity entity.wayback_suffix = wayback_suffix(entity) return entity def enrich_release_entity(entity): if entity.state in ('redirect', 'deleted'): return entity if entity.state == "active": entity._es = release_to_elasticsearch(entity, force_bool=False) if entity.container and entity.container.state == "active": entity.container._es = container_to_elasticsearch(entity.container, force_bool=False) if entity.filesets: for fs in entity.filesets: fs._total_size = sum([f.size for f in fs.manifest]) if entity.webcaptures: for wc in entity.webcaptures: wc._wayback_suffix = wayback_suffix(wc) for ref in entity.refs: # this is a UI hack to get rid of XML crud in unstructured refs like: # LOCKSS (2014) Available: Accessed: 2014 # November 1. if ref.extra and ref.extra.get('unstructured'): ref.extra['unstructured'] = strip_extlink_xml(ref.extra['unstructured']) # author list to display; ensure it's sorted by index (any othors with # index=None go to end of list) authors = [c for c in entity.contribs if c.role in ('author', None)] entity._authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda c: (c.index == None and 99999999) or c.index) # hack to show plain text instead of latex abstracts if entity.abstracts: if 'latex' in entity.abstracts[0].mimetype: entity.abstracts.reverse() if entity.files: camp_pdf_path = get_camp_pdf_path(entity) if camp_pdf_path: entity.camp_pdf_url = app.config['CAMP_PDF_URI'] + camp_pdf_path return entity def enrich_work_entity(entity): if entity.state in ('redirect', 'deleted'): return entity entity._releases = None if entity.state in ('active', 'wip'): entity._releases = api.get_work_releases(entity.ident) return entity def generic_get_entity(entity_type, ident): try: if entity_type == 'container': return enrich_container_entity(api.get_container(ident)) elif entity_type == 'creator': return enrich_creator_entity(api.get_creator(ident)) elif entity_type == 'file': return enrich_file_entity(api.get_file(ident, expand="releases")) elif entity_type == 'fileset': return enrich_fileset_entity(api.get_fileset(ident, expand="releases")) elif entity_type == 'webcapture': return enrich_webcapture_entity(api.get_webcapture(ident, expand="releases")) elif entity_type == 'release': return enrich_release_entity(api.get_release(ident, expand="container,files,filesets,webcaptures")) elif entity_type == 'work': return enrich_work_entity(api.get_work(ident)) else: raise NotImplementedError except ApiException as ae: abort(ae.status) def generic_get_entity_revision(entity_type, revision_id): try: if entity_type == 'container': return enrich_container_entity(api.get_container_revision(revision_id)) elif entity_type == 'creator': return enrich_creator_entity(api.get_creator_revision(revision_id)) elif entity_type == 'file': return enrich_file_entity(api.get_file_revision(revision_id, expand="releases")) elif entity_type == 'fileset': return enrich_fileset_entity(api.get_fileset_revision(revision_id, expand="releases")) elif entity_type == 'webcapture': return enrich_webcapture_entity(api.get_webcapture_revision(revision_id, expand="releases")) elif entity_type == 'release': return enrich_release_entity(api.get_release_revision(revision_id, expand="container")) elif entity_type == 'work': return enrich_work_entity(api.get_work_revision(revision_id)) else: raise NotImplementedError except ApiException as ae: abort(ae.status) def generic_get_editgroup_entity(editgroup, entity_type, ident): if entity_type == 'container': edits = editgroup.edits.containers elif entity_type == 'creator': edits = editgroup.edits.creators elif entity_type == 'file': edits = editgroup.edits.files elif entity_type == 'fileset': edits = editgroup.edits.filesets elif entity_type == 'webcapture': edits = editgroup.edits.webcaptures elif entity_type == 'release': edits = editgroup.edits.releases elif entity_type == 'work': edits = else: raise NotImplementedError revision_id = None for e in edits: if e.ident == ident: revision_id = e.revision edit = e break if not revision_id: # couldn't find relevent edit in this editgroup abort(404) entity = generic_get_entity_revision(entity_type, revision_id) entity.ident = ident return entity, edit