import json import time from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaException, Producer from fatcat_tools.transforms import release_ingest_request, release_to_elasticsearch from .worker_common import FatcatWorker, most_recent_message class ChangelogWorker(FatcatWorker): """ Periodically polls the fatcat API looking for new changelogs. When they are found, fetch them and push (as JSON) into a Kafka topic. """ def __init__(self, api, kafka_hosts, produce_topic, poll_interval=10.0, offset=None): super().__init__(kafka_hosts=kafka_hosts, produce_topic=produce_topic, api=api) self.poll_interval = poll_interval self.offset = offset # the fatcat changelog offset, not the kafka offset def run(self): # On start, try to consume the most recent from the topic, and using # that as the starting offset. Note that this is a single-partition # topic if self.offset is None: print("Checking for most recent changelog offset...") msg = most_recent_message(self.produce_topic, self.kafka_config) if msg: self.offset = json.loads(msg.decode("utf-8"))["index"] else: self.offset = 0 print("Most recent changelog index in Kafka seems to be {}".format(self.offset)) def fail_fast(err, msg): if err is not None: print("Kafka producer delivery error: {}".format(err)) print("Bailing out...") # TODO: should it be sys.exit(-1)? raise KafkaException(err) producer_conf = self.kafka_config.copy() producer_conf.update( { "": True, "default.topic.config": { "request.required.acks": -1, # all brokers must confirm }, } ) producer = Producer(producer_conf) while True: latest = int(self.api.get_changelog(limit=1)[0].index) if latest > self.offset: print("Fetching changelogs from {} through {}".format(self.offset + 1, latest)) for i in range(self.offset + 1, latest + 1): cle = self.api.get_changelog_entry(i) obj = self.api.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(cle) producer.produce( self.produce_topic, json.dumps(obj).encode("utf-8"), key=str(i), on_delivery=fail_fast, # NOTE timestamp could be timestamp=cle.timestamp (?) ) self.offset = i producer.flush() print("Sleeping {} seconds...".format(self.poll_interval)) time.sleep(self.poll_interval) class EntityUpdatesWorker(FatcatWorker): """ Consumes from the changelog topic and publishes expanded entities (fetched from API) to update topics. """ def __init__( self, api, kafka_hosts, consume_topic, release_topic, file_topic, container_topic, ingest_file_request_topic, work_ident_topic, poll_interval=5.0, ): super().__init__(kafka_hosts=kafka_hosts, consume_topic=consume_topic, api=api) self.release_topic = release_topic self.file_topic = file_topic self.container_topic = container_topic self.ingest_file_request_topic = ingest_file_request_topic self.work_ident_topic = work_ident_topic self.poll_interval = poll_interval self.consumer_group = "entity-updates" self.ingest_oa_only = False self.ingest_pdf_doi_prefix_blocklist = [ # many DOIs, not PDF fulltext "10.15468/", # gene data "10.18730/", # gene data "10.15156/", # swiss image (photo) archive "10.3932/", # crystal structures "10.5517/", # researchgate: mostly blocks our crawler "10.13140/", # springerlink: mostly blocks crawler "10.1007/", # nature group: mostly blocks crawler "10.1038/", # SAGE: mostly blocks crawler "10.1177/", # IOP: mostly blocks crawler "10.1088/", # JSTOR: mostly blocks crawler "10.2307/", ] self.live_pdf_ingest_doi_prefix_acceptlist = [ # biorxiv and medrxiv "10.1101/", # the lancet (often hybrid OA) "10.1016/s0140-6736", "10.1016/s2213-2600", # journal of virology "10.1128/jvi.", # FEBS letters "10.1002/1873-3468.", # Journal of Neuroscience "10.1523/jneurosci.", # Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin "10.1248/cpb.", # Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology "10.6009/jjrt.", # Seibutsu Butsuri "10.2142/biophys.", # Chemical Communications "10.1039/d0cc", # Yakugaku zasshi "10.1248/yakushi.", # bulletin AMS "10.1090/s0002-9904", # Current Biology "10.1016/j.cub.", # Antarctica A Keystone in a Changing World "10.3133/ofr", # Clinical Cancer Research "10.1158/1078-0432.", # Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers "10.1299/kikai", # "10.17504/", ] def want_live_ingest(self, release, ingest_request): """ This function looks at ingest requests and decides whether they are worth enqueing for ingest. In theory crawling all DOIs to a landing page is valuable. It is intended to be an operational point of control to reduce load on daily ingest crawling (via wayback SPN). """ link_source = ingest_request.get("ingest_request") ingest_type = ingest_request.get("ingest_type") doi = ingest_request.get("ext_ids", {}).get("doi") es = release_to_elasticsearch(release) is_document = release.release_type in ( "article", "article-journal", "article-newspaper", "book", "chapter", "editorial", "interview", "legal_case", "legislation", "letter", "manuscript", "paper-conference", "patent", "peer_review", "post", "report", "retraction", "review", "review-book", "thesis", ) is_not_pdf = release.release_type in ( "component", "dataset", "figure", "graphic", "software", "stub", ) # accept list sets a default "crawl it" despite OA metadata for # known-OA DOI prefixes in_acceptlist = False if doi: for prefix in self.live_pdf_ingest_doi_prefix_acceptlist: if doi.startswith(prefix): in_acceptlist = True if self.ingest_oa_only and link_source not in ("arxiv", "pmc"): # most datacite documents are in IRs and should be crawled is_datacite_doc = False if release.extra and ("datacite" in release.extra) and is_document: is_datacite_doc = True if not (es["is_oa"] or in_acceptlist or is_datacite_doc): return False # big publishers *generally* have accurate OA metadata, use # preservation networks, and block our crawlers. So unless OA, or # explicitly on accept list, or not preserved, skip crawling if ( es.get("publisher_type") == "big5" and es.get("is_preserved") and not (es["is_oa"] or in_acceptlist) ): return False # if ingest_type is pdf but release_type is almost certainly not a PDF, # skip it. This is mostly a datacite thing. if ingest_type == "pdf" and is_not_pdf: return False if ingest_type == "pdf" and doi: for prefix in self.ingest_pdf_doi_prefix_blocklist: if doi.startswith(prefix): return False # figshare if doi and (doi.startswith("10.6084/") or doi.startswith("10.25384/")): # don't crawl "most recent version" (aka "group") DOIs if not release.version: return False # zenodo if doi and doi.startswith("10.5281/"): # if this is a "grouping" DOI of multiple "version" DOIs, do not crawl (will crawl the versioned DOIs) if release.extra and release.extra.get("relations"): for rel in release.extra["relations"]: if rel.get("relationType") == "HasVersion" and rel.get( "relatedIdentifier", "" ).startswith("10.5281/"): return False return True def run(self): def fail_fast(err, msg): if err is not None: print("Kafka producer delivery error: {}".format(err)) print("Bailing out...") # TODO: should it be sys.exit(-1)? raise KafkaException(err) def on_commit(err, partitions): if err is not None: print("Kafka consumer commit error: {}".format(err)) print("Bailing out...") # TODO: should it be sys.exit(-1)? raise KafkaException(err) for p in partitions: # check for partition-specific commit errors print(p) if p.error: print("Kafka consumer commit error: {}".format(p.error)) print("Bailing out...") # TODO: should it be sys.exit(-1)? raise KafkaException(p.error) print("Kafka consumer commit successful") pass def on_rebalance(consumer, partitions): for p in partitions: if p.error: raise KafkaException(p.error) print("Kafka partitions rebalanced: {} / {}".format(consumer, partitions)) consumer_conf = self.kafka_config.copy() consumer_conf.update( { "": self.consumer_group, "on_commit": fail_fast, # messages don't have offset marked as stored until pushed to # elastic, but we do auto-commit stored offsets to broker "": True, "": False, # user code timeout; if no poll after this long, assume user code # hung and rebalance (default: 5min) "": 180000, "default.topic.config": { "auto.offset.reset": "latest", }, } ) consumer = Consumer(consumer_conf) producer_conf = self.kafka_config.copy() producer_conf.update( { "": True, "default.topic.config": { "request.required.acks": -1, # all brokers must confirm }, } ) producer = Producer(producer_conf) consumer.subscribe( [self.consume_topic], on_assign=on_rebalance, on_revoke=on_rebalance, ) print("Kafka consuming {}".format(self.consume_topic)) while True: msg = consumer.poll(self.poll_interval) if not msg: print( "nothing new from kafka (poll_interval: {} sec)".format(self.poll_interval) ) continue if msg.error(): raise KafkaException(msg.error()) cle = json.loads(msg.value().decode("utf-8")) # print(cle) print("processing changelog index {}".format(cle["index"])) release_ids = [] new_release_ids = [] file_ids = [] fileset_ids = [] webcapture_ids = [] container_ids = [] work_ids = [] release_edits = cle["editgroup"]["edits"]["releases"] for re in release_edits: release_ids.append(re["ident"]) # filter to direct release edits which are not updates if not re.get("prev_revision") and not re.get("redirect_ident"): new_release_ids.append(re["ident"]) file_edits = cle["editgroup"]["edits"]["files"] for e in file_edits: file_ids.append(e["ident"]) fileset_edits = cle["editgroup"]["edits"]["filesets"] for e in fileset_edits: fileset_ids.append(e["ident"]) webcapture_edits = cle["editgroup"]["edits"]["webcaptures"] for e in webcapture_edits: webcapture_ids.append(e["ident"]) container_edits = cle["editgroup"]["edits"]["containers"] for e in container_edits: container_ids.append(e["ident"]) work_edits = cle["editgroup"]["edits"]["works"] for e in work_edits: work_ids.append(e["ident"]) # TODO: do these fetches in parallel using a thread pool? for ident in set(file_ids): file_entity = self.api.get_file(ident, expand=None) # update release when a file changes # TODO: also fetch old version of file and update any *removed* # release idents (and same for filesets, webcapture updates) release_ids.extend(file_entity.release_ids or []) file_dict = self.api.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(file_entity) producer.produce( self.file_topic, json.dumps(file_dict).encode("utf-8"), key=ident.encode("utf-8"), on_delivery=fail_fast, ) # TODO: topic for fileset updates for ident in set(fileset_ids): fileset_entity = self.api.get_fileset(ident, expand=None) # update release when a fileset changes release_ids.extend(fileset_entity.release_ids or []) # TODO: topic for webcapture updates for ident in set(webcapture_ids): webcapture_entity = self.api.get_webcapture(ident, expand=None) # update release when a webcapture changes release_ids.extend(webcapture_entity.release_ids or []) for ident in set(container_ids): container = self.api.get_container(ident) container_dict = self.api.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(container) producer.produce( self.container_topic, json.dumps(container_dict).encode("utf-8"), key=ident.encode("utf-8"), on_delivery=fail_fast, ) for ident in set(release_ids): release = self.api.get_release( ident, expand="files,filesets,webcaptures,container" ) if release.work_id: work_ids.append(release.work_id) release_dict = self.api.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(release) producer.produce( self.release_topic, json.dumps(release_dict).encode("utf-8"), key=ident.encode("utf-8"), on_delivery=fail_fast, ) # for ingest requests, filter to "new" active releases with no matched files if release.ident in new_release_ids: ir = release_ingest_request( release, ingest_request_source="fatcat-changelog" ) if ir and not release.files and self.want_live_ingest(release, ir): producer.produce( self.ingest_file_request_topic, json.dumps(ir).encode("utf-8"), # key=None, on_delivery=fail_fast, ) # send work updates (just ident and changelog metadata) to scholar for re-indexing for ident in set(work_ids): assert ident key = f"work_{ident}" work_ident_dict = dict( key=key, type="fatcat_work", work_ident=ident, updated=cle["timestamp"], fatcat_changelog_index=cle["index"], ) producer.produce( self.work_ident_topic, json.dumps(work_ident_dict).encode("utf-8"), key=key.encode("utf-8"), on_delivery=fail_fast, ) producer.flush() # TODO: publish updated 'work' entities to a topic consumer.store_offsets(message=msg)