import datetime from typing import Optional import tldextract from fatcat_openapi_client import ReleaseEntity, ContainerEntity def check_kbart(year: int, archive: dict) -> Optional[bool]: if not archive or not archive.get('year_spans'): return None for span in archive['year_spans']: if year >= span[0] and year <= span[1]: return True return False def test_check_kbart() -> None: assert check_kbart(1990, dict()) is None assert check_kbart(1990, dict(year_spans=[[2000, 2000]])) is False assert check_kbart(2000, dict(year_spans=[[2000, 2000]])) is True assert check_kbart(1950, dict(year_spans=[[1900, 1920], [1990, 2000]])) is False assert check_kbart(1950, dict(year_spans=[[1900, 1920], [1930, 2000]])) is True def release_to_elasticsearch(entity: ReleaseEntity, force_bool: bool = True) -> dict: """ Converts from an entity model/schema to elasticsearch oriented schema. This is a large/complex transform, so subsets are split out into helper functions. Returns: dict Raises exception on error (never returns None) """ if entity.state in ('redirect', 'deleted'): return dict( ident = entity.ident, state = entity.state, ) elif entity.state != 'active': raise ValueError("Unhandled entity state: {}".format(entity.state)) # First, the easy ones (direct copy) release = entity t = dict( doc_index_ts=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+"Z", ident = release.ident, state = release.state, revision = release.revision, work_id = release.work_id, title = release.title, subtitle = release.subtitle, original_title = release.original_title, release_type = release.release_type, release_stage = release.release_stage, withdrawn_status = release.withdrawn_status, language = release.language, volume = release.volume, issue = release.issue, pages = release.pages, number = release.number, license = release.license_slug, doi = release.ext_ids.doi, pmid = release.ext_ids.pmid, pmcid = release.ext_ids.pmcid, isbn13 = release.ext_ids.isbn13, wikidata_qid = release.ext_ids.wikidata_qid, core_id = release.ext_ids.core, arxiv_id = release.ext_ids.arxiv, jstor_id = release.ext_ids.jstor, ark_id = release.ext_ids.ark, mag_id = release.ext_ids.mag, dblp_id = release.ext_ids.dblp, doaj_id = release.ext_ids.doaj, ) t.update(dict( is_oa = None, is_longtail_oa = None, is_preserved = None, in_web = False, in_dweb = False, in_ia = False, in_ia_sim = False, in_kbart = None, in_jstor = False, in_doaj= bool(release.ext_ids.doaj), in_shadows = False, )) release_year = release.release_year if release.release_date: # .isoformat() results in, eg, '2010-10-22' (YYYY-MM-DD) t['release_date'] = release.release_date.isoformat() if not release_year: release_year = release.release_date.year if release_year: t['release_year'] = release_year t['any_abstract'] = len(release.abstracts or []) > 0 t['ref_count'] = len(release.refs or []) ref_release_ids = [] for r in (release.refs or []): if r.target_release_id: ref_release_ids.append(r.target_release_id) t['ref_release_ids'] = ref_release_ids t['ref_linked_count'] = len(ref_release_ids) t['contrib_count'] = len(release.contribs or []) contrib_names = [] contrib_affiliations = [] creator_ids = [] for c in (release.contribs or []): if c.creator and c.creator.display_ame: contrib_names.append(c.creator.display_ame) elif c.raw_name: contrib_names.append(c.raw_name) elif c.surname: contrib_names.append(c.surname) if c.creator_id: creator_ids.append(c.creator_id) if c.raw_affiliation: contrib_affiliations.append(c.raw_affiliation) t['contrib_names'] = contrib_names t['creator_ids'] = creator_ids t['affiliations'] = contrib_affiliations # TODO: mapping... probably by lookup? t['affiliation_rors'] = None if release.container: t.update(_rte_container_helper(release.container, release_year)) # fall back to release-level container metadata if container not linked or # missing context if not t.get('publisher'): t['publisher'] = release.publisher if not t.get('container_name') and release.extra: t['container_name'] = release.extra.get('container_name') if release.ext_ids.jstor or (release.ext_ids.doi and release.ext_ids.doi.startswith('10.2307/')): t['in_jstor'] = True # transform file/fileset/webcapture related fields t.update(_rte_content_helper(release)) if release.ext_ids.doaj: t['is_oa'] = True if release.license_slug: # TODO: more/better checks here, particularly strict *not* OA licenses if release.license_slug.startswith("CC-"): t['is_oa'] = True if release.license_slug.startswith("ARXIV-"): t['is_oa'] = True extra = release.extra or dict() if extra: if extra.get('is_oa'): # NOTE: not actually setting this anywhere... but could t['is_oa'] = True if extra.get('longtail_oa'): # sometimes set by GROBID/matcher t['is_oa'] = True t['is_longtail_oa'] = True if not t.get('container_name'): t['container_name'] = extra.get('container_name') if extra.get('crossref'): if extra['crossref'].get('archive'): # all crossref archives are KBART, I believe t['in_kbart'] = True # backwards compatible subtitle fetching if not t['subtitle'] and extra.get('subtitle'): if type(extra['subtitle']) == list: t['subtitle'] = extra['subtitle'][0] else: t['subtitle'] = extra['subtitle'] t['first_page'] = None if release.pages: first = release.pages.split('-')[0] first = first.replace('p', '') if first.isdigit(): t['first_page'] = first # TODO: non-numerical first pages t['ia_microfilm_url'] = None if t['in_ia_sim']: # TODO: determine URL somehow? I think this is in flux. Will probably # need extra metadata in the container extra field. # special case as a demo for now. if release.container_id == "hl5g6d5msjcl7hlbyyvcsbhc2u" \ and release.release_year in (2011, 2013) \ and release.issue \ and release.issue.isdigit() \ and t['first_page']: t['ia_microfilm_url'] = "{}-{:02d}/page/n{}".format( release.release_year, int(release.issue) - 1, t['first_page'], ) t['doi_registrar'] = None if extra and t['doi']: for k in ('crossref', 'datacite', 'jalc'): if k in extra: t['doi_registrar'] = k if not 'doi_registrar' in t: t['doi_registrar'] = 'crossref' if t['doi']: t['doi_prefix'] = t['doi'].split('/')[0] if t['is_longtail_oa']: t['is_oa'] = True # optionally coerce all flags from Optional[bool] to bool if force_bool: for k in ('is_oa', 'is_longtail_oa', 'in_kbart', 'in_ia_sim', 'in_jstor', 'in_web', 'in_dweb', 'in_shadows'): t[k] = bool(t[k]) t['in_ia'] = bool(t['in_ia']) t['is_preserved'] = bool( t['is_preserved'] or t['in_ia'] or t['in_kbart'] or t['in_jstor'] or t.get('pmcid') or t.get('arxiv_id') ) if t['in_ia']: t['preservation'] = 'bright' elif t['is_preserved']: t['preservation'] = 'dark' elif t['in_shadows']: t['preservation'] = 'shadows_only' else: t['preservation'] = 'none' return t def _rte_container_helper(container: ContainerEntity, release_year: Optional[int]) -> dict: """ Container metadata sub-section of release_to_elasticsearch() """ this_year = t = dict() t['publisher'] = container.publisher t['container_name'] = # this is container.ident, not release.container_id, because there may # be a redirect involved t['container_id'] = container.ident t['container_issnl'] = container.issnl t['container_type'] = container.container_type if container.extra: c_extra = container.extra if c_extra.get('kbart') and release_year: if check_kbart(release_year, c_extra['kbart'].get('jstor')): t['in_jstor'] = True if t.get('in_kbart') or t.get('in_jstor'): t['in_kbart'] = True for archive in ('portico', 'lockss', 'clockss', 'pkp_pln', 'hathitrust', 'scholarsportal', 'cariniana'): t['in_kbart'] = t.get('in_kbart') or check_kbart(release_year, c_extra['kbart'].get(archive)) # recent KBART coverage is often not updated for the # current year. So for current-year publications, consider # coverage from *last* year to also be included in the # Keeper if not t.get('in_kbart') and release_year == this_year: t['in_kbart'] = check_kbart(this_year - 1, c_extra['kbart'].get(archive)) if c_extra.get('ia'): if c_extra['ia'].get('sim') and release_year: t['in_ia_sim'] = check_kbart(release_year, c_extra['ia']['sim']) if c_extra['ia'].get('longtail_oa'): t['is_longtail_oa'] = True if c_extra.get('sherpa_romeo'): if c_extra['sherpa_romeo'].get('color') == 'white': t['is_oa'] = False if c_extra.get('default_license') and c_extra.get('default_license').startswith('CC-'): t['is_oa'] = True if c_extra.get('doaj'): if c_extra['doaj'].get('as_of'): t['is_oa'] = True t['in_doaj'] = True if c_extra.get('road'): if c_extra['road'].get('as_of'): t['is_oa'] = True if c_extra.get('szczepanski'): if c_extra['szczepanski'].get('as_of'): t['is_oa'] = True if c_extra.get('country'): t['country_code'] = c_extra['country'] t['country_code_upper'] = c_extra['country'].upper() if c_extra.get('publisher_type'): t['publisher_type'] = c_extra['publisher_type'] if c_extra.get('discipline'): t['discipline'] = c_extra['discipline'] return t def _rte_content_helper(release: ReleaseEntity) -> dict: """ File/FileSet/WebCapture sub-section of release_to_elasticsearch() The current priority order for "best_pdf_url" is: - internet archive urls ( or - other webarchive or repository URLs - any other URL """ t = dict( file_count = len(release.files or []), fileset_count = len(release.filesets or []), webcapture_count = len(release.webcaptures or []), ) any_pdf_url = None good_pdf_url = None best_pdf_url = None ia_pdf_url = None for f in release.files or []: if f.extra and f.extra.get('shadows'): t['in_shadows'] = True is_pdf = 'pdf' in (f.mimetype or '') for release_url in (f.urls or []): # first generic flags t.update(_rte_url_helper(release_url)) # then PDF specific stuff (for generating "best URL" fields) if not f.mimetype and 'pdf' in release_url.url.lower(): is_pdf = True if is_pdf: any_pdf_url = release_url.url if release_url.rel in ('webarchive', 'repository', 'repo'): good_pdf_url = release_url.url if '//' in release_url.url or '//' in release_url.url: best_pdf_url = release_url.url ia_pdf_url = release_url.url # here is where we bake-in PDF url priority; IA-specific t['best_pdf_url'] = best_pdf_url or good_pdf_url or any_pdf_url t['ia_pdf_url'] = ia_pdf_url for fs in release.filesets or []: for url_obj in (fs.urls or []): t.update(_rte_url_helper(url_obj)) for wc in release.webcaptures or []: for url_obj in (wc.archive_urls or []): t.update(_rte_url_helper(url_obj)) return t def _rte_url_helper(url_obj) -> dict: """ Takes a location URL ('url' and 'rel' keys) and returns generic preservation status. Designed to work with file, webcapture, or fileset URLs. Returns a dict; should *not* include non-True values for any keys because these will be iteratively update() into the overal object. """ t = dict() if url_obj.rel in ('webarchive', 'repository', 'archive', 'repo'): t['is_preserved'] = True if '//' in url_obj.url or '//' in url_obj.url: t['in_ia'] = True if url_obj.url.lower().startswith('http') or url_obj.url.lower().startswith('ftp'): t['in_web'] = True if url_obj.rel in ('dweb', 'p2p', 'ipfs', 'dat', 'torrent'): # not sure what rel will be for this stuff t['in_dweb'] = True if '//' in url_obj.url: t['in_jstor'] = True return t def container_to_elasticsearch(entity, force_bool=True, stats=None): """ Converts from an entity model/schema to elasticsearch oriented schema. Returns: dict Raises exception on error (never returns None) """ if entity.state in ('redirect', 'deleted'): return dict( ident = entity.ident, state = entity.state, ) elif entity.state != 'active': raise ValueError("Unhandled entity state: {}".format(entity.state)) # First, the easy ones (direct copy) t = dict( doc_index_ts=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+"Z", ident = entity.ident, state = entity.state, revision = entity.revision, name =, publisher = entity.publisher, container_type = entity.container_type, issnl = entity.issnl, wikidata_qid = entity.wikidata_qid, ) if not entity.extra: entity.extra = dict() for key in ('country', 'languages', 'mimetypes', 'original_name', 'first_year', 'last_year', 'aliases', 'abbrev', 'region', 'discipline', 'publisher_type'): if entity.extra.get(key): t[key] = entity.extra[key] if entity.extra.get('dblp') and entity.extra['dblp'].get('prefix'): t['dblp_prefix'] = entity.extra['dblp']['prefix'] if 'country' in t: t['country_code'] = t.pop('country') t['issns'] = [] if entity.issnl: t['issns'].append(entity.issnl) for key in ('issnp', 'issne'): if entity.extra.get(key): t['issns'].append(entity.extra[key]) in_doaj = None in_road = None is_oa = None is_longtail_oa = None any_kbart = None any_jstor = None any_ia_sim = None keepers = [] extra = entity.extra if extra.get('doaj'): if extra['doaj'].get('as_of'): in_doaj = True if extra.get('road'): if extra['road'].get('as_of'): in_road = True if extra.get('szczepanski'): if extra['szczepanski'].get('as_of'): is_oa = True if extra.get('default_license'): if extra['default_license'].startswith('CC-'): is_oa = True t['sherpa_romeo_color'] = None if extra.get('sherpa_romeo'): t['sherpa_romeo_color'] = extra['sherpa_romeo'].get('color') if extra['sherpa_romeo'].get('color') == 'white': is_oa = False if extra.get('kbart'): any_kbart = True if extra['kbart'].get('jstor'): any_jstor = True for k, v in extra['kbart'].items(): if v and isinstance(v, dict): keepers.append(k) if extra.get('ia'): if extra['ia'].get('sim'): any_ia_sim = True if extra['ia'].get('longtail_oa'): is_longtail_oa = True t['is_superceded'] = bool(extra.get('superceded')) t['keepers'] = keepers t['in_doaj'] = bool(in_doaj) t['in_road'] = bool(in_road) t['any_kbart'] = bool(any_kbart) if force_bool: t['is_oa'] = bool(in_doaj or in_road or is_oa) t['is_longtail_oa'] = bool(is_longtail_oa) t['any_jstor'] = bool(any_jstor) t['any_ia_sim'] = bool(any_ia_sim) else: t['is_oa'] = in_doaj or in_road or is_oa t['is_longtail_oa'] = is_longtail_oa t['any_jstor'] = any_jstor t['any_ia_sim'] = any_ia_sim # mix in stats, if provided if stats: t['releases_total'] = stats['total'] t['preservation_bright'] = stats['preservation']['bright'] t['preservation_dark'] = stats['preservation']['dark'] t['preservation_shadows_only'] = stats['preservation']['shadows_only'] t['preservation_none'] = stats['preservation']['none'] return t def _type_of_edit(edit): if edit.revision == None and edit.redirect_ident == None: return 'delete' elif edit.redirect_ident: # redirect return 'update' elif edit.prev_revision == None and edit.redirect_ident == None and edit.revision: return 'create' else: return 'update' def changelog_to_elasticsearch(entity): """ Note that this importer requires expanded fill info to work. Calling code may need to re-fetch editgroup from API to get the 'editor' field. Some of the old kafka feed content doesn't includes editor in particular. """ editgroup = entity.editgroup t = dict( doc_index_ts=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+"Z", index=entity.index, editgroup_id=entity.editgroup_id, timestamp=entity.timestamp.isoformat(), editor_id=editgroup.editor_id, username=editgroup.editor.username, is_bot=editgroup.editor.is_bot, is_admin=editgroup.editor.is_admin, ) extra = editgroup.extra or dict() if extra.get('agent'): t['agent'] = extra['agent'] containers = [_type_of_edit(e) for e in editgroup.edits.containers] creators = [_type_of_edit(e) for e in editgroup.edits.creators] files = [_type_of_edit(e) for e in editgroup.edits.files] filesets = [_type_of_edit(e) for e in editgroup.edits.filesets] webcaptures = [_type_of_edit(e) for e in editgroup.edits.webcaptures] releases = [_type_of_edit(e) for e in editgroup.edits.releases] works = [_type_of_edit(e) for e in] t['containers'] = len(containers) t['new_containers'] = len([e for e in containers if e == 'create']) t['creators'] = len(creators) t['new_creators'] = len([e for e in creators if e == 'create']) t['files'] = len(files) t['new_files'] = len([e for e in files if e == 'create']) t['filesets'] = len(filesets) t['new_filesets'] = len([e for e in filesets if e == 'create']) t['webcaptures'] = len(webcaptures) t['new_webcaptures'] = len([e for e in webcaptures if e == 'create']) t['releases'] = len(releases) t['new_releases'] = len([e for e in releases if e == 'create']) t['works'] = len(works) t['new_works'] = len([e for e in works if e == 'create']) all_edits = containers + creators + files + filesets + webcaptures + releases + works t['created'] = len([e for e in all_edits if e == 'create']) t['updated'] = len([e for e in all_edits if e == 'update']) t['deleted'] = len([e for e in all_edits if e == 'delete']) t['total'] = len(all_edits) return t def file_to_elasticsearch(entity): """ Converts from an entity model/schema to elasticsearch oriented schema. Returns: dict Raises exception on error (never returns None) """ if entity.state in ('redirect', 'deleted'): return dict( ident = entity.ident, state = entity.state, ) elif entity.state != 'active': raise ValueError("Unhandled entity state: {}".format(entity.state)) # First, the easy ones (direct copy) t = dict( doc_index_ts=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+"Z", ident = entity.ident, state = entity.state, revision = entity.revision, release_ids = entity.release_ids, release_count = len(entity.release_ids), mimetype = entity.mimetype, size_bytes = entity.size, sha1 = entity.sha1, sha256 = entity.sha256, md5 = entity.md5, ) parsed_urls = [tldextract.extract(u.url) for u in entity.urls] t['hosts'] = list(set(['.'.join([seg for seg in pu if seg]) for pu in parsed_urls])) t['domains'] = list(set([pu.registered_domain for pu in parsed_urls])) t['rels'] = list(set([u.rel for u in entity.urls])) t['in_ia'] = bool('' in t['domains']) t['in_ia_petabox'] = bool('' in t['hosts']) any_url = None good_url = None best_url = None for release_url in (entity.urls or []): any_url = release_url.url if release_url.rel in ('webarchive', 'repository'): good_url = release_url.url if '//' in release_url.url or '//' in release_url.url: best_url = release_url.url # here is where we bake-in priority; IA-specific t['best_url'] = best_url or good_url or any_url return t